PMLN Archive

Director Colleges Sialkot Kidnapped by PML-N MNA Khawaja Muhammad Asif and his goondas of PML-N…. by Taufiq Butt: Shame on Khadim-e-Aala Punjab 1. Shahbaz Sharif increases house rent of his advisers by 200 percent against the advice of the Treasury Department. 2. PML-N’s leader (Khawaja Muhammad Asif) along with his workers kidnapped the Director of Colleges in

After dirty propaganda against Taseer family, Rana Sanaullah declares them as his blood relations: Related posts: Dirty propaganda against Salman Taseer and his family. What do ordinary Pakistanis say Mudslinging on Taseer family: Mind your language, PPP warns Rana Sanaullah Javed Chaudhry, the mouth piece of Taliban, writes an indecent column against Salman

Sharif Badmash: An Overview of Corruption of Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif: By: SAJJAD on September 2, 2008 TRUTH ABOUT HOW NAWAZ SHARIF TREATED THE MEDIA WHILST IN POWER One of the highest profile harassment was the victimization and harassment of journalists who had cooperated in the production of

Mudslinging on Taseer family: Mind your language, PPP warns Rana Sanaullah: Related posts: After dirty propaganda against Taseer family, Rana Sanaullah declares them as his blood relations Dirty propaganda against Salman Taseer and his family by right-wingers and fake liberals Javed Chaudhry, the mouth piece of Taliban, writes an indecent

Abbas Ather condemns personal attacks on Salman Taseer by PML-N: Related posts: Javed Chaudhry, the mouth piece of Taliban, writes an indecent column against Salman Taseer After dirty propaganda against Taseer family, Rana Sanaullah declares them as his blood relations Dirty propaganda against Salman Taseer and his family. What

Open Letter to CM Mr. Shahbaz Sharif. Where is your good governance in the IT Board Punjab?: By manfromaimc:November 18th, 2008 I want to convey my complaint to Khadim-e-Aalaa Punjab, about Secretary IT, Mr. Shamail Ahmad Khawaja who is also having additional charge of Chairman Punjab Information Technology Board. Dear CM, since this person has taken

Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan and Nawaz Sharif – Do you want to push Pakistan to the same old confrontation of 1990s? By Nazir Naji; also Express and Dawn..: Power-sharing in Punjab DEMOCRACY by definition is time-consuming. It is supposed to work through consultation, if not consensus, which takes time. But this should be no excuse for deferring and delaying things indefinitely. It is, therefore, shocking that the

Reinstatement of 6000 officials sacked by Nawaz Sharif in 1996: THE federal cabinet’s decision to reinstate 6,000 officials (with full benefits) sacked in 1996, ostensibly on political grounds, will be welcomed. It comes as a reminder of how ‘the steel frame’ of the Raj in South Asia that Pakistan

Nawaz Sharif and the Political Future of PML-N – by Khurshid Nadeem: An interesting analysis: PML-N lacks vision and organization.PML-N is solely dependent on Nawaz Sharif’s personal charisma.PML-N gets votes because of its Center Right inclinations.Shahbaz Sharif is the key difference

Cannibalising the PMLQ: Just as the nation was trying to concentrate its mind on the financial crisis and the Balochistan earthquake, party politics has descended to its murkiest, with “forward bloc” rumours springing thick and fast in Islamabad and Lahore. In a

Why does not Ayaz Amir resign from the PML(N)’s membership and then stage his ‘neutral’ criticism on the war on terror?: Ayaz Amir is the latest spokesman of the Taliban in the parliament. While pretending to be a neutral columnist, he always makes it a point to play to the gallery by criticizing the Pakistan’s war on terror. Why does

Dirty propaganda against Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif in Ocotber 1999 was spread by ISI and the supporters of Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba: In his op-ed today, Ata-ul-Haq Qasimi stresses the need to remember 5 July 1977 in the same spirit that PML(N) would like to remember 12 October 1999. Qasimi also notes that the agents of ISI and Taliban spread dirty

Is PML (Nawaz Sharif) a new friend of Taliban? Terrorists in the Parliament…: Inviting terrorists into parliament? The JUIf chief and one of the leaders of the ruling coalition, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, has demanded that the people who are called terrorists by the government should be allowed to present their point of

Terrorists of SSP-TTP-LeJ are a threat to Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif – by Cyril Almeida: The terror of this war By Cyril Almeida SUB-OPTIMAL. That’s probably the most generous way to describe statecraft in Pakistan. A week of debate on the debate in parliament and I’m ready to run to the hills. Or perhaps

The beginning of the Talibanization of Lahore? Hall road traders burn CDs after being threatened by terrorists of Sipah-e-Sahaba/Taliban: Monday, October 13, 2008by Ahmad Rafay Alam A significant event passed by relatively unnoticed last week when media reported that traders on Lahore’s Hall Road deliberately set alight thousands of pornographic VCDs and DVDs. The Anjuman-e-Tajiran had resolved to

PML(N), please adopt an open mind: In its editorial on 10 October 2008, Daily Dawn deplores the undue haste with which some political leaders including those belonging to PML(N) (as well as Jamaat-e-Islami) declared the in camera briefing unsatisfactory. This suggests that PML(N) is busy

PML(N) keen on protecting terrorists through a dubious stance on war on terror; The Pakistani Taliban are supported by the Afghan drug mafia: No consensus in sight on terror war policy: Joint session to resume on Monday By Ahmed Hassan (Dawn Report) ISLAMABAD, Oct 9: If the government aims at creating a national consensus on its strategy in the “war on terror”

Sectarian killers enter Punjab: The following report confirms that there is no difference between terrorists who are operating in different names. In other words: Taliban = Al-Qaeda = Sipah Sahaba = Lashkar Jhangavi = Jaish Muhammad = other terrorist groups. Unfortunately most of

Punjab’s undesirable politics of defection (i.e. Lota Politics): Despite advice from all sane quarters, Punjab is in the grip of a power tussle. A firm arrangement is making transition to an uncertain one that is going to be haunted by court cases and general acrimony. The PMLN

My choice today: Sat 24 May 2008: A meeting with Sarabjit Singh Musharraf really going? Pakistan May Turn Over U.S. ‘Spies’ to Iran Iran Claims Jundullah Militants, Led by Abdel Malik Regi, Are ‘Spies’ for the CIA By RICHARD ESPOSITO and BRIAN ROSS