Movie Review Archive

The Pink: She really loves You but you are coward: کاری کاری رینا ساری سان اندھیرے کیوں لائی روشنی کے پاؤں میں یہ بیڑیاں سی کیوں آئی بھجیا رے کیسے انگارے جیسے چھاؤں اندھیری ، دھوپ میلی کیوں ہے رے آپ اگر ایک فیمنسٹ ہیں اور آپ نے انرورادھو

Meena Kumari – by Waseem Altaf: Mahjabeen Bano (1932 –1972) a.k.a Meena Kumari, a prominent actress of Hindi cinema had a reputation for playing grief-stricken and tragic roles. Her life and prosperous career were marred by heavy drinking, troubled relationships, an ensuing deteriorating health, and

Debunking the high rating of ISI-funded movie WAAR – by Anas Abbas: The rating of ISI funded movie WAAR is 9.4 on IMDB. WAAR was a huge success in UK among the Pakistani community. However, here are the reasons why the 9.4 rating on IMDB has been fudged big time: 1)

Bollywood film takes on sexual harassment – by Shail Kumar Singh: Bollywood is tackling the subject of sexual harassment in the workplace, which campaigners say is increasingly becoming an issue as traditional gender roles change in modern urban India. “Hello Darling”, which was released on Friday, is inspired by the

Salam: A documentary film by Dr Babar Awan to clarify misconceptions about Islam and Quran: In April 2008, Senator Dr Babar Awan announced his intention to make an international documentary on the Holy Quran in response to a controversial film released by a Dutch parliamentarian. Senator Dr Babar Awan said the documentary was being