Indian administered Kashmir Archive

Al Qaeda incites Shia genocide in Indian-administered Kashmir: On 13 July 2013, Syria’s notorious Al Nusra Front (a branch of Al Qaeda in Iraq) incited Wahhabi and Deobandi Jihadists to kill Shia Muslmis in Badgam area of Indian-administered Kashmir. Soon after the inctiement by Saudi-backed Al Qaeda,

No fear of Deobandi militants in India: Shias in Srinagar observe the Arbaeen of Imam Hussain: Srinagar: 3 January 2012 – Tens of thousands of Shia Muslims in Indian administered Kashmir observed the Arabaen, the fortieth day (Chehlum) of the martyrdom of Prophet Mohammad’s grand son, Imam Hussain. Streets in the Kashmir valley were flooded

A breach of religious freedom: The 20-year ban on Muharram processions in Indian-administered Kashmir: Muharram processions remain banned in Srinagar since 1990. If, as the government argues, the situation has improved considerably, surely the people have a case for revocation of the ban? SYED ZAFAR MEHDI We are in Muharram, the month of

Kashmir Bleeds, Does Anyone Heed?- by Hafsa Khawaja: Befittingly termed once as ‘Heaven on Earth’, with millions martyred since the past 6 decades, thousands of half-widows, orphans and missing – Kashmir today is a Palestine-in-the-making of Asia. As the Kashmir intifada continues, anyone keeping a keen eye on

In Kashmir, YouTube generation defines new struggle – by Izhar Wani: Editor’s Note: While pseudo-liberal media and bloggers in Pakistan and elsewhere consistently ignore Kashmir people’s suffering at the hands of occupying army and police of India, and while Islamofacists are busy in slaughtering Christians, Ahmadis, Shias and Barelvis in

Not crushed, merely ignored: Tariq Ali on the recent killings in Kashmir: Related articles: Why is Pakistani media ignoring the situation in the Indian Occupied Kashmir? State sponsored terrorism in Indian Occupied Kashmir – by Abdul Nishapuri Source: London Review of Books A Kashmiri lawyer rang me last week in an

Shias of Kashmir: Socio-political dilemmas – by Sajjad Haider: Source: Kashmir Observer Come Muharram, the month of mourning, Kashmir’s Shia-dominated areas come alive with black banners, and now increasingly, with portraits of religio-political revolutionary leaders from Iran and beyond. The banners of modern day Shia icons from Iran

Why is Pakistani media ignoring the situation in the Indian Occupied Kashmir?: پاکستانی اخبارات کشمیر کوّریج کم ہارون رشید بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، اسلام آباد کرفیو میں صحافیوں سمیت کسی کو بھی باہر آنے کی اجازت نہیں ہے۔ بھارت کے زیر انتظام کشمیر میں جاری احتجاج اور اس کے

State sponsored terrorism in Indian Occupied Kashmir – by Abdul Nishapuri: State sponsored terrorism in Indian Occupied Kashmir remains an ugly blot on the face of democracy in India. The Kashmir dispute is the oldest unresolved international conflict in the world today. India’s forcible occupation of the State of Jammu