Fazlullah Archive

Congrats to the taliban for selecting Mullah Fazlullah known Pak Army killer: LUBP wishes to congratulate the Pro Taliban media and Political elite of Pakistan, who have have been hard at work to promote the shooters of Malala Youzafzai and killers of Pakistan Army. Felicitations to Ansar Abbasi and Orya

Deobandi Taliban release video of bomb blast killing Pakistan army’s Major General Sanaullah: Deoabandi Taliban terrorists (Takfiri Khawarij) have released interview of Mullah Fazlullah Deobandi in which he has proudly claimed the attack on General Sanaullah Niazi of Pakistan army who was martyred by TTP terrorists a few days ago. According to

Pakistan’s Top 10 Militant Commanders: By Amir Mir In a recent article, prominent Pakistani journalist Amir Mir warned that the killing of Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud was “unlikely to give Pakistan a reprieve” in its fight against the Islamic

Maulvi Umar: Ye Ghazi Ye Teray Pur-israr Banday: Maulvi Umar Thursday, 20 Aug, 2009 THE capture of Maulvi Umar, a success hot on the heels of the killing of Baitullah Mehsud, is another blow for the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan. Umar is the most high-profile of TTP leaders captured

Taliban commanders of Swat: From much sought after to ‘most wanted’ – by Zahid Hussain: The faces of militant commanders for whose capture the government has announced millions of rupees seem all too familiar. Just three weeks before the start of the latest round of military operation in Swat I met most of them

Farhat Taj: The army finally gets it right: It was retaliation par excellence. A convoy of the Pakistan army was ambushed by Taliban terrorists in the Kanjo area in Swat. The convoy had intended to go to Mangora to reinforce the army units there. Several soldiers died

Is it really declaration of war against Taliban ?: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! ISLAMABAD: The federal government on Thursday announced a full-scale military operation to wipe out the Taliban from the insurgency-hit areas. In a televised address to the nation, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said that after deliberations

Talibans’ Sharia doesn’t allow them to lay down arms !!! Talibans vow to to take their ‘struggle’ to new areas !: Swat Taliban refuse to lay down arms ISLAMABAD: Pakistani Taliban will not lay down their arms in a northwestern valley as part of a deal that included the introduction of sharia law but will take their ‘struggle’ to new

Farhat Taj: Life in Swat after the peace deal: On Feb 16 a peace agreement was signed between Sufi Mohammad, leader of the Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM) and the government of the NWFP with complete blessing of the PPP-led federal government. Sufi Mohammad reached Swat with a promise to convince

TTP Swat Threatens to Kill MPs Opposing their Brand of Shariah !!!: President Asif Ali Zardari on Sunday referred the draft Nizam-e-Adl Regulation, 2009 to Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, advising him to table it before parliament for debate prior to its implementation. Meanwhile both TTP & TNSM have said that

Taliban in Swat: Crippled and blind: Crippled and blind Tuesday, March 24, 2009 The media should have been reporting – and celebrating – the eradication of polio from Pakistan years ago. We were almost polio-free as recently as three years ago, whereas today this dreadful

Talat Masood: Revisiting the Swat deal with the Taliban: Revisiting the Swat deal Monday, March 23, 2009 Talat Masood The Swat peace agreement, signed between the Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat Mohammadi (TNSM) and the ANP-led government of the NWFP, seems to be running in serious difficulties. Broadly, the agreement aims at

Sufi Muhammad’s judicial system in Swat: Is it really Islamic?: Daily Express, 22 March 2009 .. Ill-judged Saturday, March 21, 2009 We have never seen the detail of the agreement made between the government of NWFP and the TNSM, if indeed any such detail exists. For all the world

Hard Talk: An interview with Sufi Muhammad, Leader of the TNSM in Swat, Pakistan: HARDtalk: “If Fazlullah does not appear in court when summoned, he will be acting against shariat” —Sufi Muhammad, Leader of the TNSM * Keeping weapons is allowed in Islam* The military violated the ceasefire* No objection to a cantonment

Swat – Dispatches: Pakistan’s Taliban Generation: A TV documentary worth watching. Dispatches: Pakistan’s Taliban Generation (Channel 4). By Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoyhttp://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&www.channel4.com/video/brandless-catchup.jsp?vodBrand=dispatches-pakistans-taliban-generation It was horrifying to say the least. It seems that brute force alone can’t eliminate these throat-slitting animals. It is an ideology and not restricted

A resident of Swat writes: What the people of Swat really wanted: What the people of Swat really wanted Tuesday, February 24, 2009 Lakhkar Khan The writer is a resident of Swat who had to flee his home and is currently living in Lahore. The Feb 16 agreement hasresulted in the

ANP deal with TNSM in Swat: A critical perspective: Can ANP afford to offer more sacrifices against a ruthless enemey (ISI-Taliban allaince)?

Imran Khan’s PTI vows to follow the Mullah Fazullah militancy model…: Govt. will be accountable if it disrupts long march: CheemaUpdated at: 2325 PST, Friday, February 20, 2009 (The News) LAHORE: Secretary Information Tehrik-e-Insaaf Umar Sarfaraz Cheema said the government will be held responsible if it tried to disrupt long

Implications of the Swat deal —Najmuddin A Shaikh: Implications of the Swat deal —Najmuddin A Shaikh It is a sad but almost foregone conclusion that this agreement will be no more effective than the ones concluded in the past, and that while there will be a welcome

Ansar Abbasi: Indian agents to be wiped out from Swat: Ansar Abbasi’s following op-ed needs a critical examination. Who are the Indian agents in Swat? Those who blew up girls and boys schools? Those who broadcast sectarian and violent sermons on FM Radio? Those who behead innocent men and

"Royally screwed": Pakistan (Army) has essentially abandoned Pakistani citizens in Swat and thrown them to the mercy of the TNSM and the Taliban: Raptus regaliter Hit and run Thursday, February 19, 2009 Shakir Husain Latin and Punjabi have a lot in common. For starters there are some choice words in both languages, which simply cannot be found in other languages, nor do

A crash course for FM radio jamming for our engineers in Pakistan Army: Jamming: a primer Tuesday, February 17, 2009 Chris Cork Much has been talked but little actually done in the matter of jamming the so-called “Mullah Radio” that has done much to inflame the situation in Swat. The government appears

Jane’s Swat holiday – By Masood Hasan: Jane’s Swat holiday Sunday, February 15, 2009 Masood Hasan (Jane and Harry, two American tourists, decided to take a holiday in Swat recently. Their reasons were simple. Harry has been a member of the AA and not made much

So, Pakistan does not have technology to jam an illegal FM radio station in Swat?: BBC Urdu dot com: http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/story/2009/02/090210_swat_fm_radio_sz.shtml A relevant comment: Ghost Of TK said: The mystery of illegal FM transmitters in FATA. I wonder how “Pak” Fauj will react once the “Islamic Emirate of Seraikistan” starts its FM transmissions

Why then has the great ISI, the Mother of All Agencies, not been able to find Mullah Radio’s radio station? Asks Kamran Shafi: Swat, one more timeBy Kamran ShafiTuesday, 10 Feb, 2009 | 02:14 PM PST | ….And now for the feedback on last week’s piece in which I had suggested a huge caravan made up of all the political parties: leaders,

Mr. Holbrooke, in order to understand the situation in Pakistan, you need to have a grip on the Mullah-Military Alliance in Swat….: A dangerous trend — Talimand Khan Why has the security apparatus failed to cut the militants’ supply lines; how come random journalists can talk to Fazlullah but security forces are unable to track him down; and if the state’s

Swat: Taliban terrorists warn lawyers and judges to stop attending the regular courts or risk death.: General Kayani, what is stopping you to arrest Fazullah, your comrade in arms? Madness in the mountainsFriday, February 06, 2009 The militants who control most of Swat have gone mad. They have now threatened to kill lawyers and judges,

A Swati journalist writes an open lettter / appeal to Mullah Fazlullah: The writ of the state? ISI-Taliban Alliance? No Comments…

The third phase of military operation in Swat: Will it be any different?: Will it be any different? THE third phase of Operation Rah-i-Haq underway in Swat has been talked up by the government and the Pakistan Army on the grounds of a ‘new strategy’. While we must wait to see the

Swat asks many questions – by Sohail Qalandar and Tanvir Qaiser Shahid: The siege of Swat (Swat ka muhasira) – by Tanvir Shahid Swat ka sawal… By Sohail Qalandar Pakistan Army is protecting the Taliban to impose their brand of sharia, destroy schools, pressurize the ANP leadership to negotiate with the

Amir Mir: Has Swat fallen to the Taliban?: Wednesday 21 January 2009 LAHORE: Fifteen months after the launching of a military operation in the lush-green picturesque valley of Swat by the Pakistan army to dismantle the militant network of Maulana Fazalullah, a major part of the mountainous

Mingora’s ‘Khooni’ chowk and the rise of Fauji Taliban in Swat – By Baela Raza Jamil: Saturday, January 10, 2009 The emerging lexicon of ’emergencies and violence’ in the name of religion such as ‘Khooni chowk’ ‘Fauji Taliban’ etc., trigger the urgency for redefining our belief and value systems and what we mean by civil

What is happening in Swat? A local Swati explains the whole story: By Afzal Khan:December 30th, 2008 I belong to Swat and have closely observed the present militant uprising in Swat two years back. The solution to present situation in Swat is very simple. It just needs sincerity from the government

From Karachi to Swat, the Taliban are active. Shame on those in a state of denial: FROM Karachi to Swat, the Taliban are active. Shame on you Imran Khan, Hamid Gul, Kashif Abbasi, Mushtaq Minhas. Are you still in a state of denial? From Karachi to Swat FROM Karachi to Swat, the Taliban are active.