Drones & Drone Attacks Archive

The Rightist Judicio-Politico Mafia – by Anas Muhammad: Saturday February 13 – The Chief Justice of Pakistan defied Presidential orders through a suo moto action against the Presidential notification for appointment of certain judges. Chief Justice, in a rare nightly emergency session, formed a three members

Reconciliation Is No Silver Bullet – by Anas Muhammad: Two years ago – February 2008 – Pakistan began its transformation to democracy with a general election that brought Benazir Bhutto’s PPP (Pakistan People’s Party) into power. The party decided to continue its policy, introduced by its slain leader

Drone attacks and US reputation — by Farhat Taj: In terms of the drone attacks, the US must not make any distinction between al Qaeda and the Taliban. They both have internalised a global ideology that is anti-civilisation and anti-human There is news coming up in the media

Yes, they have ruined us – by Sehar Tauqeer: 1. We, the 170 million Pakistanis, don’t know till when we will have to eat ‘fruits’ of these ‘ruiners of Pakistan’, the so called ‘Islamic Right Wing’ propaganda war machines, who Ayyaz Amir recently termed as Laptop Warriors, the pseudo Islamic Parties – Saleem Safi

Slaughter on the volleyball field as Taliban wreak revenge on villagers: Police said the attack was possibly retaliation against residents who had set up a militia to expel Taliban fighters from the area Photo: BBC Here comes Taliban’s new year gift to the nation. Friends of Taliban (Ansar Abbasi, Shahid

President Obama, please send one drone to the Jihadi / sectarian hub in South Punjab please!: Fears rise over militants in Punjab Tuesday, 06 Oct, 2009 (Dawn) Despite the ban, and repeated vows by

Tahir Yuldashev: end of a regional terrorist: Yuldashev: end of a regional terrorist The death in South Waziristan of Qari Tahir Yuldashev by an American drone closes the career of a

US threatens airstrikes in Pakistan: From The Sunday Times September 27, 2009 Christina Lamb in Washington The United States is threatening to launch airstrikes on Mullah Omar and the Taliban leadership in the Pakistani city of Quetta as frustration mounts about the ease with

Pakistani Taliban admit Mehsud killed in US strike. Thank, you President Obama!: The USA Drone attacks against the Al Qaeda / Taliban / Sipah-e-Sahab hideouts in Pakistan are proving effective. Thanks, President Obama, for continuing the proactive elimination of terrorists in Pakistan’s tribal area. The next target in line is Hakimullah

Two opposite perspectives on drone attacks and Baitullah Mehsud: Irfan Siddiqui (a pro-Taliban journalist) and Latif Chaudhry (a pro-democracy journalist) offer two opposite perspecitves on the US drone attacks on the Taliban/Al Qaeda hideouts. These two articles are followed by an analysis by Saleem Safi

Does Pakistani State Really Control FATA, which is under CIA’s drones’ attack ?: According to Wikipedia —–“Sovereignty is the right to exercise, within a territory, the functions of a state, exclusive of any other state, and subject to no other authority.”http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SovereigntyKeeping aforementioned definition in mind, are we really justified to term drones’

Target: terror secretariat in Miranshah – by Farhat Taj: The Taliban are a diverse mix of different groups, each led by its own leader, which support each other in militancy. Still, it is not uncommon to see two Taliban groups at cross-purposes with each other, and fighting. At

There is nothing wrong with the drone attacks on an area where there is Taliban’s (instead of Pakistan’s) writ.: Logic of drone attacks A US drone attack in Orakzai agency has killed 12 recruits of the Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) of Baitullah Mehsud, including one local leader. An Arab too has been killed while the family of the

US offers $5m reward for Baitullah Mehsud: WASHINGTON: The United States on Wednesday offered up to $11 million in rewards to find and capture three Al Qaeda terrorists, including Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan chief Baitullah Mehsud. The US announced a $5 million bounty for the location or arrest

US drone strikes hurt Al-Qaeda in Pakistan: Sunday, 22 Mar, 2009 (Dawn) A six-month campaign of Predator strikes in Pakistan has seriously damaged the Al-Qaeda structure. — Reuters LOS ANGELES: A six-month campaign of Predator strikes in Pakistan has seriously damaged the Al-Qaeda structure there, forcing

Drone attack on a terrorist camp in Kurram agency kills at least 30: Why do not our own intelligence agencies / ISI / Army/ Air Force / Police route out such terrorist / jihadi/ sectarian camps? Thank you Obama for cleaning the dirt of the ISI/Taliban duo in Pakistan.

South Waziristan: US drones kill 26; most of them Uzbek Taliban / Al-Qaeda operatives..: S Waziristan: US drones attack toll reaches to 16 Updated at: 1140 PST, Saturday, February 14, 2009 WANA: The death toll of US missile attack in Ladha area of South Waizirstan has reached to 16. According to sources, US

Reviewing Pakistan- Afghanistan policy: Sunday, February 08, 2009 Lt-Gen (r) Talat Masood The US being a super power enjoys a unique status around the world and cannot be treated as any other country. For Pakistan US means even more, as no other country

President Obama ‘orders Pakistan drone attacks’; also, why are drone attacks important?: (US Air Force/EPA) A Predator drone Tim Reid in Washington (Times Online, 23 January 2009) Missiles fired from suspected US drones killed at least 15 people inside Pakistan today, the first such strikes since Barack Obama became president and

Pakistan’s sovereignty, America and the Taliban…: American drones and Taliban terrorism An important visit by the chief of US Central Command (CENTCOM), General David Petraeus, on Tuesday ended on a note of disagreement in Islamabad. President Asif Ali Zardari “expressed concern” over the US drone

Two Qaeda Leaders including the mastermind of the Marriott Hotel Bombing Killed in U.S. Strike in Pakistan: By ERIC SCHMITTJanuary 8, 2009 WASHINGTON — An American missile strike on Jan. 1 in Pakistan’s tribal areas killed two senior leaders of Al Qaeda, including one militant suspected of overseeing last September’s deadly suicide bombing at a Marriott

A confusing policy on drone attacks – by Nasim Zehra: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 (The News) The gap is too obvious between what Pakistani government representatives state and what appears to be the reality. For example, the recent statements by the president and prime minister hoping that the Obama

Aligning regional security policies – By Khalid Aziz: Tuesday, November 25, 2008Khalid Aziz What was projected to occur within the next few weeks in my last article has come to pass already; the drones for the first time attacked a target inside the district of Bannu and

Rashid Rauf, a fugitive British militant, was killed in a US air strike in North Waziristan, a haven for militants and the Taleban: UK militant ‘killed in Pakistan’ (BBC News, 22 Nov 2008) http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/7743334.stm Rashid Rauf escaped from police custody in Pakistan in 2007 A fugitive British militant linked to an alleged UK plot to use liquid bombs to blow up

Robocop meets Baitullah Mehsud. success will be achieved in Afghanistan if that country is managed as a tribal & traditional state – By Khalid Aziz.: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 During the past week or so, militants have carried out serious attacks in Peshawar and nearby Jamrud in Khyber agency. It included the unfortunate murder of development worker Stephen Vance, the kidnapping of an Iranian

An analysis of drone / missile attacks on Al-Qaeda and Taliban hideouts in Pakistan’s tribal areas. March-Nov 2008… Dawn, BBC, Daily Times Reports: 1. The majority of the USA drone attacks on Pakistan’s tribal areas are quite precise in hitting their targets, i.e. Uzbek, Arab, and other foreign and local militant training / operation centers in Pakistan’s tribal areas. (Read the news

Drone Attacks on Pakistan, Syria shows the way to Pakistan – by Rahimullah Yusufzai: Saturday, November 08, 2008 The writer is resident editor of The News in Peshawar The way the Syrian government and people reacted to a recent US military raid on a village in Syria near the Iraqi border forced one

Need for review of US anti-terror policy in Pakistan: Tuesday, November 04, 2008Khalid Aziz Since September there have been 19 missile attacks on suspected terrorists by the US, most of them in Waziristan. They have led to the deaths of some foreign fighters; at the same time they

Unless there is precision in drone attacks on confirmed Al-Qaeda & Taliban hideouts in Pakistan’s tribal areas, such attacks may be counterproductive.: Counterproductive US raids into FATA As “drone attacks” increase from across the Durand Line into Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said in Islamabad Saturday that “American and NATO missile strikes inside Pakistan are

Drone attacks and ground assaults – By Rahimullah Yusufzai: Drone attacks and ground assaults Saturday, October 25, 2008 Rahimullah Yusufzai Whether it was General Pervez Musharraf’s dictatorship or Asif Ali Zardari’s democratic set-up, the government came to the conclusion that it cannot afford to antagonize the US by