CNN Archive

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh believes that Hillary Clinton approved the sending of sarin gas to Syria: Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh believes that Hillary Clinton approved the sending of sarin gas to Syria. At a time when Clinton is trying to secure the 2016 democratic presidential nomination, Hersh is coming forward with allegations that

Al Jazeera, CNN & BBC cover up Genocidal crimes of US – Backed Syrian Rebels: DAMASCUS– (Analysis) This week, Syria saw one of its most deadly attacks against civilians fleeing al-Qaeda-held areas in Al-Fu’ah and Kafrayah through a government-rebel civilian swap. Rebels targeted and killed 126 people, including dozens of women and children,

#TrumpMustGo: Trump Regime loses legitimacy in the light of Madonna’s Revolution: Question: Should another country therefore have the right to intervene in the U.S.? Considering the history of US foreign policy when it comes to intervening in foreign countries to overthrow governments, we need to ask ourselves this question: do

خرم زکی : اسلامی انتہاپسندوں نے انسانی حقوق کے سرگرم کارکن اور بلاگ تعمیر پاکستان کو قتل کردیا -رپورٹ سی این این: خرم زکی نے کئی سالوں تک اسلامی انتہاپسندی (دیوبندی -سلفی تکفیری دہشت گردی ) کے خلاف کام کیا اور ان کو اس کی قیمت اپنی جان دیکر چکانا پڑی خرم زکی کے ساتهی اور وکیل جبران ناصر کے مطابق

American deaths in terrorism vs. gun violence in one graph: (CNN)During his presidency, President Barack Obama has had to deliver statements on gun violence 15 times. After a gunman opened fire at Oregon’s Umpqua Community College, killing nine people and injuring seven, a visibly upset Obama said the

BBC and CNN’s Sectarian Agenda – by Faheem Raza: I have been monitoring BBC, CNN and other leading newspapers of west surprised for me that they reported that Gaza and Arab conflicts with neocons agenda. They termed Syria war Shia –Sunni conflict but never tell the truth

Response to Peter Bergen’s CNN article on Boston marathon bombings – by Ali Rizvi: Editor’s note : This article is a response to Peter Bergen’s article in CNN an highlights an alternative view of the media frenzy about the Boston Marathon blasts. More than a hundred people are dead to global terrorism in the past seven

The good, the bad and the ugly – by Zarrar Khuhro: The writer is Associate News Editor, The Express Tribune Pakistanis are used to carnage. We’re used to bomb blasts, assassinations and industrial accidents. We know that when the tickers turn red, more often than not, something terrible has happened.

‘Chief Sahab’ how was this ‘interview’ possible under house arrest? – by Farhad Jarral and Hafsa Khawaja: A few baffling events have come into view, including the situations that occurred during the tumultous time of Musharraf’s November 3 Emergency and the Judiciary Movement such as the interviews conducted by various media names with CJ Iftikhar Muhammad