Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Archive

اداریہ تعمیر پاکستان:گزرنے والا سال مظلوم مذھبی و نسلی اقلتیوں کے لیے امید کم اور خوف کا سال زیادہ تھا: آج دو ہزار تیرہ کا آخری دن ہے اور کل 2014ء کی شروعات ہونے والی ہے-گزرنے والا سال پاکستان میں انسانی حقوق کی صورت حال کے حوالے سے 2012ء سے مختلف نہیں تھا ستمبر 2013ء میں وزرات قانون،انصاف و

PAKISTAN/SAUDI ARABIA: Save poor Pakistanis from being beheaded in Saudi Arabia: ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION – URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-095-2013 ISSUES: Death penalty; right to life; right to fair trial; drug trafficking; impunity; rule of law Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information

The government of Nawaz Sharif has decided to do away with the Ministry of Human Rights: The newly elected government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has decided to do away with the Ministry of Human Rights and merged it with the Ministry of Law and Justice. Through this act of federal government the human

Asian Human Rights Commission’s report on minorities in Pakistan: World’s concern about minorities in Pakistan Nasir Saeed The issue of minority rights in Pakistan is discussed often around the world these days, in parliaments, human rights groups like Amnesty International, religious freedom departments, foreign affairs committees and international

Deobandi militants of ASWJ-LeJ killed Parveen Rehman: AHRC Report: ASWJ/LeJ have turned Pakistan into a mad country: Asian Human Rights Commission’s statement on Parveen Rehman’s assassination PAKISTAN: The Country has gone Mad, No Doubt When a small lady weighing hardly 60 kilograms working for the betterment of poor

#ShiaGenocide in Pakistan: Military and Militants – by Yousuf Nazar: Pakistan’s top military spokesman Director General (DG) Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Asim Salim Bajwa on Thursday spoke with the media and rejected the impression that any banned organisation was being supported, saying that the armed forces were

Asian Human Rights Commission: What exactly is preventing Pakistan military and judiciary from action on #ShiaGenocide?: Shia genocide — What exactly is preventing the military and the judiciary from performing their duties against militancy? After hearing the accusations of covert and overt support for sectarian terrorism and the terrorists the state institutions, like the judiciary

Asian Human Rights Commission report on Army-Saudi Arabian nexus behind Shia genocide: The Asian Human Rights Commission strongly protests the murders of members of the Hazaras Shia community. A series of bombings in Hazaras town, Quetta, the capital of Balochistan province, claimed many lives, all of them members of the Shia

Pakistani Generals’ War on Innocent Baluch: Asian Human Rights Report: PAKISTAN: For the arrest of one guerilla leader, military units kill more than fifty innocent citizens, including women and children In the middle of the night of Dec 24-25, more than 12 gunship helicopters started shelling on Mehi village,

Punjabi Police Protecting Nawaz Sharif’s Paedophile Comrades: Asian Human Rights Report: PAKISTAN: Police protect perpetrators who poisoned a young man after sexually assaulting him The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 19-year-old tea vender was sodomised and poisoned, and that he later died in hospital. The

AHRC’s statement on Babusar massacre: Once again, men in military uniforms kill Shia Muslims in Pakistan: PAKISTAN: Once again, men in military uniforms kill Shia Muslims Saturday, 18 August 2012, Press Release: Asian Human Rights Commission FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AHRC-STM-165-2012 PAKISTAN: Men in uniforms of the armed forces went on a rampage of sectarian violence

Pakistan: Killings of Shias continue unabated under the very nose of military – Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) statement: Note: While the mainstream media and rights organizations in Pakistan have been silent on the ongoing Shia Genocide in Pakistan, LUBP welcomes and commends the report by Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) that presents the real condition of Shias

Justice for Qudoos: On 30 March 2012 a well-known and much loved Ahmadi Muslim, Mr Master Abdul Qudoos Ahmad (43), died after succumbing to injuries inflicted during brutal torture by local police in Rabwah, Pakistan. He was a well known government school

We condemn ISI-sponsored defamation campaign against AHRC: We condemn harassment of Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) by the ISI (Pakistan army’s spy agency). In contrast to the shameful silence of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), Amnesty International (AI) and other human rights groups on

AHRC Report: It is hard to refute the accusation that military is involved in killing of Shias in Pakistan: Related posts: Shia massacre in Gilgit: Media apathy and misrepresentation of Shia genocide in Pakistan Those committing genocides in Pakistan and their handlers are repeat offenders – by Dr. Mohammad Taqi In a cold blooded attack by men in

AHRC Report: Brutal sectarian violence against Shias continues unabated in Pakistan: Editor’s Note: In cross posting the Asian Human Rights Commission Report on the continued Shia massacres in Pakistan one should acknowledge the efforts of princpled and uncompromising human rights activists like Mureed Bizenjo, Salma Jafar, Laiba Marri (all 3 from

AHRC appeal: DG ISI Gen Shuja Pasha must be prosecuted for hatching conspiracy against democracy: ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION – URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME Related post: Jang Group must refrain from harassing Ali Dayan Hasan of Human Rights Watch Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-248-2011 Send an Appeal Letter PAKISTAN: The head of the ISI must be

Jalil Reki’s murder is a test case for rights champion Sherry Rehman – by Laibaah: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine While elite media and human rights organizations are currently busy in projecting Sherry Rehman (Pakistan’s new Ambassador to the USA) as a champion of human rights in Pakistan, here is a first opportunity for Ambassador Rehman

Kidnappers of Taseer’s son want release of Mumtaz Qadri – by Amir Mir: Related posts: Bold statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on Shia massacres in Pakistan under the patronage by Pakistan army In support of Shahbaz Taseer ****** Expressing grave concern over the release of Malik Mohammad Ishaq, one of

Amnesty’s statement masks Deep State’s role in Shia massacres in Pakistan: Cross-posted from: Pakistan Blogzine It was amusing as well as educating to see how some urban (seemingly) liberal Pakistani tweeps and media persons uncritically recycled and reported the Amnesty and HRCP’s recent statements on the systematic and ongoing Shia

Resistance and Law: Land Mark Decision by Indian Supreme Court – by Shaheryar Ali: “…people do not take arms, in an organized fashion, against the might of the state, or against fellow human beings without rhyme or reason. Guided by an instinct for survival, and according to Thomas Hobbes, a fear of lawlessness

Wolf with the wings – by Sangeen Khan: My late grandmother would always have amusing lullabies for me. I can only remember one which I loved to chorus but could never imitate the grief and helplessness she would have in her tone for it didn’t make any

AHRC Statement: Corruption cases against Generals, Air Marshals and Admirals are the test of an independent judiciary: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – AHRC-STM-241-2009 December 8, 2009 – A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission PAKISTAN: Corruption cases against Generals, Air Marshals and Admirals are the test of an independent judiciary Successive governments and courts are conspicuously