27 December Archive

دسمبر کی آخری شب اور نیا سال – عامر حسینی: میں ابھی ابھی دسمبر کی آخری رات کا آخری لمحہ اس جگہ گزار کر واپس آیا ہوں جہاں ہم تین دوست دسمبر کی اس آخری رات کا آخری لمحہ گزارا کرتے تھے اور پچھلے سال دسمبر کی آخری رات

دسمبر: دسمبر دسمبر کی آخری راتیں ہیں اور مجھے پھر سے راتوں کو نیند نہیں آرہی ہے-یادوں کا ایک ریلا ہے جو میرے دماغ کی ردکوہی میں سیلاب لے آیا ہے اور میں اس ریلے میں دور تک گھیسٹتا چلا

To those who don’t ‘value’ their life: A comment on Bilawal’s speech in Garhi Khuda Bux – by Pejamistri: If there is any family who could deserve the bravery award not as individuals but as a family, it is the Bhutto Family. Generations after generations they are faced with life threats and death. But still they bravely speak

A Benazir Bhutto will be born in every home! So how many Benazirs will you slay? -by Hina Mehr Nadeem: Benazir Bhutto, a character larger than life and the finest political leader among her contemporaries torchbearer of women rights in a society like Pakistan, has rightly been regarded as the daughter of the East and a lady who stood

The historical legacy of 27th December -by H.A. Khan: In 2007,two movements took place in Pakistan.One belongs to the poor working class and the second belongs to the lawyers.Hundreds of non civil society people were in one movement and the same number of civil society was in the

No bullet can kill the “Benazir” in my heart! – by Saria Benazir: “I know death comes. I’ve seen too much death, young death”. Benazir Bhutto is no less than an idol of worship to me – the name engraved on my compassion and psyche from my evolution and the very

The Life and Legacy of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed: Remember, remember, the 27th of December! The night that tore the heavens asunder! In her autobiography, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed writes of the time when she was allowed to travel to England in 1984 for medical treatment by the most

Where in a white building lay all the parables of red – by Saria Benazir: Moments too spiteful, I gaze back three years, I stumble on blood everywhere, God! Ain’t it a nightmare, I catch an austere glower, Is that all fair? Nothing sounds fine to ears, Eyes show nothing, but tears, I lost

Benazir Bhutto: A charismatic leader – by Hamza Ameer: Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, the first women leader of a Muslim nation in modern history, a woman who represented a family filled with brilliance and a nation leading ability, a family that reached out to the needs of the

A flashback of the Benazir Murder – By Taha Kehar: On the evening of 27th December, 2007, we edged along the crowded Shahrah-e-Faisal in Karachi. A cold winter breeze drifted in from a car window that had been left open for ventilation. Air-conditioners were a redundant luxury now that