Tulsi Gabbard Archive

Tulsi Gabbard mentioned Khurram Zaki in her speech unlike commercial Liberals – by Pejamistri: Tulsi Gabbard mentioned Khurram Zaki in her speech yesterday. It is indeed a big and good news as Khurram Zaki was not someone who had support of mainstream media in Pakistan, he was not Marvi Sirmid, Raza Rumi

Rutgers University’s 10th annual Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) day keynote address by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Namaste. Salam Alaikum. Aloha. Thank you for inviting me to be with you as we all come together from different faiths and spiritual paths to stand in solidarity for freedom and peace. Sadly, as we look around us

Tulsi Gabbard, True Maverick: It’s nice to be reminded on occasion that not all of our so-called representatives in Congress have gone over to the dark side. While the majority of our federal lawmakers exist to blindly serve the military-industrial

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard returns from Syria with renewed calls: End regime change war in Syria now: Washington, DC—Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02) returned to Washington, DC after a week-long visit to Damascus, Aleppo, and Beirut to see and hear firsthand the impact of the war in Syria directly from the Syrian people. She heard stories of

The Atlantic’s Petty Mudslinging against Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: By publishing “The GOP’s Favourite Democrat Goes to Syria”, The Atlantic does both itself and the cause of liberal progressiveness, a major disservice. The article is rife with petty digs, crucial omissions and weak analogies. In its desperation to

Soldier to Secretary: Tulsi Spring will Revitalize the World: Nomination of Secretary of State will be made in a few days. It is President-elect Trump’s privilege to appoint a person who can practice his vision in dealing with the uncertain and chaotic world to which the contribution of

How we lost the Middle East by tying our camels with the Saudis: Since the overly-hyped “Arab spring” was selectively launched by sectarian Gulf despots to eliminate their secular rivals in 2011, the United States has picked the wrong side. In Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, Libya and even Iraq, the United States

امریکہ کا سعودی عرب کے ساتھ ملکر وہابی ازم کو پھیلانا پورے ایشیا کی تباہی کا سبب بن رہا ہے۔ڈاکٹر کرسٹنا لین: نوٹ : ڈاکٹر کرسٹنا لین ایس اے آئی ایس۔جان ہاپکنز یونیورسٹی میں مرکز برائے ٹرانس انٹلانٹک ریلشنز کی ریسرچ فیلو ہیں جہاں وہ چائنا۔مڈل ایسٹ/میڈیٹرین ریلشنز میں سپشلائز کررہی ہیں اور وہ جین ز کیمکل ،بائیولوجیکل ،ریڈیالوجیکل اینڈ

Trump Transition: As Secretary of State, Tulsi Gabbard offers potential for peace with Syria, Russia: so far as world peace and prosperity goes, most of the names currently being kicked around for America’s top diplomatic position do not inspire a great deal of confidence. It’s easy to feel uneasy when you see recycled neoconservative

Bombshell: Congresswoman tells CNN U.S. Gov funds ISIS: Brave Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard told CNN that the U.S. government funds both ISIS and Al Qaeda, in a live interview. According to the Hawaii representative, Donald Trump’s priority as President should be de-funding both of these terrorist organisations as

پاگل پن کا خاتمہ ضروری ہے: امریکی کانگریس ویمن تلسی گبیرڈ نے دہشت گردوں کو اسلحہ و فنڈ کی فراہمی روکنے کا بل متعارف کرادیا: امریکی کانگریس ویمن تلسی گبیرڈ نے امریکی ایوان نمائندگان میں “سٹاپ دی ارمنگ ٹیررسٹ ایکٹ” بل کا پیش کیا ہے۔اس بل کا مقصد خفیہ آپریشنز اور تھرڈ سٹیٹس کے زریعے سے عالمی دہشت گرد گروپوں کو اسلحہ فراہم کرنے

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard stands with environmental activists at standing rock: Rep (D) Gabbard continues to affirm that she is a true progressive. She has resisted the Democratic party establishment on their regime change policy in Syria and the subsequent support to Al Qaeda. While the old guard is

Tulsi is the the most suitable pick for Secretary of State makes for a team of Rivals: Tulsi Gabbard will always stand on principle. She is not like other politicians who run after money and sell out to Saudis. She will have the interest of the oppressed Sunni Sufi Shia Hindu Christian Yazidi and others at

Tulsi is the right person to take on the exclusionist ideologies of ISIS & others: Two weeks after Donald Trump’s shocking upset of Hillary Clinton, the imperious and imperial neoconservatives and their liberal-interventionist understudies may finally be losing their tight grip on U.S. foreign policy. The latest sign was Trump’s invitation for a meeting

Al-Saud and their Puppet Obama Humiliated: For the first time, Congress votes To override President’s “Sept 11” bill veto: Millions of dollars spent by Saudi Arabia to stop legislation allowing families of terrorism victims to Sue against Saudi Arabia Another defeat to powerful Saudi lobby in United States of America and this is time to mourn

Saudi skeptics gain strength in Congress: Lawmakers in both parties are growing more skeptical of the U.S. alliance with Saudi Arabia. This week, 27 senators — three Republicans and 24 Democrats — voted against a $1.15 billion arms sale to the country. That wasn’t

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s clear condemnation of the hateful Deobandi ideology that killed the Sufi giant Amjad Sabri: All lovers of Ahlul Bayt (the family of Prophet Mohammed Pubhp) welcome Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s statement on Amjad Sabri’s brutal murder by Deobandi Wahhabi terrorists, to be a lover of Ahlul Bayt there is no required religion, sect, culture