Sunni Sufi & Barelvi Archive

Will the silent Sunni Barelvi majority rise against the brutal Taliban-SSP-LeJ terrorists?: Clashing interpretations of Islam Sufi Muhammad of the TNSM and the Swat Taliban led by the TTP have rejected the Darul Qaza judges appointed by the NWFP government in the Malakand-Swat region. Sufi Muhammad’s explanation for rejecting the appointment

From Jamea Hafsa to Rahman Baba – by Farhat Taj: Attack on Pakhtun culture Tuesday, March 24, 2009 Farhat Taj In February this year someone circulated an email on one of the email lists I am a member of and was talking about the possibility of any attacks by

Eid Miladun Nabi versus Talibanisation: This year the festival of the “third Eid” of Islam was observed with unprecedented exuberance. Eid Miladun Nabi, the Birthday of the Holy Prophet PBUH, has always been the most important of the three Eids, but in this season

Taliban attack the tomb of Rahman Baba in Peshawar: William Dalrymple on the attack: Wahhabi radicals are determined to destroy a gentler, kinder Islam: General Zia’s Wahhabi legacy in Pakistan: In identifying General Zia-ul-Haq’s great dis-service to Islam and Pakistan, Green Sufi writes: “It is hard to say the General’s rule was a bed of roses for Islam. Some steps he took could

Eid Milad-un-Nabi Mubarak: Mawlid celebrations: Eid Milad-un-Nabi / Mawlid Mubarak Mawlid (Eid Milad an Nabi) (also knonwn as Mawlid or Mevlid) is a term

Remembering Wasif Ali Wasif: Wasif Ali Wasif (15 January 1929 – 18 January 1993) was a writer, poet and sufi from Pakistan who was famous for his unique literary style. He used to write short pieces of prose on topics such as life,

Taliban / Sipah-e-Sahaba kill a Barelvi scholar in Quetta: Leaders of Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Pakistan (JUP), a religion-political organization representing Barelvis/Sufi Muslims in Pakistan has protested against the brutal killing of Allama Habibi by sectarian terrorists. …. Sunni leader gunned down in Quetta QUETTA: Unidentified men killed Jamaat Ahl-e-Sunnat Wal

Remembering a true Sufi: Pir Naseeruddin of Golra Sharif: Pir Naseeruddin of Golra Sharif passes away Observer Report Islamabad—Sajjada Nasheen of Golra Sharif Pir Syed Naseeruddin Nasir died of heart attack in Islamabad Friday. He was fifty-nine years of age. Naseeruddin Gilani was true Ashaq-e-Rasool, spiritual leader, religious

Taliban kill another Barelvi Pir in Budaber, Peshawar: The terrorist of Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba (an alliance of extremist Deobandis and Wahhabis) slaughtered

What happened to Pir Samiullah’s body is a dangerous symbolism, to many people in Swat it was wilfully permitted by the Army: Hanging a dead pir Saturday, December 27, 2008 Farhat Taj Pir Samiullah of Swat was reportedly encouraged by the army stationed in Swat to raise a lashkar against

Why did the Taliban in Swat exhume Pir Samiullah’s body? Because Pir was from Barelvi sect!: Why did Swat militants exhume Pir Samiullah’s body Friday, December 19, 2008 by Delawar Jan PESHAWAR: The exhumation and hanging of Pir Samiullah’s body at a square after his killing petrified the already terrified people of the militancy-plagued Swat

The Taliban in Swat (a joint group of extremists Deobandis and Wahhabis) kill their rival Sunni Barelvi Pir Samiullah. ISI a silent accomplice?: In Mingora, Swat, Taliban have killed one of their chief opponents in Swat, residents and officials said on Tuesday. But residents of the scenic mountain valley and a senior government politician said increasingly brazen militant attacks were raising fear

Maulana Tariq Jameel must boldly condemn suicide attacks by Takfiri Deobandi terrorists of Sipah Sahaba and Taliban: Here is a critical article by veternal journalist Haroon-ur-Rashid about Taliban apoloigst stance of Maulana Tariq Jamil (head of the Tablighi Jamaat). Also included are some news items about Mullah Tariq Jamil’s wife’s visit to aN expensive beauty parlour

Intra-Sunni conflict: Deobandi Takfiris of Sipah-e-Sahaba have killed many Sunni Barelvis: The War Within? Intra-Sunni conflict adds yet another dimension to Karachi’s war with itself. By Massoud Ansari Tension gripped Karachi and life in the city came to a grinding halt on Friday, May 18,when stick-wielding, turban-clad students from

Daily Times Editorial: Deobandi-Barelvi war in Khyber: The Lashkar-e-Islam of outlaw Mangal Bagh has attacked four relatives of an MNA and done them all to death in the Khyber Agency. Earlier, one cleric was executed on the charge that he was “spying for America”. The MNA,