Nelson Mandela Archive

Forgiveness: An Important Skill to Learn – A Z: That I have always found it very easy to forgive those who have wronged me is not because I am a saint, it is because it makes a lot of sense to me. There is so much schmaltzy rhetoric

Influence of Imam Hussain and Karabala ideology on Nelson Mandela – by S H Bangas: This Year The Arbaeen or Chehlum of Imam Hussain(a.s) is on December 24 for Which Millions of Pilgirms global Marcch to Karabala is started While on December 25 is Christmas the day related to Hazrat Essa/Jesus(a.s) and both have

A Dieu Madiba – by AZ: Good bye, Madiba as you leave us in awe of you. We say “a dieu” today to a gifted leader, an exceptional statesman, and an extraordinary human being who became a symbol of human worth. I still feel myself

Nelson Mandela and Pakistan’s elitist liberals – by Khalid Ahmed Mirza: “Irony / hypocrisy: Those who obfuscate or remain silent on persecution of religious or ethnic minorities are shedding tears on Mandela’s death. They remain silent on or obfuscate the sufferings of Balochs, Pashtuns, Shias, Ahmadis, Christians etc, but are

A Response to Shahzaman’s video ‘Boycott Electricity Bills from November 2010’- by Sindhyar Talpur: A video is doing rounds by the Singer Shazaman which calls on people to not to pay their electricity bills in the November of 2010. Tactics evidently is of bougious civil disobedience, thats what ‘parah likhas do’ not stupid tire

The Iron Man of Pakistan (H.E. Asif Ali Zardari) – by Farhad Jarral: PPP Leadership has always faced hard time and a huge propaganda. Since the day Asif Zardari decided to tie the knot with Benazir Bhutto, the media and Zia’s cronies started a string of malicious propaganda against him which has