Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Archive

An open letter to Iranian President Ahmadinejad from Pakistan – by Abdullah AlFaisal: Dear Mr. President, The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is making a transition from Military-Feudal to Military-Mullah-Feudal state, where the military and feudals are traditional while mullahs are the new stakeholders. The inclusion of mullahs, exclusively from Deobandi-Salafi religion, into

Iran-Pakistan pipeline: A significant step forward – by AZ: This Monday, Iranian and Pakistani presidents inaugurated the construction of a much-delayed section of a $7.5bn gas pipeline linking the two neighbours. The two leaders unveiled a plaque before shaking hands and offering prayers for the successful conclusion of

Iran’s President Ahmadinejad Censures #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has censured the killings of Shia Muslims in Pakistan. Ahmadinejad made the remarks in a statement published on the Iranian president’s official website on Sunday. Ahmadinejad said those behind the killings “have no goals except

Iran isn’t an enemy of the Jewish people – by Shiraz Paracha: World bullies threat Iran often on the basis of biased, politicized and incorrect reports of the International Atomic Energy Commission (IAEA). Such reports are prepared on false assumptions and estimates usually in collaboration

British double standards–by Shiraz Paracha: Last week, hundreds of the BBC World Service employees gathered outside the Bush House in London to demonstrate against the detention of one of their colleagues, Urunboy Usmonov, in Tajikistan for his alleged links with an extremist militant group,

How to kill the Shia snake: Letter from brother Abdullah – by Hakim Hazik: Related article: Shia-phobia of Saudi Arabia and the institutional genocide of Shia Muslims in Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan Source: Justice Denied When the head is rotten it affects the whole body. We must kill the snake. We must crush

WikiLeaks: Whither Muslim brotherood? – by Omar R Quraishi: Related articles: King Abdullah, the great-grandson of Abu Jahl – by Omar Khattab A Lesson in media manipulation – by Eqbal Alavi Saudi Arabia without King Abdullah – by Hassan Hanizadeh The role of Saudi Arabia in the religious

The BBC World Service: A mouthpiece of the British establishment – By Shiraz Paracha: On 24 September 2010, the BBC World Service television broadcast an interview with the US President Barack Hussein Obama in which the U.S. leader trashed the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his comments at the UN General Assembly the

Iran’s Islamic revolution is dead?: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks on the 31st anniversary of the Isalmic Revolution. Hundreds of thousands of government supporters have massed in central Tehran to mark the anniversary of the revolution that created Iran’s Islamic republic.