Iqbal Haider Archive

Pakistan Army and State must change its soft policy, go after Takfiri militants and religious extremists – by Senator (R) Iqbal Haider: It is an undeniable fact that not a single Pakistani, Iraqi or Afghani participated in the dastardly attack on Twin Towers and Pentagon on 9/11. But strangely, the US chose to attack Afghanistan and Iraq while Pakistan was made

The Wahhabi Republic of Pakistan – Deutsche Welle report: There are many people in Pakistan who oppose the Taliban and their militant activities; however, ironically, not all of them question the Saudi-Wahabi ideology that provides impetus to militant Islamists. It is not so difficult to find people in

Pakistan’s Civil Awards FCS Style: Note: FCS stands for fake civil society of Pakistan. In looking at the current civil awards announced by President Asif Ali Zardari, I am amazed as to how an elected government assumes it can reflect public opinion; I

Syed Iqbal Haider, Commander-in-Chief of Pakistan’s fake liberals: The LUBP is honoured to be the first Pakistani blog to dedicate a full post written with an aim to introduce (and expose) the Commander-in-Chief of Pakistani pseudo-liberals, Syed Iqbal Haider. According to Wikipedia: Iqbal Haider (born 14 January

In rejection of fake liberals of Pakistan – by Sarah Khan: The pseudo-liberal is essentially a bigot who parades under the illusion of being a liberal while pursuing a non-liberal agenda. Pseudo-liberals of Pakistan are no less dangerous than terrorists, activists and supporters of the Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Jamaat-e-Islami and Hizbut