Hindus Archive

In TN village without Muslims, Hindus observe Muharram: We are pleased to post this news report, published in The Times of India, which provides a unique insight into how the Hindus observe Muharram as a mark of respect with a message of religious harmony in the remote
Minority report -by Sana Bucha: Blood, meat and hides marked the first day of Eid-ul-Azha in Pakistan. While most Muslims celebrated their holy festival by sacrificing animals, some decided to achieve new levels of faith by targeting Hindus in Shikarpur. Three doctors were shot
US commission: Pakistan schools teach Hindu hatred: Editor’s Note: Curriculum reform is the need of the hour. In the last couple of days, 3 Pakistani Hindu doctors have been killed and Pakistan’s peaceful, hardworking and patriotic Hindu, Christain and Ahmadi muslims face the brunt of violence
Murder of three Hindu doctors on Eid day: Crime against humanity – by Javed Qazi: Hardly a day of the great murder of the history of Sindh passed by, that 72 years back, Hindu mystic singer, Bhaghat Kanwar Ram, was killed near Shikarpur, that we always remember him on his anniversary day, 1st Nov.
LUBP wishes its readers a Happy Diwali: LUBP wishes its readers a Happy Diwali, a festival which marks the triumph of good over evil, colorful rangolis and firecrackers. This is a festive time for many Pakistani Hindus and all those who celebrate open-heartedness, mirth and joy! 
Sandesh: How to publish a Hindu newspaper in Pakistan: Pakistan’s One Man Hindu Newspaper: The Message Is Peace A rural bootblack with an antiquated PC spreads the good word. Print lives. Source: Take Part On your next visit to southern Pakistan, look up Harji Lal. Lal is a
Minorities, particularly Hindus, increasingly at risk in Balochistan: HRCP: Editor’s note: LUBP stands with its fellow Pakistani Hindus in these troubling times.   While more is being written about Balochistan, most urban writers wilfully obfuscate the role of the primary agency that is calling the shots in Balochistan. Hint,
Music binds people & souls, says Rekha Bhardwaj: Music has power to bind souls, saturate valor, associate humanity, and express feelings of love, care, happiness and pain, it has also great power to pacify. The traditional music and folk songs of the subcontinent particularly connect various religions
Pakistani Hindus’ ashes brought to India to be scattered in Ganges: By Mark Magnier They sat in the dark for decades, waiting on the shelves of an abandoned library, the laughter and tears that once defined their lives all but forgotten. Dictatorships rose and fell. India and Pakistan detonated atomic
The persecution of Sikhs and Hindus in Pakistan is unaccaptable!: The following two incidents should be a source of shame to all Pakistanis.  The first instance involves our dear Sikh Pakistani brothers and sisters and this is how Express Tribune reported it: “The Sikh community in Lahore have been
Pakistan, a place where non-Muslims also live: By Anthony Permal A lot has been written about the plight of minorities in Pakistan – some by minorities themselves but mostly by the majority. In most such reports, analyses and blogs, the focus has been on the aggressive
Unreported forced conversions: Hindus “Rights movement” launches a campaign to seek justice and to limit violence and harassment by landlords. The court in Rawalpindi exonerates three Christians of blasphemy, now there are fears of retaliation by religious fundamentalists. Pakistani Hindu girls are
Are they free to go to their temples? -by Saria Benazir: Pakistan was envisioned as a progressive, democratic and tolerant society, which, while retaining a Muslim majority, would give equal rights to its non-Muslim citizens. Without calling it a secular state, Jinnah and his modernist Muslim colleagues believed that Pakistan
Renovation of religious and cultural heritage of minorities – Sindh Budget 2012: Related : 1000 year old Hindu temple in Pak in desperate need of upkeep Will Pakistan wake up to it? Apprehensions of Pakistani Hindus The Pakistan Peoples’ Party has been a sole voice for the minorities of Pakistan. We
God is not a Christian: The following is excerpted from the Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s new book, ‘God Is Not A Christian: And Other Provocations.’ This talk also comes from a forum in Britain, where Tutu addressed leaders of different faiths during a mission to
Punjab: Impunity for rape, abduction and forced conversion of Christian and Hindu girls: Editor’s Note: For how long must our fellow Pakistanis be subjected to these horrors just because they don’t share the faith of the majority.  The right to practice one’s faith freely is the fundemental right in democracies and is
Osama bin Laden was a member of Vishwa Hindu Parishad – by Zalaan: روزانہ جسارت و امت – اسرئیل کے ایک یہودی اخبار الخلافہ نے خبر دی ہے کہ اسامہ بن لادن اصل میں ایک ہندو انتہا پسند تنظیم وشوا ہندو پرشاد کا سر گرم رکن تھا اس کا اصل مذہب ہندو
US Commission accuses Pakistan of failing to protect minorities: This year, according to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom USCIRF report, 14 countries were designated as countries of particular concern (CPC) since “those governments have engaged in — or tolerated — particularly severe violations of religious freedom.”
Why Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto loved us – by Ali Sher Mussali: Related posts: A brief history of PPP: mauj mela, madari, maqtal – by Hasan Mujtaba Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto slaps General Zia and Ziaists from his grave – Hasan Nisar What is the difference between ZAB, Benazir Bhutto and other
Will Pakistan wake up to it? Apprehensions of Pakistani Hindus: LUBP has always voiced concerns over the deteriorating situation of minorities in Pakistan. This state of affairs has further aggravated during the past few months. From two high profile assassinations in the federal capital for their bold opposition to
1000 year old Hindu temple in Pak in desperate need of upkeep: Blog Cross Post : Hinduexistence Karachi , May 12 (ANI): Belying Pakistan governments tall claims regarding upkeep of Hindus worship places and other sites, a 1000-year-old Hindu temple – Shri Varun Dev Mandir – in Monora in Pakistan is
The tragedy of Balochistan’s minorities -by Rahimullah Yusufzai: Related Article: Pakistani Hindu families seek political asylum in India Nine years and one month after her husband and former Balochistan minister Abadan Faridoun Abadan was kidnapped from his hometown Quetta, businesswoman Niloufar Abadan has met the same fate.
Holi festival in Pakistan: Good vs Evil – by Samia Saleem: Related articles: Holi festival and Pakistani Hindus LUBP Archive on Hindus Holi day: Good vs evil, not white vs colour KARACHI: Draped in white with an unlimited supply of coloured water and powder and glasses of bhang – you
Lawmakers call for ensuring minority protection: The issue of minorities was raised through points of order, by PPP’s Nawab Moammad Yusuf Talpur and Ms Palwasha Khan, and PML-Q’s Akram Masih Gill particularly in the context of kidnappings for ransom in Sindh province and the resignation
International Minorities Conference III: International Minorities Alliance demands Pakistan to be run according to the vision of its founder. International Minorities’ Conference 2011 was organized by International Minorities Alliance on “Equal Citizenship, Equal Rights” at Avari Hotel, Lahore, Pakistan on Jan 23, 2011.
Hindus’ contribution towards making of Pakistan – by Sophia Ajaz: We talk about minorities in India but are strangely unaware of the existence of the same in neighbouring Pakistan. Even before Independence Hindus, Sikhs, Parsis, Jews and Christians existed in undivided India. There was large scale migration/exodus post partition
Pakistani Hindu families seek political asylum in India: According to the report published in various national ‘Dailies’ and in international media with regard to the Pakistani Hindu families seek asylum in India. The Times of India report says Kidnapping, killing force Pak Hindus to seek political asylum
Hindu holy man’s kidnap in Pakistan triggers protests – by Amir Mir: Source: DNA, Dec 24, 2010 The kidnapping of Pakistan’s most revered Hindu spiritual leader, 85-year old Lakki Chand Garji, of Kali Mata Mandir in Balochistan’s Kalat district, has caused widespread protests by Hindus. Garji was travelling from Kalat to
Hindu contribution to the marsiya – by Intizar Husain: Related articles: Hussaini Brahmins: Karbala and how Lahore was involved – by Majid Sheikh LUBP Archive on Karbala Non-Muslims’ homage to Imam Hussain ibn e Ali (AS) – by Ali Salman Alvi In selecting this post, we at the
No respect for the dead: Related articles: A tale of two Pakistani girls which remains hidden in other more important news No Place for Ahmadi Body in a Muslim graveyard LUBP Archive on Hindu (tag) THERE is no end to the injustices suffered by
Bharata Natyam in Lahore – by Ahmad Bashir: Courtesy: Nia Zamana Nov 2010
Christians ask Obama to condemn violent Hindu extremism: Christians in India are asking U.S. President Barack Obama to stand up for issues such as human rights, peace, justice, and dialogue, says Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay and Chairman of the Bishops’ Conference of India, in an
Happy Diwali to all – by LUBP team: Divali,  Deepavali or festival of lights is an important five-day festival  occurring between mid-October and mid-November, as it is based on lunisolar Hindu Calendar It is celebrated in almost all the South Asian countries by the followers of  Hinduism,
Being a Hindu in Pakistan – by Marvi Memon: The writer is a PML-Q MNA [email protected] It’s not easy these days being a Hindu in Pakistan. The number of cases of members of the Hindu community being kidnapped for ransom is on the rise, both in Sindh and
Fragile democracy and 64-channels media cottage industry – by Chaudhry Ahmed Khan: I recently came across a comment by the President and PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari, which really struck me for its succinct and bold portrayal of the Pakistani media. The President was countering one of the many false impressions
Jamia Binoria accussed of abduction of a hindu teenage girl: Jamia Binoria Al Aalmia, a religious seminary located at the Industrial area of  Karachi(i.e SITE) has a bad name among its other contemporaries for alleged involvement in grabbing land of commercial value with its pressuring tactics. It is said
Janam Ashtami Celebration in Lahore: In rare show of inter-faith solidarity, Hindu community of Lahore postponed the birth celebration of Lord krishna because of attack at Karbala Gamey Shah attack on Youm-Ali procession  . Tribune LAHROE: The Janam Ashtami (the birthday of Lord Krishna) was
We did not do it – by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: We are a people blessed with time but a country for which time is running short. Clarity is a rare commodity; clarity in terms of our actions, our thinking, judicious dispensation of aid and even our worldviews.I had written
Rewarding hate – by Nadeem F. Paracha: The more mischievous among us even prayed to the Almighty to let the Saudis fall in love with this eminent ‘Islamic scholar’ and fund his outlandish theories, leaving television viewers ever so grateful for keeping him there. But, alas,
The finest intelligence agency in the world – by Omar Ali: I was trying to figure out why our security establishment (rated number one in the world, according to the 200 emails I have received in the last few days from army officers and their cousins and admirers) is so