Foreign Office Archive

Expose: Pakistan’s lame, apathetic foreign service: The following article was initially published in a widely-circulated English daily of Pakistan, who subsequently removed it from their website for unspecified reasons. It is being published here with permission of the author. The arrow shot by the archer

Pakistan joins Russia, condemns any attempts to topple Assad in Syria: Pakistan opposes any efforts to topple the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Pakistan’s foreign secretary said on Wednesday. “Pakistan is also against foreign military intervention in Syria and fully supports the territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic,” Aizaz Chaudhry

Pakistan will not help topple Syrian govt: FO: ISLAMABAD: After initial opposition from most political parties, parliamentarians and civil society, the government has been compelled to make a major announcement in which it assured Syria that it would under no circumstances topple the government of Syrian

NSA spying on PPP is violation of international law: FO: KARACHI: The Foreign Office of Pakistan on Thursday raised the issue with the US authorities regarding their National Security Agency (NSA) spying on Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), Express News reported. Foreign Office spokesperson Tasnim Aslam said that such spying is

Pakistan’s Foreign Office, acting as ISI media cell, hides the common identity of Deobandi terrorists: Pakistan’s Foreign Office (FO) in Islamabad and its envoys in the UK, EU, United States, Australia and Canada are deliberately obfuscating the extremism debate with regards to Pakistan. Pakistan Foreign Office acts as nothing more than the apparatchiks of

Aabpara phobia: An unedited conversation with Riaz Toori: Related post: Abdul Khaliq Hazara and other ISI’s touts within Shia Muslims Editor’s note: The purpose of this post is to highlight our independence as a blog. While we do not conceal our support for the Pakistan Peoples Party,

Pakistan’s Foreign Office: a subsidiary of ISI: BBC Urdu dot com: Pakistan’s Foreign Office has always been a subsidiary of ISI پاکستانی وزارتِ خارجہ: طفیلی ادارہ! بیورو رپورٹ اسلام آباد بے نظیر بھٹو اور نواز شریف نہ صرف بھارت سےبہتر تعلقات بلکہ افغان صورتحال سے بھی