Council of Islamic Ideology Archive

Beating women; from where the decision Is coming – Isbah Ali Farzan: Wives need to listen to the husbands for what they wear, when to be romantic, with which men to speak, and which poor to supply money with, otherwise they need to be beaten up “lightly”. The Council

اقبال، خلافت اور اسلامی نظریاتی کونسل – عدنان خان کاکڑ: ہمارے فکری لحاظ سے بعض نئے نئے صالحین میں شامل ہونے والے قلم بردار مفکرین یہ کہتے ہیں کہ جو کچھ بھی قائد اعظم اور علامہ اقبال پاکستان کی جنم کنڈلی میں لکھ گئے ہیں، پاکستان بس انہی راہنما

Senators question existence of Council of Islamic Ideology: The Senate witnessed impassioned speeches on Tuesday when discussion on three annual reports of the Council of Islamic Ideology turned into a debate on the question of very existence of the CII. Members of the JUI-F, who appeared

کسی مسلم فرقے پر کفر کا لیبل لگانا اور سزائے موت کا مستحق قرار دینا قابل مذمت ہے۔ اسلامی نظریاتی کونسل: پاکستان کے اعلیٰ ترین مذہبی ادارے نے بدھ کو مذہبی شناخت کے حوالے سے نفرت انگیز تقاریر پر پابندی کا مطالبہ کرتے ہوئے محرم الحرام کے دوران مختلف فرقوں میں زیادہ ہم آہنگی پر زور دیا ہے۔ اسلامی

پہلی بیوی اور دوسرا نکاح – از خورشید ندیم: Source :

Pakistan Council of Islamic Ideology: Don’t let DNA con justice in a rape case – by A Z: The Council of Islamic Ideology (CII), that great avant-garde enabler of Islamic Ideology in the Land of Pure, has decreed today that the DNA evidence does not comprise a substantial proof for conviction in rape cases. The Council opined

Islamic identity, militancy and modernity: Pakistanis need soul searching – by Shiraz Paracha: We, Pakistanis, are talented and intelligent people but many of us have an unrealistic approach towards life and a naive world view, even so we wish to impose our view upon the rest of the world. The case of

Sherani, a quack, nominated as head of experts – By Malik Rashid: There is a council of Islamic ideology in Pakistan that advises government and legislative bodies on laws that are repugnant to Islam. Maulana Sherani, a rural maulvi from Baluchistan, without any academic credentials, has been appointed the chairman of

WAF’s letter to Prime Minister Gilani against the appointment of Maulana Sherani of JUI as chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology: This is a copy of the letter sent by Women’s Action Forum (WAF) against the appointment of Maulana Sherani of JUI as chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology. The CII mandate is very broad and can bring review of