British India Archive

اقبال کی فکر اور غلطی ہائے مضامین (2) – ڈاکٹر ساجد علی: گزشتہ قسط میں ہمارا موضوع بحث یہ تھاکہ ایک متن کو درست طور پر کیسے پڑھا جائے تاکہ مصنف کے اصل مدعا کی بازیافت کی جا سکے۔ اس کے ساتھ اختلاف و اتفاق بعد کی بات ہے۔ زیر نظر

اقبال کی فکر اور غلطی ہائے مضامیں – ڈاکٹر ساجد علی: ناصر کاظمی کا ایک شعر یاد آ رہا ہے: ہجوم نشہ فکر سخن میں بدل جاتے ہیں لفظوں کے معانی فکر سخن ہی میں نہیں بلکہ بعض اوقات گروہی، سیاسی مذہبی مفادات کے لیے بھی الفاظ کے معنی تبدیل

بھگت سنگھ کو زندہ رکھیں – انعام رانا: گو ایک عرصے سے میں نے اپنی سوشل لائف کو حقیقی سے زیادہ آن لائن کر رکھا ہے اور اپنی گپھا میں بیٹھا فیس بک کی راہ سلوک کی منزلیں طے کرتا ہوں، مگر کبھی کبھی طوعاً و کرہاً

تاج برطانیہ کے جدی پشتی وفادار – از خا پوے گام: یہ وہ ظبقہ ہے جنہوں نے ہمیشہ انگریزوں کی مدد کی ۔۔اس کے صلے میں ان کو القابات اور انعامات سے نوازا گیا۔عام غریب جو اس وقت فوج میں بھرتی ہویے ان کا اس طبقے سے کوٰی تعلق

Deobandi Loyalists of the British Empire – by Yasser Hamdani: Almost all Deobandi religious leaders — supposedly the most militant of anti-British elements were on the payroll of the empire. This is how they sustained a living and ample proof can be found in their own books. For

اہل دیوبند کو دعوت حق: آئیے حاجی امداد الله مہاجر مکی کےعقائد کی روشنی میں وہابیت اور تکفیریت سے نجات حاصل کر لیں – مرتب: عبدل نیشاپوری: حاجی امداد الله مہاجر مکی کا شمار برصغیر پاک و ہند میں اہلسنت مسلمانوں، خاص طور پر دیوبندی مسلک کے اکابرین میں ہوتا ہے – دیوبندی مسلک کے بعض دیگر اکابرین اور علما کے تکفیری اور نیم وہابی نظریات

Deobandism, Reformism, Marxism and Secular Sectarians – Aamir Hussaini: Related post: دیوبندی ازم، اصلاح پسندی، اشتراکیت اور سیکولر فرقہ پرست – عامر حسینی – See more at: Pakistan is a strange country. Thanks to generous Saudi funding to Deobandi and Salafi Wahhabi madrassas and groups, and the

ہندو موتی اور مسلم جگر – از اختر بلوچ: مشترکہ ہندوستان کی دو عظیم شخصیات ہیں۔ دونوں حضرات انڈین نیشنل کانگریس سے وابستہ تھے۔ موتی لعل ایک فعال سیاسی کارکن تھے۔ انھوں نے انگریز استعمار سے ہندوستان کو آزاد کروانے کے لیے ان تھک جدوجہد کی۔ اسی

A historical reserach on South Asian fanatics, Pashtuns and Deobandism: Hindustani Fanatics, India’s Pashtuns, and Deobandism – Connections Cultural & Geographic Research September 2009 Tribal Analysis Center, 6610-M Mooretown Road, Box 159. Williamsburg, VA, 23188 Source: There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one

Remembering Bhagat Singh – by Shahram Azhar: On 23rd March, 1931, 22 year old Bhagat Singh, and two 24 year olds Sukhdev and Rajguru were hanged in Lahore. These young radicals were one of the first Marxist revolutionaries in India. The slogan “Inquilab Zindabad” (Long

Shaheed Bhagat Singh’s Last Petition: To: The Punjab Governor Sir, With due respect we beg to bring to your kind notice the following: That we were sentenced to death on 7th October 1930 by a British Court, L.C.C Tribunal, constituted under the Sp. Lahore

Constructing a ‘Secular’ Jinnah: New Project for Pakistani Liberals -by Marvi Sirmed: Originally Published at: BAAGHI As a firm believer in cultural roots rather than oneness through religion, August gives me hope. Flags adorn the cities and marketplaces fill up with the echoes of milli naghmas (patriotic songs) sung in the

Pakistan vs India – Segregation of Two Entities But One Soul – Hifza Shah Jillani: Fourteenth of August is a very phenomenal date; it is when Pakistan came in to INCEPTION. There is a legitimate difference between ‘independence’ and ‘inception’. Independence was not achieved by Pakistan. It was achieved by ‘India’ (the before partition

Why Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto loved us – by Ali Sher Mussali: Related posts: A brief history of PPP: mauj mela, madari, maqtal – by Hasan Mujtaba Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto slaps General Zia and Ziaists from his grave – Hasan Nisar What is the difference between ZAB, Benazir Bhutto and other

Remembrance Sunday: From allies to terrorists? – by Jahan Mahmood: In Britain’s hour of need, when she faced the might of the German Army, it was not America that came to her aid but the fighting men of the Indian subcontinent. They came from Bangladesh, India and Pakistan and

DMG – Monolith Empire or Unsung Heroes? – By Qudrat Ullah: Recently concluded shendful campaigning of Punjab chapter of PCS Officers against their more privileged counterpart- the District Management Group or more commonly called the DMG, has opened a new debate in the press about the extraordinary role played by

The day Ahmad Kharal fell -by Shafqat Tanvir Mirza: Rai Ahmed Khan Kharal was one of the greatest freedom fighters in the Punjab rebellion of 1857. It was Sept 21, 1857, when a bard or a folk poet of dholas had said: (With the fall of Ahmad (Khan

India’s golden opportunity – By B. R. GOWANI: “A woman yells as her child is evacuated from the roof of a mosque where residents were taking refuge from flood waters in Sanawa, Pakistan on August 5, 2010.” Photo/Reuters/Stringer/Boston Globe Following the bloody partition of the Indian sub-continent

The Mumbai Attacks: Pakistan-India ties: time to tread carefully; time to jointly confront extremism and terrorism in the region…: Pak-India ties: time to tread carefully The Mumbai standoff with the terrorists went into its third day on Friday with remnants of the attackers ensconced in the buildings they had occupied along with hostages, including symbolically the Nariman House

In defence of Bacha Khan – by Dr. Haider Lashari: Keep the record straight, Mr. Haroon-ur-Rashid. In defence of Bacha Khan – By Dr. Haider Lashari In response to the disinformation campaign against ANP, PPP and other progressive parties by the supporters of Mullah and Military in Pakistan.
![India ‘not a threat to Pakistan’ [President Zardari drops a bomb on the unholy Mullah-ISI alliance in Pakistan]](
India ‘not a threat to Pakistan’ [President Zardari drops a bomb on the unholy Mullah-ISI alliance in Pakistan]: By Barbara Plett (BBC News, Islamabad) Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari says India has never been a threat to Pakistan, and that militants in Indian-administered Kashmir are terrorists. The unorthodox views run counter to those held by Pakistan’s military,

Pakistan opts out of isolationism, Zardari’s address at the UN: President Asif Ali Zardari’s address at the General Assembly of the United Nations on Thursday has to be rated as a good speech that fairly expressed Pakistan’s point of view on the problem of terrorism while avoiding the kind