Alexander Athos Archive

Orlando and the spectre of Wahhabi menace in America – by Alexander Athos: Terrorism strikes the US again with the fanaticism of the Wahhabi Salafi hate and intolerance. Shooter Omar Mir Seddique Mateen  went on his religious purification in the early hours of June 12, 2016 as he shot down over 100
Barbarians inside the gates- by Alexander Athos: We in the West are so gentrified that we think that others in the world share our values and its no harm to our body politic to allow preachers of hate and intolerance to enter into our society and
Fifth column in the West – Alexander Athos:   Our enemy in the West is not Islam, it’s a fifth column of Wahhabi Salafi hate preachers and their appeasers who allow the Wahhabi Salafi Deobandi Takfiri Jihadi ideology to proliferate and radicalize Muslim youth to commit atrocities
میں تکفیری وہابیت کے خلاف کیوں لکھتا ہوں ؟: دارتی نوٹ : الیگزینڈر اےتھوز ایک آرتھوڈوکس کرسچن فری لانس صحافی ہیں اور پیشہ تجارت سے وابستہ ہیں –اور مغرب کے اندر جہاں یہ اسلامو فوبیا کے خلاف طاقتور آواز ہیں ، وہیں پہ یہ ان گنے چنے صحافیوں
Why do I write about Wahhabi Salafi and Deobandi Takfiris – Alexander Athos:   I do not propose to waste my time with roughians who play the man and not the ball. I have better things to do with my time. However, I pause to counter the accusation in some small circles