Ahmed Ludhyanvi Archive

PPP’s Qamar Zaman Kaira’s secret love affair with ASWJ-LeJ: Summary: Pakistan’s Federal Minister of Information and PPP’s central leader Qamar Zaman Kaira has openly admitted in Dawn News talk show (Asma Shirazi’s “Faisla Awaam Ka”) that he was supported by banned Takfiri terroirst outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (ASWJ-LeJ) and

Nawaz Sharif’s meeting with Deobandi leader of banned terrorist group Siph-e-Sahaba: محمد احمد لدھیانوی کی مسلم لیگ ن کے سربراہ سے ملاقات ملکی، سیاسی اور امن و امان کی صورت حال پر تبادلۂ خیال Apparently Nawaz Sharif has agreed to forge a political alliance with Takfiri Deobandi militants of banned

Pro-estab anchors are promoting Takfiri Deobandi terrorists to boost Shia genocide in Muharram: Related post: A Pakistani liberal blogger Ali Chishti wants tighter blasphemy laws against Shia Muslims In the last few weeks, quite a few (yellow) journalists, columnists and TV anchors have been activated by Pakistan’s military establishment, ISI and ISPR

Tahir Ashrafi: A false prophet of peace: Usual suspects are once again glorifying yet another false prophet of peace. This time it is Maulana Tahir Mahmood Ashrafi, a Deobandi cleric with close links wit Takfiri Deobandi extremists. Maulana Tahir Mahmood Ashrafi was one of the first

Cafe Jhangvi and Lashkar-e-Jang: Pakistan’s “Principled” and “Independent” Media Now that Pakistan’s notorious televangelist, anti-Ahmadi bigot has returned to (the equally notorious) Jang group, one should re-evaluate Café Pyala’s defense and hero-ization of those Jang Group journalists who were upset at the return of

ASWJ’s Vice President Malik Ishaq Deobandi’s hate speech in Kabirwala Punjab: Evil production factory and evil outcome – by Banda-e-Khuda: Related posts: Global community must not stay silent on anti-Shia pogroms taking place in Pakistan – by Rusty Walker Two exclusive videos of Shia massacre which were blacked out by Pakistani media Five beheadings and a funeral Evil Production

Najam Sethi allows ASWJ’s Ludhianvi on his show to obfuscate #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan: In a recent article highlighting refined tactics of urban elite affiliates of Pakistan army, Sarah Khan writes: Traditionally lifestyle liberals in Pakistan use an 80-20 mixture formula, i.e., they inject the 20% pro-military establishment discourses within the 80% objective

Saleem Safi defends banned sectarian terrorists: سلیم صافی پاکستان کے ان صحافیوں میں سے ہیں جن کے پاکستان کی فوجی اسٹیبلشمنٹ کے ساتھ طالب علمی کے زمانے سے گہرے تعلقات رہے ہیں – زمانہ طالب علمی میں اسلامی جمیعت طلبا میں شامل ر ہے سی

Pakistan’s military state enables further Shia killings in the name of Difa-e-Pakistan: [poll id=”8″] Related posts: Sipah-e-Sahaba will host ISI-backed Defence of Pakistan Conference on 29 Jan 2012 in Multan Imran Khan’s PTI joins banned terrorist groups in pro-army rally in Lahore Pakistan army outsources the Defence of Pakistan to Shia

WikiLeaks confirms that Pakistan’s Deobandi clerics Ludhyanvi, Fazl-ur-Rehman are funded by Arab countries: The following cable confirms what was long suspected, i.e., the connection between Deobandi clerics and terrorists in Pakistan and their financiers, the Arab dictators. The cable confirms that the banned Pakistani Deobandi terror outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP, currently operating as

Guilty by Domicile – Imran Khan: Editor’s Note: The PML N leadership sees no double standards when lecturing PPP about Karachi and putting pressure on it to call the army into Karachi with its own shambolic performance with regards to the Law and Order situation in Punjab.

Maulana Ludhianvi hate speech against ANP: Maulana Ahmed Ludhianvi has labeled ANP as banned outfit. He further said that ANP should not be allowed to run Pakhtunkhuwa government. Its is regrettable that maulana has compared peaceful political party like ANP with banned sectarian and jihadi organization . source

Ahmed Ludhianvi of Sipah-e-Sahaba hits back at PPP: Some important points: 1. Ahmed Ludhianvi accuses 25 PPP MNAs including Qamar Zaman Kaira, Faisal Karim Kundi and Jamshed Dasti of taking the support of Sipah-e-Sahaba in their election campaigns. According to him, there is an equally long list

A rare interview with Maulana Muhammad Ahmad Ludhianvi of the Sipah-e-Sahaba: Hear the precious words of political and ideological affiliation straight from the horse’s mouth. We are proud to publish a rare interview with Mullah Muhammad Ahmed Ludhianvi, head of the notorious terrorist organisation Sipah-e-Sahaba. There are three segments of

Maulana Ahmed Ludhianvi of ASWJ leads a grand rally in Jhang with the help of PML-N’s Punjab government: We at LUBP proudly present to our readers the latest specimen of good governance of PML-N’s government in Punjab. Residents of Jhang (central Punjab) are currently experiencing an incredible surge in the presence and public activities of Sipah-e-Sahaba, a