Monthly Archive:: October 2011

Hamid Mir, Shia Hazaras do NOT need your crocodile tears! – by Laibaah: Related posts: Pakistani Shias and other rights activists protest the misrepresentation of Shia massacres by Human Rights Cartel Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan For the last few days, we have seen a new trend in Pakistani

Shia killings in Pakistan: An incurable disease? – by Murtaza Haider: Related articles: Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan Pakistani Shias and other rights activists protest the misrepresentation of Shia massacres by Human Rights Cartel Given the brutal violence against the Shias in Pakistan over the past three

Reduction in Interest Rates – Step in the right direction: The State Bank of Pakistan has surprised the market by reducing the discount rate by 1.5% to 12%. This is the second rate cut in three months bringing the total reduction of discount rate by 2%. A number

More of the same — by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: Source: Daily Times, October 7, 2011 This week, I could not agree more with columnist Munir Ataullah when he confessed to being “stumped” as he sat down to compose his column. I share his predicament although the reasons are

India-Afghanistan alliance: implications for Pakistan? —Farhat Taj: Source: Daily Times, October 8, 2011 Afghanistan and India have signed a wide-ranging strategic partnership agreement during the recent visit of Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai to India. The agreement expands trade relations between the two countries, affirms

Military must surrender control of foreign policy – by Shiraz Paracha: Recent arbitration by the Saudi intelligence agency in the ongoing ‘CIA-ISI war’ is yet another proof that Pakistan is in a dangerous mess created by the military’s illegitimate control over the country’s foreign policy. Before it is too late,

Pakistani Shias and other rights activists protest the misrepresentation of Shia massacres by Human Rights Cartel: Pakistan’s Shia, Hazara and other volunteer human rights activists reject Amnesty, HRW and HRCP’s biased and misleading reports and statements on the systematic and ongoing Shia massacres in Pakistan. Volunteer rights activists are deeply offended by the deliberate attempts

The Significance of the Anwar al-Awlaki Killing – by Rusty Walker: The recent Predator strike against American-born cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki has more significance than many in the press have given it. Even accounts on al-Jazeera quickly dismiss any change in al Qaeda threat. Fair enough, we should all still be

Pakistani TV: Then and Now: Dear friends, We have dozens of private TV channels in Pakistan producing political talk shows and entertainment programs. For comparison purposes I would like to share with you clips from a television show that I used

Mian Sahab, Charity Begins At Home: Mian Nawaz Sharif, Chief of PML-N and twice elected Prime Minister of Pakistan, has said in a press conference in district Nawabshah that “the government should ban all such political parties who have militant wings and send references against

“We Want Bus, not Human”! Javed Chaudhary— a Lashkar-e-Jhangvi mouthpiece!: Editor’s Note: The article by a Hazara activist doctor is a good exposure of bigots like Javed Chaudhary. Javed allegedly writes for a Jihadist publication under a pen name and his anti-Shia bigotry as exposed in this article comes

Revisiting the LBOD issue: Related : Flood in Sindh & Design of Left Bank Outfall Drain (LBOD). LBOD: The culprit behind recurring floods in Sindh? REVIEW OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE LEFT BANK OUTFALL DRAIN STAGE I With Thanks : Dawn Revisiting the

The Hazara Issue: In a nation like ours where some groups hold massive power, abuse is common. In Pakistan, abuse has been of varied nature. Those who have arms, ammunition, clout and a large budget have repeatedly abused their power and

Ethnic Cleansing of Kalash tribe: There are about 3,500 Kalash people living in northern Pakistan. Their culture and language are endangered. They are a remarkable, spiritual and peace loving, animistic people. In the time of the Moghuls (rulers in this region in the 15th

Elitist Misconceptions – by I Opyne: With a mix of horror and disbelief I watched the footage from Mattani where a school van was ambushed by militants. Even for senses numbed by scores of bombings every year, this came as a shock because the victims

The biggest threat to democracy is now to come from democrats themselves: The PML-N which has in the last few years dwindled between being written off due to confrontation with the military to supporting democratic process through Charter of Democracy to supporting terrorists of Lal Masjid, Taliban etc to demanding “revolutions”

In memory of Dr. Abdus Salam – by Zeeba Hashmi: The sea breeze. waving over a land called Trieste, yet tidings of home, made less known to us. for a man who marked his footsteps there, as the world salutes his legacy. Dr. Abdus Salam, Dr. Abdus

Pakistan’s Provinces Pandora’s Box – By Niaz Murtaza: Does Pakistan need more provinces and if so should they be formed ethnically or administratively? These vexing questions are taxing the wits of perplexed Pakistani policy-makers today. A quick glance across Pakistan reveals several anomalies and misbalances. Punjab

Censorship tactics and the ‘unity of liberals’ – by Alamdar Mengal: LUBP editors, writers and supporters are often harassed and falsely accused for engaging in personal attacks, abuse, ISI-tagging and using pen names. Such accusations are also hurled at other bloggers and writers who take a bold, anti-establishment stance (e.g.

Kidnappers of Taseer’s son want release of Mumtaz Qadri – by Amir Mir: Related posts: Bold statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on Shia massacres in Pakistan under the patronage by Pakistan army In support of Shahbaz Taseer ****** Expressing grave concern over the release of Malik Mohammad Ishaq, one of

A timely documentary after yet another Shia Hazara massacre in Quetta: Related posts: Activists slam rights organization statement as ’very weak,’ lacking integrity – by Ahmadiyya Times Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan Bold statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission on Shia massacres in Pakistan under the

APC: civil façade of foreign policy — by Farhat Taj: Related post: APC: Pakistan army-orchestrated response to USA – by Ayaz Amir Since the recent attack on the US embassy in Kabul by the Haqqani network Taliban, Pakistan came under immense US pressure, including veiled threats of attack, for

Rezaul Hasan Laskar: An Indian journalist in Pakistan embedded in ISI’s narratives: Disclaimer: While we may not agree with the entirety of this post, we nonetheless are concerned about how foreign correspondents in Pakistan are gradually embedded in the wishy washy, vague, ambiguous discourse developed by the ISPR mouthpieces in Pakistani

On PTI’s jihad against Ataul Haq Qasmi: Related post: Imran Khan’s PTI is the most civilized political party in Pakistan? Supporters and fans of PTI’s chairman Imran Khan are currently busy in abusing, threatening and harassing veteran writer and columnist Atta-ul-Haq Qasmi only because Mr. Qasmi