A timely documentary after yet another Shia Hazara massacre in Quetta
Related posts: Activists slam rights organization statement as ’very weak,’ lacking integrity – by Ahmadiyya Times
Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan
Special thanks to Dawn News team, particularly to host Sofia Jamal for covering the silent massacres of Shia Hazaras of Quetta, massacres which are often ignored or misrepresented by Pakistan’s mainstream media and human rights organizations. After another Hazara Shia muslim massacre today, this documentary is one of the few things that have been undertaken to highlight the plight of the Hazaras.
Shia muslims in Pakistan who constitute between 15-20% of the population should realize that the very human rights organizations that are there to highlight their plight have failed them utterly. The insensitive HRCP dishonestly reports the ongoing genocide of Shia Hazaras as “routine sectarian violence”. By these false representations and vague statements, these “human rights” organizations are serving as enablers of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi! Here is a conversation on social media by Pakistani Shia activists confronting “human rights” activists on their lies and obfuscation on this burning issue:
Comprises scenes from gravyards and interviews with families of Hazara Shias killed by jihadi /sectarian proxies of the Deep State. How much longer will it take Pakistan’s human rights champions to do a report on this?
Thanks to the deliberate misinformation of Pakistan’s ISPR-dominated media and Taliban-apologist politicians like Imran Khan, the systematic killing, or genocide as it is known to the rest of the world, of the Hazara Shias has been largely ignored. No dharnas for them and no upper-middle class outrage at these atrocities – quite unlike the drone attacks that have killed Taliban, Al Qaeeda leaders and other trans-national Jihadist mercenaries in Pakistan.
The outrage of Pakistan’s urban elite is reserved for convicted felons like Aafia Siddique but not for the sons and daughters of Balochistan who are being massacred on a daily basis by the FC and other ISI-Judiciary supported groups like Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.
Last month, Ejaz Haider, one of ISPR’s most important civilian mouthpiece, wrote a deeply distorted and insensitive report on the massacres of Hazara Shia muslims, the jist of which was a typically dishonest presentation of the Hazaras and LeJ as being involved in an equal conflict and where the Hazaras were essentially portrayed as fifth columnists for eating an Iranian cake! After being deconstructed on this blog and by Dr. Taqi, it was hugely disappointed to see prominent human rights and peace activists trying to defend Ejaz Haider and deflect or minimize the justifiable criticism against him!
Instead of highlighting these atrocities, some activists wish that there should be no criticism of the likes of Ejaz Haider; not on the basis of moral and ethical principles but because this would damage their tribe of the “endangered liberals” “Liberal unity” (over honesty) is their motto and we want none of it!
Until the project of Strategic Depth (or Strategic Death as correctly stated by Shaheed Benazir Bhutto) is not shelved and the supremacy of elected civilian governments is not consistently undermined by the establishment, Judiciary, media and special interest groups, Pakistan’s Hazara Shias in particular and the Balochis, Christains, Ahmadi, Shias, Hindus, Sikhs, Brehlvis, moderate/anti-Taliban Deobandis will remain in grave danger.
Watch and weep and distribute widely.
Dawn News
KAB TAK – Ep 133 – Part 01
KAB TAK – Ep 133 – Part 02
KAB TAK – Ep 133 – Part 03
KAB TAK – Ep 133 – Part 04
Heart wrenching.
Apparently Laibaah was banned from Twitter as she dared to raise voice against the Shia Hazara massacre in Mastung.
As I was watching above, this news appear
it is sad what is happening in Balochistan. It is nothing but ethnic cleansing! Kudos to Dawnnews for shedding light on this matter
Iranian agents deserved to be killed . They need to be exposed and killed .
Well done Ejaz Haider !
بلوچستان: پُرتشدد واقعات میں اضافہ
عزیز اللہ خان
بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، پشاور
گزشتہ گیارہ سالوں میں اب تک چھ سو افراد کو ہلاک کیا جا چکا ہے
صوبہ بلوچستان میں ہزارہ قبیلے سے تعلق رکھنے والے شیعہ افراد کو ہدف بنا کر قتل کرنے کے واقعات میں خطرناک حد تک اضافہ ہوا ہے اور اطلاعات کے مطابق گزشتہ گیارہ سالوں میں اب تک چھ سو افراد کو ہلاک کیا جا چکا ہے۔
گزشتہ پندرہ دنوں میں یہ چوتھا ایسا واقعہ ہے جس میں حملہ آوروں نے نئی حکمت عملی کے تحت اجتماعی ہلاکتیں کی ہیں اور ان چار واقعات میں اڑتالیس افراد کو ہلاک کر دیا گیا ہے۔
بلوچسان میں فرقہ وارانہ تشدد کے واقعات سنہ انیس سو ننانوے سے شروع ہوئے، اس سے پہلے صوبہ بلوچستان میں اس طرح کے واقعات کبھی پیش نہیں آئے تھے۔
ان واقعات میں مزید شدت سنہ دو ہزار تین میں اس وقت آئی جب یکے بعد دیگرے اجتماعی ہلاکتوں کے واقعات ہوئے۔ اپریل سنہ دو ہزار تین میں ہزارہ قبیلے کے سات افراد کو اس وقت ہلاک کر دیا گیا تھا جب وہ ایک پک اپ میں پود گلی چوک جا رہے تھے۔
فرقہ وارانہ تشدد کے واقعات میں کالعدم تنظیم لشکرِ جھنگوی ملوث ہے جو ان میں سے بیشتر حملہ کی ذمہ داری قبول کر چکی ہے
بلوچستان کے سابق انسپکٹر جنرل پولیس شعیب سڈل
اس کے بعد آٹھ جون سنہ دو ہزار تین کو سریاب روڈ پر ہزارہ قبیلے سے ہی تعلق رکھنے والے چودہ جوان پولیس کیڈٹس کو فائرنگ کرکے ہلاک کر دیا گیا۔
اُسی سال چار جولائی کو پرنس روڈ پر امام بارگاہ اثناء عشریہ پر نامعلوم افراد نے اس وقت خودکش حملہ کر دیا جب لوگ جمعہ کی نماز ادا کر رہے تھے۔ اس واقعے میں پچپن افراد ہلاک ہوئے تھے جن میں بوڑھے اور بچے بھی شامل تھے۔
اتنے بڑے سانحوں کے بعد یہ سلسلہ رکا نہیں بلکہ اگلے سال مارچ سنہ دو ہزار چار میں عاشورہ کے جلوس پر لیاقت بازار میں نامعلوم افراد نے خودکش حملہ کردیا تھا۔
ان واقعات پر حکام کے مطابق تحقیقات کی گئیں، انکوائریوں کے حکم بھی دیے گئے، جوڈیشل انکوائری بھی کرائی گئی جس کا لبِ لباب ذرائع ابلاغ کو یہی بتایا گیا کہ پولیس کی کارکردگی کو بہتر کیا جائے گا
اس حملے کی منصوبہ بندی دیگر حملوں سے اس لیے مختلف تھی کیونکہ اس کے لیے جلوس کے راستے میں ایک عمارت کرائے پر حاصل کی گئی تھی اور پہلے شدید فائرنگ کی گئی، پھر دستی بم پھینکنے کے بعد حملہ آوروں نے خود کو دھماکے سے اڑا دیا تھا۔ اس حملے میں ساٹھ افراد ہلاک ہوئے تھے۔
ان واقعات پر حکام کے مطابق تحقیقات کی گئیں، انکوائریوں کے حکم بھی دیے گئے، جوڈیشل انکوائری بھی کرائی گئی جس کا لبِ لباب ذرائع ابلاغ کو یہی بتایا گیا کہ پولیس کی کارکردگی کو بہتر کیا جائے گا۔
اس واقعہ کے بعد شہر میں توڑ پھوڑ کی گئی املاک کو نقصان پہنچایا گیا اور جلاؤ گھیراؤ کے واقعات میں متعدد دکانوں کو راکھ کا ڈھیر بنا دیا گیا تھا جس سے مزید ہلاکتیں بھی ہوئی تھیں۔
ہزارہ قبیلے کا تعلق بنیادی طور پر افغانستان سے ہے اور ان کی زبان ہزارگی فارسی سے ملتی جلتی ہے۔ کوئٹہ اور پاکستان کے دیگر علاقوں میں ہزارہ قبیلے کے کوئی پانچ لاکھ افراد آباد ہیں۔ کوئٹہ میں ہزارہ قبیلے کے لوگ تعلیم، تجارت، کھیل اور زندگی کے دیگر میدانوں میں کافی متحرک ہیں
بلوچستان کے سابق انسپکٹر جنرل پولیس شعیب سڈل نے کوئٹہ میں اخباری کانفرنسز میں بتایا تھا کہ فرقہ وارانہ تشدد کے واقعات میں کالعدم تنظیم لشکرِ جھنگوی ملوث ہے جو ان میں سے بیشتر حملوں کی ذمہ داری قبول کر چکی ہے۔
انھوں نے ان حملوں کے ماسٹر مائنڈ عثمان سیف اللہ ، داؤد بادینی اور چند دیگر افراد کے نام بتائے اور کہا تھا کہ ان حملہ آوروں کا مضبوط گڑھ بلوچستان کا شہر مستونگ ہے۔
اس کے بعد عثمان سیف اللہ کو کراچی سے گرفتار کر لیا گیا اور کوئٹہ چھاؤنی جیسے محفوظ علاقے میں قائم انسدادِ دہشت گردی کی جیل میں رکھا گیا تھا۔
عثمان سیف اللہ اس جیل سے سنہ دو ہزار آٹھ میں عاشورہ کے جلوس سے تین روز پہلے فرار ہو گیا تھا۔ عثمان سیف اللہ کے فرار کے بارے میں جیل حکام کو صبح اس وقت پتہ چلا جب قیدیوں کی حاضری لی جا رہی تھی جب کہ داؤد بادینی کے بارے میں اطلاع ہے کہ وہ گرفتار ہے اور مچھ جیل میں ہے۔
ہزارہ قبیلے کا تعلق بنیادی طور پر افغانستان سے ہے اور ان کی زبان ہزارگی فارسی سے ملتی جلتی ہے۔ کوئٹہ اور پاکستان کے دیگر علاقوں میں ہزارہ قبیلے کے کوئی پانچ لاکھ افراد آباد ہیں۔ کوئٹہ میں ہزارہ قبیلے کے لوگ تعلیم، تجارت، کھیل اور زندگی کے دیگر میدانوں میں کافی متحرک ہیں۔
حالیہ واقعات سے بلوچستان میں کشیدگی بڑھ گئی ہے۔ اس صوبے میں ایک طرف بلوچ قوم پرستی کے حوالے سے تشدد کے واقعات جاری ہیں تو دوسری جانب مذہبی انتہا پسندی کے واقعات بھی پیش آ رہے ہیں۔
مبصرین کا کہنا ہے کہ جغرافیائی لحاظ سے جیسے بلوچستان دیگر صوبوں سے الگ تھلگ ہے اسی طرح حکومتوں کی توجہ بھی اس صوبے کی جانب نہ ہونے کے برابر ہے۔
سابق فوجی صدر جنرل (ریٹائرڈ) پرویز مشرف نے بلوچستان کی عوام سے ماضی کی زیادتیوں کی معافی مانگ کر صوبے میں فوجی آپریشن شروع کیا تھا۔
اس کے بعد موجودہ صدر آصف علی زرداری نے بھی بلوچستان کی عوام سے معافی مانگی لیکن صوبے کے حالات بہتر کرنے کے لیے کوئی ٹھوس اقدامات نہیں کیے گئے۔
موجودہ حکومت نے بلوچستان پیکج کا اعلان ضرور کیا جسے بیش تر قوم پرست رہنماوں نے مسترد کر چکے ہیں۔
Here is a brief timeline of attacks on Shia Hazara community in year 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7b_A0_PEcXA
13 killed in attack on Shia Muslims in Pak
Islamabad, October 04, 2011
First Published: 19:20 IST(4/10/2011)
In yet another attack targeting Shia Muslims in Pakistan, militants belonging to outlawed Lashkar-e-Jhangvi group today stormed a bus carrying members from the minority community, gunning down at least 13 of them and injuring seven more in the restive Balochistan province. Three gunmen
travelling in a pick-up truck stopped the bus with about 30 passengers in Akhtarabad area on the outskirts of provincial capital Quetta, witnesses said.
Two gunmen then entered the bus and fired indiscriminately, they said. Thirteen men, most of them Shia Hazaras, were killed and seven others injured, police said. The injured were taken to the Bolan Medical Complex and those with critical wounds were shifted to Quetta’s military hospital.
Officials described the condition of three of the injured as serious. The attackers fled from the area before it was cordoned off by police and paramilitary Frontier Corps personnel. Witnesses said all the slain men were labourers who were going to a fruit and vegetable market for work. Ali Sher Haidry, a spokesman for Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, telephoned reporters in Quetta and claimed responsibility for the killings. Haidry had made similar claims for attacks on Shias in the past.
The claim came hours after the Chief Justice of Balochistan High Court banned the publication of threatening statements from militants. City police chief Ahsan Mehboob removed a police officer from his post for failing to provide security to the bus in the wake of several attacks on vehicles carrying Shia Hazaras in Quetta and nearby areas.
A large number of Hazaras gathered at the Bolan Medical Complex and staged a protest against the attack. The bus that was attacked was set on fire by angry protesters. Protesters shouted slogans against the police and the government for their failure to prevent attacks on Shias.
Some protesters accused the authorities of being in league with terrorists and demanded a targeted operation and a crackdown on those who were attacking the Hazaras. Police said security has been stepped up at all exit points of Quetta to prevent the attackers fleeing the city. Dozens of Hazaras, who stand out from the local population because of their distinct features, have been killed in sectarian attacks over the past few months.
Nearly 30 Hazaras were killed in attacks on a bus carrying Shia pilgrims and another vehicle near Quetta last month. Six more pilgrims were killed within Quetta city. The pilgrims were heading to neighbouring Iran to visit shrines and sacred places.
The Shia Ulema Council, Hazara Democratic Party, Tahaffuz-e-Azadari Council and the local chapter of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement condemned today’s attack. The Shia Ulema Council called for three days of mourning. Members of Parliament condemned the targeted killings of Hazaras in Quetta severely criticised the Balochistan government for failing to protect the community.
Some lawmakers demanded the imposition of Governor’s Rule in Balochistan. Speaking in the National Assembly or lower house of Parliament on a point of order, ruling PPP lawmaker Farahnaz Ispahani condemned the killing of the Hazaras in Quetta and urged Interior Minister Rehman Malik to take notice of the law and order situation in Balochistan. The killings were also condemned by Parliamentarians from the Muttahida Qaumi Movement, PML-N and PML-Q.
timeline of attacks on Shia Hazara community in 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7b_A0_PEcXA
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: Oct 04, 2011–> 14 vegetable vendors killed in HazarGanji, 5 injured. #Quetta
10 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: Sept 23,2011–> 04 people were killed in Mach , 03 seriously injured.
10 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: Sept 20, 2011–> 29 traders & laborers were massacred in #Mastung, 05 injured.
10 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: Aug 31, 2011–> Suicide blast on Alamdar Rd #Quetta claimed 11 lives, 20 injured.
10 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: July 30, 2011–> 11 people killed on Spiny Rd Quetta including women , 04 injured.
10 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: July 29, 2011–> 7 persons killed at Saryab Bus station, 12 injured.
10 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: June 16, 2011-> Thrice Olympian Boxer, Ibrar Hussain, was assassinated in Quetta.
11 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: June-Aug 2011–>28 Hazaras were target killed at Saryab Rd, HazarGanji & Spni Rd.
11 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: May 18,2011–> 6 Vegetable vendors were killed in Hazargani, 5 injured.
11 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: May 06, 2011–> 9 footballers were murdered by rocket launchers, 15 other injured #Quetta
11 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: Nov-Apr 2010–> 7 other Hazaras were target killed in Quetta.
11 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: Sep 03, 2010 –Protest rally was attacked in Mizan Chowk Quetta. 75 killed, 160 injured
11 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: May-Aug 2010–>12 persons target killed on various occasions in #Quetta.
11 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: Apr 16, 2010->10 persons were killed in a suicide attack on Civil Hospital.
11 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: Aug-Oct 2009–> Eng. Ahmed Ali, Walayat H Advocat, Eng.M.Ashraf were target killed
11 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: March 2009–>10 persons were target killed on Saryab Rd and Hazar Ganji market Quetta
11 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: Jan 23, 2009-> Syed Talib UC-Nazim, Syed Jawad, and Hassan Ali were killed in Quetta 3 0
11 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: Feb 2, 2009-Jan 10,2009-> 4 persons target killed on various occasions in Quetta.
11 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: Jan 26, 2009->Hussain Ali Yousafi Chairman of Hazara Democratic Party was assassinated
11 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: Jan 14, 2009->DSP Hassan Ali, Police Constables Nasrullah, M.Mehdi & driver were killed
11 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: July 2008-Jan 12 2009->13 persons target killed in #Quetta-scholar, police officials etc
12 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: Jan 05, 2009->Two persons including a child and a woman killed by motorcyclists 2 3
12 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: May 30, 2008 ->5 cricketers were killed on Samungli Rd, Quetta.
12 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: 2004-2006–>12 persons including doctors, engineers, lawyers, traders were killed.
12 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: Mar 2, 2004 –>Suicide attack on Ashura Procession, Quetta. 57 killed, 78 injured.
12 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: Jul 4, 2003 –>Suicide attack on Hazara Imam Bargah-Mosque Quetta. 53 killed, 150 injured
12 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: Jun 8, 2003–> Firing on Police Cadets on Saryab Road Quetta. 12 killed, 11 injured.
12 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: Apr, 2003 –> Firing on Suzuki Van in Kirani Road Quetta -5 killed, 3 injured.
12 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on #Hazara #Shia in #Pakistan: 2003 –> Bank Cashier Ali Madad Changezi was killed in Sibbi
12 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on Hazara Shia in Pakistan: 2003 –> Haji Mohammad Jan (Tribal leader) was killed in Machh, Bolan District.
12 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on Hazara Shia in Pakistan: 2000 –> Two Hazara persons were shot dead in Eastern by pass
12 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on Hazara Shia in Pakistan: Oct 6, 1999 –>Attack on Tribal Leader Sardar Nisar Ali Hazar… (cont) deck.ly/~wa6w1
12 hours ago
mSaleemJaved Saleem Javed
Timeline of attacks on Hazara Shia in Pakistan: Jul 6, 1985 –>Police Firing on Demonstration in #Quetta. Dead: 18 Injured: 22
The killing of 13 Shia Muslims in Quetta today is a grim reminder of how intolerant Pakistan has become when it comes to religious freedom.
According to the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan’s report ‘State of Human Rights in 2010’, 418 people have been killed in various attacks on Muslim sects, including 211 in suicide bombing last year. Here’s a look at some of the incidents that have claimed the lives of Pakistanis over the last two decades.
12 members of a Shia family were killed during a Majlis. Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LJ) leader Malik Ishaq was arrested but was released later due to lack of evidence.
The same year, Malik Ishaq was alleged to have bombed the Iranian culture centre in Multan. Eight people were killed. 1n 2006, Ishaq was released due to lack of evidence.
28 October, 2001
A Protestant Church was attacked in Bahawalpur, Punjab. The incident left16 dead, all Christians except one, and 6 injured.
26 February, 2002
At least 11 Shia worshipers were killed by indiscriminate firing by a group of masked gunmen at the Shah-i-Najaf Mosque in Rawalpindi.
17 March, 2002
Yet another attack on a Protestant church with in a span of six months left five persons, including a US diplomat’s wife and daughter, dead and 40 others injured.
9 August, 2002
Four people were killed after terrorists attacked a Church located in the premises of the Taxila Christian Hospital, in Taxila, northern Punjab.
25 September, 2002
Gunmen stormed the offices of a Christian welfare organisation in Karachi, tied seven office workers to their chairs before shooting each in the head at close range.
25 December, 2002
An attack on the Presbyterian Church in Daska, near Sialkot left three young girls dead.
8 June, 2003
11 Pakistani police trainees were shot dead in what is believed to have been a sectarian attack on Sariab Road, Quetta, as they all belonged to Hazara Shi’a branch of Islam. Another nine were reported wounded.[27]
June 8, 2003
12 Shia Hazara police cadets were gun downed in Quetta. LJ claimed responsibility of the attack.
4 July, 2003
At least 47 people were killed and 150 injured in an attack on an Imambargah in Quetta.
28 February, 2004
An apparent suicide bomber was killed and three worshipers were injured in an attack on Imambargah in Satellite Town, Rawalpindi.
March 2, 2004
42 persons were killed and more than 100 wounded when a procession of the Shia Muslims was attacked in Liaquat Bazaar in Quetta.
7 May, 2004
A suicide bomber attacked an Imambargah in Karachi, killing at least 15 worshipers. More than 100 people were also injured, 25 of them critically in the attack.
14 May, 2004
Six members of Shia family were killed in Lahore.
31 May, 2004
A suicide bomber blew up the Imambarghah Ali Raza mosque in Karachi in the middle of evening prayers, killing 16 worshipers and injuring 35. Two people were killed in riots over the mosque attack and Shamzai’s assassination.
21 September, 2004
Three members of Shia family were gunned down in Dera Ismail Khan. It was alleged Sipah-e-Sahaba members were involved in the killings.
1 October, 2004
A suicide bombing left 25 people dead and dozen injured at an Imambargah in Sialkot.
10 October, 2004
A suicide bombing at an Imambargah in Lahore killed four people and left eight others injured.
8 January, 2005
At least 10 people have been killed in sectarian violence in the northern Pakistani city of Gilgit.
19 March, 2005
At least 35 people were killed and many injured when a Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorist exploded himself at the shrine of Pir Rakhel Shah in remote village of Fatehpur in Jhal Magsi District, Balochistan. The dead included Shia and Deobandi devotees.
27 May, 2005
20 people were slaughtered and 82 wounded due to a suicide bombing at the annual Shia Muslims congregation at the shrine of Bari Imam in Islamabad.
31 May, 2005
suicide attack on the Shia mosque in central Karachi where five people were killed and about 20 others wounded.
7 October, 2005
Eight members of the Ahmadiyya faith were killed inside a place of worship in Mandi Bahauddin, Punjab, Pakistan.
11 April, 2006
Over 50 people, including Sunni (Barelvi) scholars, were killed in a bomb explosion at a religious gathering on 12 Rabi-ul-Awal in Nishtar Park, Karachi.
20 February, 2009
At least 28 people were killed and more than 65 injured when a suicide bomber attacked a Shia funeral procession in Dera Ismail Khan.
April 5, 2009
A suicide bomber detonated outside the entrance of an Imambargah in Chakwal, in Punjab province. 24 people were killed in the attack.
August 1, 2009
Seven Christians were burned alive in Gojra, Punjab. Known as the Gojra riots, the attack saw the Christian community leave town, fearing for their lives.
December 28, 2009
40 Shias were killed in an apparent suicide bombing in Karachi. The bomber attacked a Shia procession which was held to mark Ashura.
28 May 2010
86 people were killed and more than 120 were injured in nearly simultaneous attacks against two places of worship of the minority Ahmadiya community. Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility for the attacks.
September 1, 2010
In Lahore at least 35 Shias were killed and 160 unknown people injured during a procession.
September 3, 2010
Attack on a rally in Quetta killed around 53 people during another procession calling for solidarity with Palestinians.
The same day an attack on an Ahmedi place of worship left one dead in Mardan.
December 9, 2010
A mortar attack killed nine people, including women and children in Hangu.
Abu Mansoor, ‘commander’ of the Lashkar-i-Jhangvi Al Almi of Hangu, Kohat and Orakzai and Kurram Agencies, and claimed the responsibility for the blast.
December 13, 2010
A school bus was attacked in Peshawar as Shias marked Ashura. A boy was killed and 5 others were hurt. Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility for the blast.
January 25, 2011
Two suicide blasts targeted Shia processions in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore as well as the major southern port city of Karachi. Fifteen people were killed in the attacks.
6 May, 2011
Six members of the Hazara Shia community were gunned down in Quetta, the responsibility of which was taken by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LJ).
18 May, 2011
7 Shias were gunned down in Quetta, once again LJ claimed responsibility.
September 20, 2011
Gunmen shot dead 29 Pakistani Shia pilgrims travelling to Iran. In a brutal assault, gunmen ordered pilgrims off their bus, lined them up and assassinated them in a hail of gunfire in Mastung.
. (It should be remembered that sectarian groups such as the LeJ are closely allied with the Taliban, the same people that the government is contemplating negotiating with.) What is alarming is that these forces appear to be fanning out, creating more and more animosity between groups in a society where too much distrust exists in the first place.
What we have also witnessed through the years is the inability of our security forces to deal with the problem. It is hard to understand why groups like the LeJ remain able to carry out operations across the country. Clearly, our intelligence agencies are failing in tracking their activities and plans or else these attacks would not be happening with such alarming regularity. Given the recent past, it may well be a case not of inability but rather a lack of will, at least among some element’s in the state’s security apparatus. After all, what else can explain the occurrence of two such massacres targeting the Shia Hazara in Balochistan, in a matter of two weeks?
Published in The Express Tribune, October 5th, 2011.
14 hours ago
TTP, whom Imran calls pushtoon nationalists, is in alliance with LeJ and other sectarian terrorist groups. All these were once our strategic assets that were nurtured not by the corrupt civilian government; everyone is not a fool out there. Should the government initiate a dialogue with LeJ and accept their demand of eliminating all minority sects.
13 hours ago
Where are the leaders of major political parties. More so the largest, richest political party, the army & ISI Chief. In the APC there were so many people present, now there are only a couple of names, what a shame! Where is the outrage on the murders of peaceful citizens? There is so much reaction and anger at the killing of just one man OBL but not much reaction on the series of killings in Bulochistan.
Who are the Hazara?
By Imran Yusuf
Published: October 5, 2011
Pakistani Shiite Muslims mourn next to coffins of their community members during a funeral ceremony in Quetta on October 4, 2011. PHOTO: AFP
There are over 900,000 Hazara living in Pakistan, a figure larger than the population of Washington DC. Yet this is a vulnerable community, besieged by anti-Shia violence on one side and drawing suspicion and indifference in equal measure on the other.
Old news, a Hazara might say, as a brief look at the community’s past reveals a tradition of persecution, of which yesterday’s attack in Quetta is but the latest atrocity.
The origins of the Hazara are disputed, though there are three primary theories. The Hazara could be of Turko-Mongol ancestry, descendants of an occupying army left in Afghanistan by Genghis Khan. A second theory goes back two millennia to the Kushan dynasty, when Bamiyan in Afghanistan – home to the large statues blown up by the Taliban – was a centre of Buddhist civilisation. Subscribers to this idea point to the similar facial structure of the Hazaras with those of murals and Buddhist statues in the region.
The most widely-accepted theory is something of a compromise: that the Hazara are mixed-race. Certain Mongol tribes did travel to eastern Persia and what is now modern-day Afghanistan to put down roots. Hazaras often have distinctive facial features, sometimes termed Mongoloid, which bear the origins of their central Asian ancestry.
Either way the Hazara settled in central Afghanistan, though in the mid-19th century their brutal history of persecution began when more than half their population was killed or forced into exile.
Amir Abdul Rehman, who the British termed Afghanistan’s Iron Amir during the Raj, invaded the Hazara homeland in the country’s central highlands, forcing them to give up land, and pushing many into exile in Balochistan.
There was already Hazara movement into British India by this point, with members of the community migrating to work in labour-intensity jobs such as mining. Some Hazaras also came to Quetta during this period to work on the construction of Indian railways. However, the majority were forced to leave by Rehman’s ethnic cleansing.
The Hazara’s history is not exclusively one of victimhood. In 1907 British officer Colonel Claude Jacob raised a regiment made up solely of Hazaras, who had developed a reputation for martial strength, perhaps based on a romanticisation of their possible lineage to Genghis Khan.
The Hazaras who did not make the military cut found jobs as unskilled labourers, for despite their knowledge of agriculture, they owned no land in their new territory.
Quetta’s 1935 earthquake actually helped the Hazara community in some ways. The migration away from the city after the disaster opened up positions in semi-skilled labour, which led some Hazaras to become shopkeepers, tailors and mechanics.
The Second World War saw more Hazaras enlisted by the British Indian Army. Some thrived: one of them was General Musa Khan, who led Pakistan in the 1965 war against India.
Since Partition, however, the Hazaras have remained a underprivileged community. Currently between 500,000 and 600,000 live in Quetta, spread over two slums in the east and west of the city. A large proportion of their income is remittance payments from Iran, the Gulf, Europe and Australia. Among the Hazara in Quetta are tens of thousands of new migrants escaping the wrath of the Taliban.
Persecution of Hazaras persists in Afghanistan, where the Taliban have shown no let-up in their attack on Shias, burning villages and kidnapping community members, forcing further emigration into Pakistan.
In Pakistan, the sectarian violence also has a geopolitical context, with theories that the Hazara receive Iranian support. General Zia allowed state actors to support anti-Hazara groups for this reason. As mentioned by columnist Ejaz Haider in this newspaper recently, the view of the Hazara as Iranian proxies still persists in Balochistan.
Approximately, 250 Hazara citizens of Pakistan have been killed in the past three years.
Published in The Express Tribune, October 5th, 2011.
Similarity between Ayatullah Durrani and Pervez Musharraf
a brief history of Hazara genocide from July 1985 to Sep 2011
Bolta Pakistan: Detail of attacks on Shia Hazaras
some important data and context
Carnage continues
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Yet again a busload of mostly Hazara Shias has come under attack on the Western Bypass close to Quetta. Fourteen are dead; a further seven are reported injured. Their crime appears to be their sectarian adherence – as they were on their way to the fruit and vegetable market, an activity which does not carry the death penalty. The sectarian carnage in the last fortnight has reached truly appalling proportions, and is an indicator of just how slack the state and provincial grip on law and order is. The Mastung incident at the end of last month is still fresh in the mind, when 26 Shias were forced off a bus on its way to Iran and gunned down in cold blood. A few days later, another three were murdered – a total of 42 dead in a fortnight with dozens injured. The Mastung incident was claimed by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, an organisation which, despite being banned, appears able to operate with impunity.
The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), condemning Tuesday’s attack, said that the killers had been emboldened by the ‘persistent lack of action’ against sectarian groups and that the attack ‘exposes once again the diminishing grip of the state.’ It is a view difficult to disagree with. Amnesty International also weighed in against the government, with its Asia-Pacific director saying – “These attacks prove that without an urgent and comprehensive government response, no place is safe for the Shia”. He added that the attacks on Shias were not random, but cases of deliberate targeting by armed groups – again impossible to refute. The usual announcements of ‘urgent investigations’ have been made with no early expectation of arrests. The Balochistan High Court has recently been critical of the provincial home department’s report into the Mastung incident. The report did not contain a statement from any of the survivors and appears to be an example of departmental buck-passing between different agencies. The detention of the leader of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Malik Ishaq, in Rahim Yar Khan at the end of September has done nothing to lessen tensions, and is symbolic both of the lack of decisiveness by the government and just how far down the scale of priorities it views the needs and security of a community. Our human rights record in respect of minorities and those other than the majority sect is shameful. On the basis of what we have seen in the last fortnight it is difficult to conclude anything other than that those who are responsible for the killings are being protected by at least some in the corridors of power. It is now for the federal and provincial governments to prove otherwise by moving against the supposedly ‘banned’ outfits.
“3,700 civilians, mostly Shias, killed and 7,700 wounded since 1989 in sectarian violence in Pakistan.”
An incurable disease?
An incurable disease?
Given the brutal violence against the Shias in Pakistan over the past three decades, Shias have started to wonder if there is a future for them in Pakistan.
While hundreds of thousands of Shias had migrated to Pakistan in 1947 in the hope of building a new life for themselves and their future generations, many are now contemplating emigrating from Pakistan to save their lives and property.
Hundreds of Shias have been murdered by the Deobandi militants in Quetta in the past few months alone. In the last couple of weeks, Shias have been taken off buses, lined up and shot dead. Quetta, however, is not an exception. Shias are not safe in any major town in Pakistan. Their places of worship, religious processions, and civilian and religious leadership has come under relentless attacks while the State’s machinery has either refused or failed to protect Shias and other religious minorities in Pakistan.
According to South Asia Terrorism Portal, 3,700 civilians, mostly Shias, have been killed and another 7,700 wounded since 1989 in sectarian violence in Pakistan. Elsewhere, several thousand Shias have been ruthlessly murdered in sectarian violence in Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iraq, and Pakistan. In the last decade alone, the number of Shias killed by fellow Muslims is an order of magnitude higher than those who died at the hands of non-Muslims. These stats are at odds with the mainstream rhetoric of the religio-political Muslim parties who argue for one people under Islam.
In 2004, I visited India for the first time. I attended the Friday prayers in the historical Delhi mosque. The cab drove me right to the main gate and I walked freely into the compound. Later, I visited the Bara (large) and Chota (small) Imambargah in Lucknow. I walked into both places without any hindrance. The same was true for mosques and shrines in other cities that I visited in India. Weeks later when I went to Pakistan I realised how far things had deteriorated vis-à-vis India. While I was able to walk into Sunni and Shia places of worship in India without being stopped at checkpoints by the police, I was not able to do the same in Pakistan.
The streets leading up to Imambargahs in Pakistan were guarded by police against possible attacks on Shias. Even Sunni shrines were heavily guarded by the police and private security guards; I made a painful realisation. In the supposedly Hindu India, Muslims’ places of worship existed in relative safety while in a Muslim Pakistan, mosques and shrines had to be guarded against the wrath of fellow Muslims.
I am not oblivious to, or ignorant of, the wholesale violence against Muslims in Gujarat in India, or the discovery of 2,156 unidentified dead bodies buried in unmarked graves in Kashmir, or the breakout of sporadic communal violence in Mumbai that often leaves many Muslims dead. However, if one were to focus on the rest of India, especially the States in South India, Muslims live in relative peace. On the other hand, there is no place left in Pakistan where one can claim that religious minorities are not threatened by extremist Muslims.
The network of sectarian violence in Pakistan has its roots in the Deobandi sect. Syed Ejaz Hussain, who is a deputy inspector general of police, for his doctoral thesis in criminology at the University of Pennsylvania analysed the demographic and religious characteristics of the 2,344 terrorists arrested between 1990 and 2009 in Pakistan*. These terrorists were the ones whose cases were forwarded to the courts after the police were satisfied of their guilt based on their preliminary investigation. The sectarian breakdown of the arrested terrorists revealed that more than 90 per cent were of the Deobandi sect. An ethnic breakdown revealed that 35 per cent arrested terrorists were Pashtuns who in fact make up only 15 per cent of Pakistan’s population.
Source: http://repository.upenn.edu/edissertations/136
The disproportionate number of Pashtun Deobandis amongst the arrested terrorists is perhaps a result of the concerted effort in the seventies and eighties by the United States and Pakistan’s establishment to radicalise Pashtun tribes to wage a war against the Soviet Army in Afghanistan. Since the withdrawal of the Soviet forces from Afghanistan, the radicalised and armed Deobandi Pashtuns have been waging proxy wars in India and wars of convenience against the Shias and other religious minorities in Pakistan. Some militant outfits have remained so intimately embedded with the State’s apparatus over the years that it is now proving impossible to extricate the militants from the military.
Source: http://repository.upenn.edu/edissertations/136
BBC’s Urdu service recently profiled militant outfits in a special coverage of four decades of militancy in Pakistan. The overwhelming majority of the militant outfits followed the Deobandi sect. Furthermore, several of the same militant outfits have been reportedly active in India, which has raised alarms in capitals around the world about the collusion between religious extremists and the Pakistan intelligence apparatus.
Source: BBC Urdu Service.
Seasoned political analyst, Najam Sethi, opined on TV recently that even when all relevant intelligence is available on the militants, the State is unwilling to act against them either out of fear or for past collusion. Sethi further argued that in instances where the State’s machinery acted against the militants, the debilitated judicial system failed to prosecute even those terrorists who have boasted in public of killing Shias and other religious minorities.
Dr. Hussain also noted in his doctoral thesis that terrorist violence escalates significantly after the arrest of seasoned militants who are seldom prosecuted, thus making all arrests futile. Often the judges and police officials involved in arresting sectarian militants are killed in targeted violence. It is no surprise that the judge who recently convicted the police constable accused of murdering the former Governor of Punjab, Salman Taseer, has gone into hiding.
Pakistanis often quote the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who spoke in unambiguous terms about religious freedom for the minorities in the country he founded. The reality on the street however is far from Jinnah’s vision of Pakistan. The streets in Pakistan are now controlled by military, militants and mullahs – a trifecta of high school dropouts or those who never made it to a university or a college.
As Afghanistan and Pakistan descend further into chaos even more militant groups of varying sizes and ambitions will regrettably come out of woodwork trying to take control of a balkanised Afghanistan and a militarised Pakistan whose infrastructure failures will fuel even more anarchy. Such environments are the perfect breeding grounds for sectarian militants who would target Shias with even more gusto.
If the security situation does not improve for Shias in Pakistan, they may want to consider seeking asylum in foreign lands. The foreign missions in Islamabad should consider such asylum requests on humanitarian grounds. It cannot get any worse than being pulled out of public transit and shot dead for your religious beliefs.
*Hussain, Syed Ejaz, “Terrorism in Pakistan: incident patterns, terrorists’ characteristics, and theimpact of terrorist arrests on terrorism” (2010). University of Pennsylvania.
Murtaza Haider, Ph.D. is the Associate Dean of research and graduate programs at the Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University in Toronto. He can be reached by email at [email protected]
The views expressed by this blogger and in the following reader comments do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Dawn Media Group.
Curiously; none of the media forms are interested in discussing the cause of target killings. They evidently do not want to offend the likes of PML-N, ISI, JUI-F and Jang along with the regular lot of clerics.
Munize Jahnagir Express News program
Pakistan Poochta Hai “28-09-11” Part 01
Pakistan Poochta Hai “28-09-11” Part 02
Pakistan Poochta Hai “28-09-11” Part 03
Pakistan Poochta Hai “28-09-11” Part 04
SHAKEEL ARAIN, you represent the true face of Sunni Islam, tum logon par toh Khuda ki laanat honi hee thee, jinhoo nay Paighambaray Islam ki baat nahi maani, Humanity tum logo key liye nahi Woh to Insaano ki liye bataae gaye hain ,,, Kutay ki maut marogay tum sab Paki….
Looking back, it is quite sure that Saddam Hessian was doing a great job by ruling the nation, and keeping civil life going on.
Tous les Antonins pr
In the FTSE 100, TUI Travel has pleased the market by lifting its forecast for full-year profits, and the shares have gained 2.4pc
“Kau memang manusia tak berhati perut Daniel. Nanti aku cakap kat Nek Jah” ancamku. Daniel senyum lagi.
“Sekarang papa tahu isteri kedua papa tidak mampu jalankan tanggungjawab sebagaimana mama kamu lakukan..Dia dah tinggalkan papa..!” buat pertama kalinya aku melihat air mata papa jatuh berguguran.Aku sedih sekali melihat keadaan papa sebegini.
So we trust that he won’t steal our CDs after we doze off or reveal our private fondness for ,This same lack-of-trust malarkey made the news recently when secured the rights to probe a paramour’s past. 2013 19:52:38″The task immediately before us lies in ensuring that the communities that rise again do so stronger,”AFP defends withdrawal of officersThe AFP declined requests for an on-camera interview with Mr Prendergast but sent a statement confirming the meeting took place.Sergeant Thomson says that in his opinion the decision to withdraw the officers was made at least partly to expose the security failings of Serco.Regular Season TotalSplitGPGSWLOTLGAGAASASvSv%SOENGAPIMTOI—————Home/AwaySplitGPGSWLOTLGAGAASASvSv%SOENGAPIMTOI—————MonthsSplitGPGSWLOTLGAGAASASvSv%SOENGAPIMTOI—————Pre/Post All StarSplitGPGSWLOTLGAGAASASvSv%SOENGAPIMTOI—————Day/NightSplitGPGSWLOTLGAGAASASvSv%SOENGAPIMTOI—————In Div/ConfSplitGPGSWLOTLGAGAASASvSv%SOENGAPIMTOI—————OutcomeSplitGPGSWLOTLGAGAASASvSv%SOENGAPIMTOI—————By OpponentSplitGPGSWLOTLGAGAASASvSv%SOENGAPIMTOI————— it went nowhere because the NHL likes,Can the same be said of the likes of Buffalo’s John Scott?”The Murray Goulburn offer is conditional on it achieving a relevant interest in the company of greater than 50 per cent of WCB shares.
he got together with Sue By Friday they were talking marriage That Saturday they considered eloping“I had gone out with other girls but they just didn’t seem interesting to me I couldn’t connect with them With Sue after about the fifth date I said ‘That’s it’” he saysOn Monday Eliseo and Sue went to the justice of the peace in Rockwall but didn’t have her birth certificate They tried again on Tuesday but were turned away again On Wednesday Eliseo’s friend tried to convince the clerk that he was Sue’s father No luck They’d have to get her parents’ blessing because she was only 16 Eliseo was 21“My mother just didn’t know what to do neither one of them did” she saysBut her parents knew they had no choice Sue wasn’t going to Florida The next day Feb 12 Susan’s parents accompanied them to the justice of the peace in downtown Dallas Looking back Eliseo says he understands Sue’s parents’ concern“We have two daughters and I don’t know what I’d do” he says “It would have killed me if my daughters had done that”The newlyweds settled into a furnished apartment She finished her GED and worked at H&R Research In 1956 daughter Becky was born That same year Eliseo started his 33-year career as a machinist at Texas Instruments Sue too worked for TI for 10 years when the kids got olderEliseo says he worked a lot of overtime on weekends because of the Cold War from the time of Sputnik to the fall of the Berlin Wall But he still made time for family which included Sandy born in 1958 and Alec Jr, It will take great design, Years of disrepair had led to peeling paint, at face value,Attempts to reach the owner of Crazy 8’s Billiards for comment were unsuccessful.do Republicans really need to say much to win the lion??s share of support from religiously-committed votersOne trouble spot, I still get shocked at the lengths to which people will go to seek revenge for something I’ve published. And it would help if we took back the news and oriented it toward content rather than commentary and entertainment?”Red flags were everywhere.
“I started at the very beginning by looking at cultural identity in Australia, By April 2013, Utah.” They both refer to how existing player contracts will be dealt with with once the lockout is settled. we’ll make it $1. All the talk of non-partisanship and the reforming centre has effectively taken the wind even further out of the Opposition’s sails. Michael Jeffery, TE 1 8 8.4 13 0 , Toews (1).
+ rmzbr
Over six-decade history of the country is annotated with brazen trampling of human rights. What is more exasperating is that two opposite rules are being practiced in one country. Those who publicly infringe law of the country, proudly own pogroms and deride constitution are coddled as stakeholders but peaceful struggles for political rights are crushed with savagery and political activists are brutally killed. Such incidents will only sprinkle fuel on the fire and can eventually turn a peaceful nationalist movement violent.
Because, Mr Cameron, were different. So deal with it or deal with defeat.So why did she create such a filthy (sexually dirty as opposed to physically unclean) female character in the first place?
Rauhoittunut Algeria k?y nyt muistojen sotaa. Toisin kuin monessa muussa arabimaassa, Algeriassa ei ole koettu arabikev?tt?. Terrorismikin on hiipunut,Michael Kors, joskaan ei ole t?ysin lakannut. L?hihistorian mustia kohtia riitt?? eik? media ole tuonut kaikkea p?iv?nvaloon, katsoo Alger’n yliopiston historian professori M. El Korso. Haastateltavina lis?ksi ovat mm. suomalaistunut algerialaisl??k?ri Abdelghadir Maiche ja poikansa Karem Maiche sek? Tuomo Melasuo. Toimittajana on Esa Aallas.
And he has demolition permits in hand. kids and adults. The second-year quarterback went 8-2 as the starter and appeared in 13 games,Another criticized Canada for following the lead of government agencies which are aggressively collecting intelligence. the Olympics. Concerned things were going to escalate, that’s pocket change compared to what some of their teams have lost in revenue. ++?across Canada kept in regular contact with each other over the course of a month?” said Vallance-Jones. Jordin Tootoo,Flyers vs Penguins,” Denver coach John Fox said.Needing a first down but not a touchdown so they could run out the clock, the confusion over this is understandable.
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Formally, they maintain the “right of return”,Michael Kors, arguing that without it a great injustice would not be put right. However, there has been regular talk among Palestinians that this “right” could be met by compensation. They refuse to recognise the concept of Israel as a “Jewish state”, saying that this is unnecessary and that it ignores the Israeli-Arab citizens of Israel.
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that might position it as an activist.
Kuva:Tomi H?nninenLehtonen pelasi Sotshissa kaksi hyv?? ottelua. Alkusarjan Norja-ottelussa Lehtonen oli eritt?in vakuuttava. V?lier?ss? Ruotsia vastaan Lehtonen joutui eritt?in kovaan paikkaan. Lehtonen h?lytettiin sairastuneen Raskin tilalle tolppien v?liin pikakomennuksella, mutta Dallas Starsin maalivahti ei t?st? horjunut. Lehtonen pelasi omalla tasollaan tasapainoisesti ja venyi muutamiin t?rkeisiin torjuntoihin.
While Bailey credits the governor for his CEO-like approach torunning a campaign, Dunnam, the Democratic legislator, sees causefor concern in Perry’s impervious air.
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Jindal’s plan called for private companies to run the state’s public hospitals, ending more than a decade of LSU oversight.
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now the director of economic and political development at Columbia University in New York, Although the government denies Zia has been detained,s vote has been dominated by political violence, travelled with the caravan. John McGovern and Chris Kennedy were the experts who came from Britain.“There is no module in the jail staff’s training which tells them about taking special measures for inmates who are under-trial for committing blasphemy, A few days later, sunshine-spitting; idiocy.??Elimination of power and gas pilferage is our top priority to end the energy crisis in the country, The mill was stealing gas worth Rs270 million annually which was causing huge losses to SNGPL.
U.S. intelligence officials say in this case, the delay was due in part to the time it took to analyze various conflicting accounts. One official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to discuss the incident publicly, explained that it “was clear a group of people gathered that evening” in Benghazi, but that the early question was “whether extremists took over a crowd or they were the crowd.”
What it will do: Kolkhorst said the committee is interested in improving documentation and prevention of future disasters.Not every district is asking for many more exceptions,Unless these flaws are corrected,” he said. William Manchester,The easiest argument to dispatch is that high-speed rail is sensible stimulus spending Robinson boldly took possession of the house by using a little-known Texas law called “adverse possession,The museum, (note: loud, weapons trafficking.
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Please Google Shia Genocide data base on LUBP