Monthly Archive:: October 2009

Three female suicide bombers in Lahore attack: Brainwashed by Farhat Hasmi: Dr Farhat Hashmi is a notorious, hate-spreading Wahhabi preacher, who has successfully brainwashed hundred of innocent girls and women in Pakistan and abroad by bringing them into the Saudi-Wahhabi cult. There is a possibility that the three female suicide

Three female suicide bombers in Lahore attack: Brainwashed by Farhat Hasmi: Dr Farhat Hashmi is a notorious, hate-spreading Wahhabi preacher, who has successfully brainwashed hundred of innocent girls and women in Pakistan and abroad by bringing them into

Time to attack the attackers. Time to arrest the Deobandi-Wahhabi sectarian terrorists in Pakistan.: There is a strong alliance between jihadi and sectarian groups in Pakistan. All of these groups belong to extremist interpretations and practices of Deobandi and Wahhabi sects. These groups are sectarian in nature, and violent in terms of their

Time to attack the attackers. Time to arrest the Deobandi-Wahhabi sectarian terrorists in Pakistan.: There is a strong alliance between jihadi and sectarian groups in Pakistan. All of these groups belong to extremist interpretations and practices of Deobandi and Wahhabi sects. These groups are sectarian in nature, and violent in terms of their

The Hypcratic Republic of Pakistan: A Profile: Country profile: Pakistan Posted by Nadeem F. Paracha in Dawn Blogs History The state of Pakistan occupies an area which was home to some of the earliest Neanderthal settlements, some of whose decedents can still be found hiding in

The Hypocratic Republic of Pakistan: A Profile: Country profile: Pakistan Posted by Nadeem F. Paracha in Dawn Blogs History The state of Pakistan occupies an area which was home to some of the earliest Neanderthal settlements, some of whose decedents can still be found hiding in

Terrorists of Taliban / Sipah-e-Sahaba alliance attack various targets in Lahore and Kohat: Who did this: Terrorists of Taliban, Al Qaeda, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Who supports this: Imran Khan, Jamaat-e-Islami, Maulana Fazlur-Rehman, General Hamid Gul, Ruedad Khan and others Who is their propaganda manager: Dr Shahid Masood, Ansar Abbasi, Irfan Siddiqi, Dr Shireen

Takfiri Deobandi terrorists attack various targets in Lahore and Kohat: Who did this: Terrorists of Taliban, Al Qaeda, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Who supports this: Imran Khan, Jamaat-e-Islami, Maulana Fazlur-Rehman, General Hamid Gul, Ruedad Khan and others Who is their propaganda manager: Dr Shahid Masood, Ansar Abbasi, Irfan Siddiqi, Dr Shireen

Bullying ‘bloody civilians’ over the Kerry-Lugar Bill: Bullying ‘bloody civilians’ By Kamran ShafiTuesday, 13 Oct, 2009 (Dawn) Our Rommels and Guderians are not about to alight from their top of the line BMWs and Mercedes and climb into Suzuki Mehrans. –File Photo I have read the

Bullying ‘bloody civilians’ over the Kerry-Lugar Bill: Bullying ‘bloody civilians’ By Kamran ShafiTuesday, 13 Oct, 2009 (Dawn) Our Rommels and Guderians are not about to alight from their top of the line BMWs and Mercedes and climb into Suzuki Mehrans. –File Photo I have read the

Text of the Kerry Lugar Bill: Senators Kerry and Lugar, the architects of the controversial bill.— Photo from File WORLD Congresswoman asks NA to accept US aid package Congresswoman asks NA to accept US aid package S. 1707 One Hundred Eleventh Congress of the United

A Pashto Poem – by Ajmal Khattak: This site has moved to, click this link if you are not redirected

An analysis of Imran Khan’s and Jamaat Islami’s stance on Taliban.: Abbas Ather Wave of violence Wednesday, October 14, 2009 Gradually the complexity and boldness of the Taliban raid on GHQ is being exposed – somewhat quicker than usual for these events, which is a welcome relief from the smokescreen

From ‘tapping the energy of djinns’ to an ‘Al Qaeda’ mindset.: Survival of the fittest Irfan Husain Wednesday, 14 Oct, 2009 Dr Abdul Salam, Pakistani theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate in Physics. — File photo Last night I saw the first in a new BBC series of nature programmes called

No more deals with ‘militants’ please, General Kayani.: More ‘deals’? Dawn Editorial Wednesday, 14 Oct, 2009 (Dawn) For one, the use of tribal elders and jirgas as mediators is not necessarily viable any more. AP/ –File photo A report in this newspaper yesterday has suggested that the

Taliban kill anothe Shia leader in Quetta: JWP leader, driver killed in Quetta QUETTA: Jamhoori Watan Party (JWP) senior vice-president Dr Aslam Mirza and his driver were shot dead by unidentified motorcyclists on Tuesday. Police are linking the killing to a series of attacks on Shia

Southern Pubjab: the unknown hub of Al Qaeda and Taliban: Riversides may be housing some militants By Tariq Saeed Birmani Tuesday, 13 Oct, 2009 In 2007, Maulvi Ismaeel, local cleric, convinced 122 gangsters operating in the area to surrender their arms before police in return for immunity from prosecution.

Southern Pubjab: the unknown hub of Al Qaeda and Taliban: Riversides may be housing some militants By Tariq Saeed Birmani Tuesday, 13 Oct, 2009 In 2007, Maulvi Ismaeel, local cleric, convinced 122 gangsters operating in the area to surrender their arms before police in return for immunity from prosecution.

Aqeel alias Dr Usman, the GHQ attack mastermind previously arrested and released: GHQ attackers’ leader one of army defectors LAHORE: The leader of the attack on the General Headquarters (GHQ) is one of several former military personnel to have joined terrorist groups, The Times reported on Monday. Security officials have identified

Aqeel alias Dr Usman, the GHQ attack mastermind previously arrested and released: GHQ attackers’ leader one of army defectors LAHORE: The leader of the attack on the General Headquarters (GHQ) is one of several former military personnel to have joined terrorist groups, The Times

Taliban: the unholy nexus of sectarian and jihadi terrorists: Raid reveals Taliban’s Punjab links More than a hundred Pakistani civilians have died in four attacks carried out in less than a week [AFP] Officials say the latest deadly attacks reveal the extent to which the Pakistani Taliban is

Taliban: the unholy nexus of sectarian and jihadi terrorists: Raid reveals Taliban’s Punjab links More than a hundred Pakistani civilians have died in four

All roads to South Waziristan: Why Pakistan Must Widen Its Hunt for Militant Bases By OMAR WARAICH / RAWALPINDI Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2009 ( A soldier, policeman and hospital staff move a man, who was injured in a bomb attack in Shangla district, to

Deciphering the GHQ attack: Deciphering the GHQ attack Tuesday, October 13, 2009 Hassan Abbas Before Pakistan could start recovering from a suicide bombing at a UN office in Islamabad and a massive bomb blast in a Peshawar market last week, the brazen Oct

Deciphering the GHQ attack: Deciphering the GHQ attack Tuesday, October 13, 2009 Hassan Abbas Before Pakistan could start recovering from a suicide

Logic of the Taliban supporters: Time to deconstruct some myths and arguments: Some candour, please Saturday, May 02, 2009By Babar Sattar The writer is a lawyer based in Islamabad. He is a Rhodes scholar and has an LL.M from Harvard Law School Argument 1: Pakistan is fighting an alien war Those

Logic of Taliban supporters: Time to deconstruct some myths and arguments: Friends of Taliban in Pakistani media and politics, as well as their agents on the internet (i.e. Hizbut Tahrir mafia), offer various forms of skewed logic in order to either hide, disown, distort or justify various acts of terrorism

General Kayani, Start military operation against militants in Waziristan and Southern Punjab. The nation is with you.: Aye watan kay sajeelay jawano… Tehrik-i-Taliban claims responsibility for GHQ attack Monday, 12 Oct, 2009 Taliban spokesman Azam Tariq called The Associated Press on Monday and said the attack that killed 20 people was only the first in a

General Kayani, Start military operation against militants in Waziristan and Southern Punjab. The nation is with you.: Aye watan kay sajeelay jawano…

The need for an urgent army action against the Taliban in southern Punjab: NWFP for army action in southern Punjab Bureau ReportSunday, 11 Oct, 2009 PESHAWAR, Oct 10: The NWFP government has called for an early “Swat-like” military operation in South Waziristan and southern Punjab, where it believes “terrorists are trained and

The need for an urgent army action against the Taliban in southern Punjab: NWFP for army action in southern Punjab Bureau ReportSunday, 11 Oct, 2009 PESHAWAR, Oct 10: The NWFP government has called for an early “Swat-like” military operation in South Waziristan and southern Punjab, where it believes “terrorists are trained and

Pictures of terrorists killed in the GHQ attack: Pictures of terrorists killed in attack on GHQ, Rawalpindi: Pictures of those implicitly or explicitly supporting terrorists by justifying their ‘jihad’ and acts of terror on various pretexts: Solution: Instead of killing the terrorists (foot-soldiers), arrest and execute the

Pictures of terrorists killed in the GHQ attack: Pictures of terrorists killed in attack on GHQ, Rawalpindi: Pictures of those implicitly or explicitly supporting terrorists by

There are no ‘good’ militants: Supporters and apologists of Taliban and Al Qaeda (Dr Shahid Masood, Ansar Abbasi, Hamid Mir, Irfan Siddiqi, Orya Maqbool Jan as well as Imran Khan and Munawar Hasan) must read this column. By Zaffar AbbasSunday, 11 Oct, 2009 (Dawn)

There are no ‘good’ militants: Supporters and apologists of Taliban and Al Qaeda (Dr Shahid Masood, Ansar Abbasi, Hamid Mir, Irfan Siddiqi, Orya Maqbool Jan as well as Imran Khan and Munawar Hasan) must read this column. By Zaffar AbbasSunday, 11 Oct, 2009 (Dawn)

Taliban / Sipah-e-Sahaba’s attack on GHQ. Various reports.: It is clear that the Taliban and their affiliates are feeling the pressure of the military offensive and a national consensus in favour of the ongoing operation in the northwest. They are getting desperate, which is all the more

The secret meeting between Shahbaz Sharif and General Kayani: Weren’t they supposed to call on generals? Saturday, October 10, 2009 By Rauf Klasra ISLAMABAD: The “constitutional chain of command” comprising the president, the prime minister and the defence minister was not taken into confidence by either of the