Urban Elites and Middle Class Archive

In rejection of fake liberals of Pakistan – by Sarah Khan: The pseudo-liberal is essentially a bigot who parades under the illusion of being a liberal while pursuing a non-liberal agenda. Pseudo-liberals of Pakistan are no less dangerous than terrorists, activists and supporters of the Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Jamaat-e-Islami and Hizbut

Amendment in Political Parties Order 2002 for radical changes in electoral politics: Palwasha Zai Khan, a member of the PPP Human Rights Committee and also a member of the NA Foreign Affair Committee moved a private bill, seeking amendment to the Political Parties Order, 2002 to enable the middle class

A Marxist View: MQM Punjab journey and middle class disarrays – by Dr. Lal Khan: چنگاری ڈاٹ کام 19 May 2010 پچھلے چند ماہ میں ایم کیو ایم نے اپنے آپ کو ’’ملک گیر‘‘ ’’قومی‘‘ پارٹی بنانے کا عمل تیز تر کردیا ہے۔ ا س میں کشمیر اور بلتستان میں انتخابات میں حصہ لینے

Internet blockade and urban middle class youth – by Ahmed Nadeem Gehla: On Wednesday 19th May 2010, the Lahore High Court, famous for acting as a “moral brigade” rather than judiciary, once again passed a strange order to ban Facebook across Pakistan on a petition of Muslim Lawyers Forum. The demand

The sinking middle-ground – by Nadeem F. Paracha: The best was when a friend of mine told me about another such agitated Pakistani’s Facebook page. According to my friend, the following were the Facebook groups the restless young man was a member of: “Proud to be Muslim”;

Meet the hip-liberals: Cultural dynamics of Pakistan fashion industry – by Nadeem Paracha: I have never been able to understand the cultural dynamics of what is called the Pakistan fashion industry, particularly the notion of holding ‘fashion weeks’ which, at least to me, seem to last for months. There is nothing new

Beyond state of denial: How blind hatred of United States is undermining our own interests: Raza Habib Raja has contributed this piece to LUBP which was previously published at Chowk. Here is Mr Raja’s brief introduction in his own words: I am an economist by education and a banker by profession. I have enormous

Irrational patriotism, liberalism and nuclear arsenal – by Raza Habib Raja: My article “Traitors and Reactionaries” which was just a satire has created this impression that I am some kind of a Taliban supporter or a media Taliban. A long emotional article of Chaudhary Ahmed Khan alleged that I am

Of ironies and rebuttals: A response to Raza Raja and Samad Khurram – by Chaudhary Ahmed Khan: This note was recieved by the LUBP from one its senior readers, Chaudhary Ahmed Khan, as a response to Raza Habib’s posts on Pak Tea House and Chowk, and Samad Khurrum’s letter to LUBP. On reading Raza Raja Habib’s

Moving beyond a clientelism model of democracy – by Luv Puri: The cross-party consensus on Pakistan’s constitutional reforms is a shot in the arm of the parliament and strengthens the process of democratisation in the country. Democratisation is an answer to the country’s many contemporary challenges, including the fight against

The rise of Mehran man (urban middle class) in Pakistan – by Irfan Husain: Pakistan’s power elite will increasingly come from the cities and not from the rural hinterland. This will have a profound impact not just on politics, but on society as a whole. Writes Irfan Hussain.

We shall overrun: The young, urban, middle-class Pakistani’s manifesto – by Nadeem Paracha and Abbas Baloch: Related article: The Civil Society Bulletin – by Abbas Baloch As always, NFP at his best (Aliarqam) We shall overrun! Source: Dawn Blog 1. Asif Ali Zardari is the devil incarnate. 2. The Pakistan Army is the saviour. 3.

Who’s the ‘middle class’ in Pakistan? – by Umair Javed: The obsession with the modern educated professional as a prototypical middle class Pakistani tends to shift focus away from those that are rarely educated in formal institutions, yet continue to control a larger share of political and economic capital

Glory, piety and politics – by Nadeem Paracha: With Pakistan’s two main political parties looking exhausted by being made to play a continuous game of cat and mouse with the establishment, the new generation of young Pakistanis began to look elsewhere. Many young Pakistanis, who in their

Urban middle-class activists of Pakistan: A herd of sheep? – by Nadeem F. Paracha: A herd of sheep? Nadeem F. Paracha Sunday, 14 Feb, 2010 What we have at hand as urban middle-class ‘activists’ are actually figurative sheep: NFP. There have been three major occasions when the Pakistani middle-class has broken away from

The (misdirected) yearning for Zardari’s removal from office – by Ayaz Amir: The (misdirected) yearning for change Ayaz Amir The Pakistani non-voting middle class represents a strange phenomenon, a category waiting to be defined in some seminal work on the social sciences. This class will not be bothered to vote. It

An elite conflict — by Salman Tarik Kureshi: Incompetent or do-nothing or internally divided parliaments, however constitutionally or otherwise appointed, failed to satisfy the people’s demands. They therefore left a vacuum of effectiveness, into which stepped the more action-oriented, better organised institutions: the civil bureaucracy and the

Paranoia, perversion, and hypocrisy of Pakistan’s middle class – by Nadeem Paracha: Nauseous mumblings Nadeem F. Paracha Sunday, 22 Nov, 2009 RECENTLY I was fortunate enough to be a part of an excellent ten-minute news video prepared by the New York Times’ reporter, Adam Ellick. Tastefully called ‘Tuning out the Taliban,’

Meera’s English and our colonial hang-ups: Our colonial hang-ups Fly on the wall Thursday, November 12, 2009 (The News) Zafar Khalid Farooq We Pakistanis love to mock. As a nation we enjoy nothing more than sneering at other people’s behaviour and pretensions — especially those

Those influenced by the negative propaganda against political leadership in Pakistan must remember that our army leaders are no holy cows.: Habit of dishonesty Thursday, November 06, 2008 Kamila Hyat Throughout his nearly nine years in office, former president Pervez Musharraf spoke of eradicating corruption and loudly proclaimed his own honesty at every available occasion. The report is now surfacing

Confronting militancy: The Urban Taliban – by Raza Rumi: Confronting militancyMonday, October 20, 2008by Raza Rumi It is time that the vocabulary introduced by the global imperial projects is changed in Pakistan. The infamous and rotten coinage – war on terror – needs to be trashed. It was