Tunisia Archive

حزب الوطنیہ دیمقراطیہ تیونس کا تکفیری قوتوں کے خلاف جرات مندانہ موقف – عامر حسینی: جامع الکبیر المساکن تیونس میں وھابی امام نے اپنے خطبے میں کہا کہ تیونس میں جو بھی اشعری عقیدے پر فوت ہوگا ، اس کی موت بدعت و کفر پر ہوئی ہے اور یوم قیامت اس کے ھاتھ پشت

Wahhabism: Religious deviance, fountainhead of radicalism & extremism (Op-Edge): Muslims are caught in the eye of a ferocious storm as Islamic State’s legions spread fear across three continents. But anger has been misplaced as the real face of terror lies not with Islam but hidden in Saudi Arabia,

جہاد النکاح کا دھوکہ: سلفی ملاؤں کے فتوے کے بعد سینکڑوں دیوبندی وسلفی لڑکیاں شام میں جہادی دہشت گردوں کی جنسی ہوس کا نشانہ بن گئیں: تیونس کے وزیر داخلہ لطفی بن جدو نے پارلیمنٹ کے اراکین کو بتایا ہے کہ کئی سلفی وہابی خواتین ’جنسی جہاد‘ کے لیے شام میں حکومت کے خلاف لڑنے والے دیوبندی و سلفی جنگجوؤں کے ساتھ جنسی مراسم کے

Prospects of Democracy in Pakistan – by Naveed Ali: It is strange how the word ‘revolution’ is used by everyone interested in politics or involved in politics, no matter what their ideological inclination is. Everyone simply wants a revolution; perhaps what they mean by revolution is their own

Revolution in Pakistan? It’s the economy, stupid! – by Imran Qadir Butt: Related articles: Let’s agitate for regime change in Pakistan: Tunisia and Egypt style Let’s have a revolution in Pakistan: Yeh, Yeh, Yeh! – by Razzak Memon I once heard someone quoting someone from the past to explain revolution as

USA: Conspiracy Theorists favorite Pinata – by D. Asghar: At another of my hang out, I wrote about this developing though fairly critical situation in Egypt, a couple of days ago. Within a matter of a couple of days, the toll on human life has increased. Almost 100

Let’s agitate for regime change in Pakistan: Tunisia and Egypt style – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: Related article: Lets have a revolution: Yeh, Yeh, Yeh! – by Razzak Memon Context: An FCS Meeting In a recent kitty party lunch held at Karachi’s famous Korean Restaurant near the KPT Underpass in Clifton, it was resolved by

Salute to Tunisia: It all started a month ago when a disenfranchised university graduate Mohammed Bouazizi, 26, doused himself in petrol and set himself alight after police confiscated his produce, alleging he did not have the necessary permit. This public suicide grew