The News Archive

Is there a moderate Deobandi? A comment on “Deobandi coalition in the making by Aoun Sahi” – by Abdul Nishapuri: LUBP Note: This article by Aoun Sahi published in The News on Sunday (23 Nov 2014, copy-pasted below) is a clear evidence of the impact made by LUBP and other Sunni and Shia volunteers in highlighting the almost exclusive dimension

CJ Chaudhry activates right wing lobby in the media against Senator Faisal Raza Abidi – by Ali Asad: There are ample signs that Pakistan’s cotroversial Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry (and his sponsors in Aabpara) have activated right wing lobby in the media against his critics, particularly against Senator Faisal Raza Abidi. Usman Manzoor, a dubious reporter of