Safwat Ghayur Archive

Don’t insult the memory of Safwat Ghayur: Earlier this month (4 August), it was the second martyrdom anniversary of Safwat Ghayur, the brave Pashtun police office who sacrificed his life in saving Pakistan from the Jihadi-sectarian assets of the Deep State. LUBP has archived a few

Ajmeer Shah, you will not be mourned – by Laibaah: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine You will not be mourned. Right wingers hate you because of your operations against the soldiers of Islam (TTP, LeJ, SSP etc). Urban liberal elites (aka fake liberals) do not consider you worthy of much

Safwat Ghayur and other poems – by Ejaz Rahim: BOOK REVIEW: Living in poetry —by Nasser Yousaf A scrimmage in a Border Station A canter down some dark defile Two thousand pounds of education Drops to a ten-rupee jezail – Rudyard Kipling. It was a relatively calm and

Selective ray of hope emanates from Veena Malik to Declan Walsh – by Sana Jokhio: After partially waking up from the deep denial of the extremists, Pakistan’s educated elites (commonly known as FCS, i.e., Fake Civil Society) and their English-speaking media counterparts are once again falling back on narratives that are full of omissions,

Silence is not an option – by Kamran Shafi: Enough is bloody enough! Enough of deafening silence as our people, women, men and children, are mercilessly killed and maimed and widowed and orphaned by cold-blooded murderers and their handlers and motivators. How many more Safwat Ghayyurs and Mushtaq

Keeping him alive — by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: Source : Dailytimes The greatest medal that all of us can award Safwat, which would be true to his legacy, is to earnestly carry on the fight against extremism and terrorism. If truly the whole country feels his loss,

A hero who died with his boots on: A tribute to Safwat Ghayur – by Ismail Khan: Dawn, August 9, 2010 THE bugle was blown. A gun-salute rang in the air as the casket was lowered into the grave. At that moment the tears could no longer be held back as memories flashed through my

The finest intelligence agency in the world – by Omar Ali: I was trying to figure out why our security establishment (rated number one in the world, according to the 200 emails I have received in the last few days from army officers and their cousins and admirers) is so

Safwat Ghayur: Former PSF activist and Chief of Pakistan’s Frontier Constabulary martyred by Taliban: It so sad to hear assassination of Sifwat Ghayur . He was former active member of PSF ,which is a student body affiliated with peoples party . later he joined civil services of Pakistan. He was killed in the attack along