qamar zaman kaira Archive

Exposed: PPP’s Qamar Kaira’s secret meeting with terrorist Sipah Sahaba leader Molvi Nisar Deobandi: PPP’s central leader and former federal minister for information Qamar Zaman Kaira held a secret meeting with local head of banned terrorist outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba (aka Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat or Lashkar-e-Jhangvi) in order to beg for votes for a

PPP’s Qamar Zaman Kaira’s secret love affair with ASWJ-LeJ: Summary: Pakistan’s Federal Minister of Information and PPP’s central leader Qamar Zaman Kaira has openly admitted in Dawn News talk show (Asma Shirazi’s “Faisla Awaam Ka”) that he was supported by banned Takfiri terroirst outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (ASWJ-LeJ) and

Tareekh ka faisla: کسی بھی زینے پہ لرزے نہیں تمہارے قدم مقام جبرمیں صبر و رضا مبارک ہو تمہارے جرم ہے آئین سے وفاداری یہ جرم اگر ہے تو اس کی سزا مبارک ہو نزیر قیصر—-روزنامہ مشرق لاہور تین سو ننانوے قبل

For upholding the Constitution, Prime Minister Gillani gets convicted! – by Farhad Jarral: The Supreme Court of Pakistan has just convicted an elected Prime Minister for following an explicit Constitutional clause (Article 248 (2)) – on the basis of an Ordinance passed by a military dictator, General Musharaf (Contempt of Court Ordinance 2004) – who

Cranky nobility: On PPP’s boycott of Geo TV – by Nadeem F Paracha: Source: Dawn, October 24, 2010 I don’t know what the situation would be once this column goes into print, but a TV channel’s all out, constant outburst against Zardari certainly seems something that has very little to do with

MQM’s strange recipe to end feudalism -by Riaz Missen: The MQM, which often complains of Taliban’s growing presence in Karachi and is unhappy for being unable to convince its coalition partners to retain the local government system of the Musharraf era at least in Sindh, has surprised everybody

PPP and PML-N leaders flay Altaf’s statement: Pakistan Muslim League-N and Pakistan Peoples Party leaders have strongly condemned the statement of Altaf Hussain regarding the imposition of martial law. Federal Minister for Information Qamar Zaman Kaira has said that Altaf Hussain’s statement is against the constitution

The Fund for Peace – Rejoinder to Information Ministry: While we as Pakistanis are aggrieved with the position Pakistan achieved in the Failed States Index, as a matter of ethics and fair play, we are posting the response to Information Ministry by Dr. Pauline Baker, President of The

Failed States Index – Fund For Peace acknowledges Pakistan’s rejoinder – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: I had written a detailed analysis of Pakistan being termed a failed state on June 23, 2010. the article can be found on Pakistan submitted a rejoinder against the findings of the index and labeling us as

Ahmed Ludhianvi of Sipah-e-Sahaba hits back at PPP: Some important points: 1. Ahmed Ludhianvi accuses 25 PPP MNAs including Qamar Zaman Kaira, Faisal Karim Kundi and Jamshed Dasti of taking the support of Sipah-e-Sahaba in their election campaigns. According to him, there is an equally long list