Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Archive

While you fools are remembering rebellion at Karbala! – by Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: While you fools are remembering the rebellion at Karbala which was sucessfully put down by Caliph Yazeed ibn Muawiya, why are you ignoring the other martyrdom. I am ofcourse referring to Comrade Hakeemullah who was roughing it

ملالہ اور “نبی سئیں” – از ذوا لفقارعلی: انصار عباسی کے ذریعے معلوم ہوا کہ کم ازکم ہم سرائیکی، بشمول اباواجداد اور بہت سے صوفی حضرات ، تو بہت توہین رسالت کرتے رہے ہیں- ہم تو کہتے ہیں “نبی سئیں” نے کہا۔ “نبی سئیں” جب حج پہ

As The Hajj Begins, The Destruction of Mecca’s Heritage Continues – by Oliver Wainwright: The Grand Mosque in Mecca, teeming with pilgrims for the start of Hajj this week. Photograph: Amr Nabil/AP Two million Muslims have flooded into Saudi Arabia’s Mina Valley from Mecca for the start of the Hajj pilgrimage this week.

Innocence of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Culpability of Muslims – by Dur-e-Aden: “I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make

Celebrating Milad un-Nabi (PBUH): As you read these lines, 1.5 billion Muslims will be celebrating the birthday of their beloved prophet, a day known as Milad un-Nabi or Mawlid. Muslim love and admiration for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) manifests itself beautifully through these
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