NGOs Archive

انسانی حقوق میں تعصب: لباس معکوس زیب تن کئے فرقہ پرست – عامر حسینی: جو بھی میری یہ تحریر پڑھنے جارہا ہے اس سے میں پیشگی معذرت خواہ ہوں اگر وہ کہیں یہ محسوس کرے کہ میں اس کے جذبات کو مشتعل کررہا ہوں یا اس کا جذباتی استحصال کررہا ہوں روزنامہ ڈان

Expropriating Malala Yousufzai: Discourses in Pakistani social media: A dominant majority of those in Pakistan’s mainstream and social medias condemning attack on Malala Yousafzai are committed helpers of Pakistani establishment. Their populist, opportunist and partial discourse is revealing. On Twitter and facebook, quite a few of those

Mullahs and Development – by Mustafa Kamal: The mullahs are once again at odd with Civil Society Organizations and NGOs in Pakistan. Recently in Kohistan, the clergies have repeatedly threatened the NGOs to wrap up their activities or face dire consequences. Two theories are predominant in

Rukhsana Bibi kay tezaab say jhulsay zakhmon ki royalty – Wasi Shah (Nai Baat): Related posts: Twitter has spoken against Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy: #JusticeforRukhsana – by Aaj TV Justice for Rukhsana: This is how urban elites exploit oppressed women’s miseries in Pakistan We are cross-posting an Urdu column by famous Pakistani poet and

Gaddafi’s bloodied body will haunt imperialists! – by Shiraz Paracha: A dear friend of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and a supporter of the people of Pakistan, Muammar Gaddafi of Libya was killed in the most violent way by NATO and its Al-Qaeda mercenaries. The U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama and

Flood relief funds misused by ‘civil’ society NGOs: USAID files complaint to NAB: While we are keen to know the exact identity of the corrupt NGOs and their owners / managers, we already knew that these civil society types (the same who keep reciting an incessant corruption mantra against elected politicians) are

Violation of Labour Laws in Pakistan – by Shaukat Masood Zafar: Under the 1973 Constitution labour is defined as a ‘concurrent subject’ making liable for implementation both the Federal and Provincial Governments. The Industrial Relations Ordinance makes provision for the appointment of a Collective Bargaining Agent (CBA) to determine the