Militants and Militancy Archive

(Muhammad Faisal Younus) مجھے دشمن کے بچوں کو پڑھانا ہے – محمّد فیصل یونس: مجھے دشمن کے بچوں کو پڑھانا ہے صرف بے گناہ اور معصوموں کا خون بہانا ہے مجھے دشمنوں سے یاری کو بڑھانا ہے اور اپنے ہی ملک کو نوچ نوچ کر کھانا ہے یہ دہشت گرد تو ہیں میرے

Ahmadis brace for violence, trampling of rights in Rawalpindi – by Imran Jattala: Editor’s note: LUBP urgently requests its readers to highlight the precarious situation of Ahmadi Muslims in the garrison city of Rawalpindi (Punjab). The bigotry that is consuming our society and placing Ahmadis, Christains and Shias in the firing line

Pakistan’s Modernity: Between the Military and Militancy – by Ayesha Siddiqa: In Pakistan economic progress does not automatically translate into liberal progressive modernity mainly due to the nature of the state. Pakistan’s modernity is structured along two axes: neo-liberal nationalism and right-wing radical nationalism. While the neo-liberal nationalism axis depicts

Time to change: ‘Iman, Taqwa, Jihad fi Sabilillah’–by Shiraz Paracha: India centric mindset of the Pakistan military is one of the root causes of Pakistan’s problems. From generals to soldiers most men in the armed forces are paranoid about India and some have racist tendencies, too. This mindset has

Peshawar Declaration: The real one by Amn Tehreek, the fake by PTI: Pakistan Tehrik Insaf after today Daharna has issued a Declaration with the name of Peshawar Declaration to counter Amn Tehrik Peshawar declaration issued on 16th Jan 2010 after two days long consultation and deliberation, we demand from PTI to

Islamic identity, militancy and modernity: Pakistanis need soul searching – by Shiraz Paracha: We, Pakistanis, are talented and intelligent people but many of us have an unrealistic approach towards life and a naive world view, even so we wish to impose our view upon the rest of the world. The case of

Mr Sharif, make us safe again! – by Syed Nadir El-Edroos: Disclaimer: I use the word “operation” to suggest any action taken by the Government of Punjab that recognises an internal threat and within the confines of the law undertakes action to rid militants from the province. The government of

Religious persecution threat high in Punjab: Analysts and officials said Punjab’s extreme poverty, as well as lack of education, makes people in the region more vulnerable to the lure of militancy. The militants in Punjab had a good infrastructure on the ground, with many organizations

Pakistan: Civilians in war: My friends at CIVIC just released a new report with findings on the conflicts in northwest Pakistan, particularly the civilian harm occurring on a daily basis that we seldom here about back here in Washington. The group conducted over 160

Pakistan is not America’s enemy -by Ryan Crocker: A sustained U.S.-Pakistani partnership after the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan could have produced a very different history than the one we wrestle with today. The news from Pakistan is grim. NATO helicopters engage suspected militants inside Pakistan, killing three,

Dynamics of Aid and Militant Charities: Pakistan has seen its most deadly catastrophe in the shape of these recent floods. Being a country marred with all sorts of problems, the magnitude of the disaster left the government paralyzed. International community came forward and offered help

Sleeping with the enemy – by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: The floods are devastating. They have been called the most unprecedented disaster due to natural causes in recent years. Although there are some analysts who argue that this is not a natural disaster but a man-made one since the

Dawn News Reporter – Pakistan Military’s support for militants: Dawn News recently aired a very bold show discussing the Pakistan army’s support for militants. It examined the historical ties with groups such as Jaish-e-Muhammad, Jundullah and the Taliban and whether these ties still exist. Of special note is

On Abu Bakr Naji’s “Edarat al-Wahsh” (Government in the Wilderness) – by Sehar Tauqeer: Who killed the brave Son of Baluchistan fighting for his Rights today ? Who killed 100s of Baloch Nationalists , Punjab Settlers and Hazara Shias , all 3 big Entities of Baluchistan ’s Demographics in recent years ? Who

Now Mullah and Mullen are attuned – by Ali Arqam and Dr. Khan: In Afghan War, when the capitalist world, the salafist Arabs, the communist Chinese and the opportunist Pakistani Generals along with their puppet warriors and clergies were in a war with the USSR and the Communist Afghan regime on Afghan

Beyond Madrasas: assessing the Links Between Education and Militancy in Pakistan – report by Rebecca Winthrop and Corinne Graf: Report published by the Brookings Institute: Overview: Increasing educational attainment is likely to reduce conflict risk, especially in countries like Pakistan that have very low levels of primary and secondary school enrollment. Education quality, relevance and content also have

Official admits militancy has deep roots in Pakistan – New York Times: Source New York Times LAHORE, Pakistan — Days after one of the worst terrorist attacks in Pakistan, a senior Pakistani official declared in a surprising public admission that extremist groups were entrenched in the southern portion of the nation’s

Evolving campus politics – By Nadeem Paracha: In 1947 the only established student organisation in the newly created country of Pakistan was the Muslim Students Federation (MSF), the student-wing of the Muslim League. The Muslim League began to disintegrate as Pakistan’s first ruling party. Consequently, the