Liaquat Ali Khan Archive

تاریخ سے ایک ورق: نوابزادہ لیاقت علی خاں نے دیوبندی مولوی شبیر عثمانی کو تخریب کاری سے روکا تو اس نے دیوبندی تنظیم جمعیت علمائے اسلام کی بنیاد رکه دی – صداۓ اہلسنت: دیوبندیوں کا گهس پیٹهیہ مولوی شبیر احمد عثمانی ایک منصوبے کے تحت آل انڈیا مسلم لیگ میں شامل ہوا تها وہ آل انڈیا مسلم لیگ کی قیادت کے زریعے سے مسلمانوں میں دیوبندی ازم کو مقبول بنانا چاهتا تها

تاریخ سے ایک ورق: شہید ملت لیاقت علی خان نے کانگریسی دیوبندیوں کے جاسوس فرقہ پرست مولوی شبیرعثمانی کو مسلم لیگ سے کیوں نکالا: کانگریسی دیوبندیوں کا جاسوس مولوی شبیر احمد عثمانی انتہائی عیار، فرقہ پرست، اور یا رسول الله کا مخالف شخص تھا – اس نے جھوٹی بشارت کا خواب سنا کر وزیر اعظم لیاقت علی خان کو بہلایا اور قائد اعظم

An unnecessary limelight was provided to the Deobandis in the first years of Pakistan – by Dr Naazir Mahmood: ‘No other language but Urdu’: Jinnah and Liaquat Ali Khan. This August Pakistan is completing 67 years of its existence. While looking at this period one often wonders why this country with so much of potential went astray and

Blessed are the WikiLeaks revolutionaries —Babar Ayaz: Related Article: Progressive Pakistani bloggers in support of Julian Assange It is ironic that the Saudis have labelled Zardari as a “rotten head”, while their whole body polity is rotten. This comment is like the pot calling the kettle

Why did Pakistan’s first Law Minister, Jogendra Nath Mandal, resign?: While browsing, I came across this resignation letter by the first Chairman of Constituent Assembly as well as first Minister for Law & Labour of Pakistan, Mr. Jogendra Nath Mandal. Mr Mandal (1906–1956) was a Hindu Dalit politician; he

In defence of the Objectives Resolution and General Zia-ul-Haq – by Dr Safdar Mehmood: We have previously published a number of articles on LUBP providing a critical analysis of the “Objectives Resolution” which was the first formal step towards mullahcracy in Pakistan. Today, Dr Safdar Mehmood, whose academic credentials are as dubious as

The 1947-48 Kashmir War — by Ishtiaq Ahmed: Take up any book published in Pakistan on the division of the common assets of the Indian Royal Armed Forces and you will find Pakistan, justifiably, claiming that it was not given a fair share of the tanks, guns

Objectives Resolution and Secularism – by Wajahat Masood: Contributed by: Aamir Mughal First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan: M.A. Jinnah, Liaquat Ali Khan, Nurul Amin, Allama shabbir Ahmed Usmani, Maulana Akram and Dr I H Qureshi My friend Wajahat Masood has tried to dig the ‘Islamic roots’ of

Was Jinnah Secular? Facts about the creation of Pakistan compiled by Aamir Mughal: I. Ideology Drama was a farce rather hoodwinking the whole Muslim Population The strength of the Muslim League in the Muslim-majority provinces was going to be put to the test during the 1945-46 election campaign. Consequently in the public

The Speech of Mr Sri Chandra Chattopadhyay in Opposition to Objectives Resolution, Constitutent Assembly of Pakistan, 12 March 1949: This is a historic speech and a document that posterity will re-examine because of its ever increasing influence on the amalgamation of religion and politics in Pakistan. Seldom has one piece of legislation caused so much trepidation. Here is