Laal Band Archive

PEMRA rules in favour of Dr. Taimur Rahman: We won the case against Ahmed Qureshi and Express TV. Several months ago, I charged Ahmed Qureshi and Express TV with defamation and hate speech. I took the case to PEMRA. Waqas Mir represented me brilliantly. The PEMRA Council

Response to Allegations by Express TV – Dr. Taimur Rahman: A number of accusations have been made against me on Express TV by the anchor Ahmed Quraishi. I would like to put on record that these accusations are completely false and constitute incitement to violence, hate speech, slander, and

Facebook Under Fire for Temporarily Blocking Pages in Pakistan – by Declan Walsh and Salman Masood: Editor’s note: Declan Walsh writes in support of Laal and Roshni, the pro rights pages that are blocked by the PTA. LUBP appreciates that the New York Times has paid attention to the social media pages which lead the

On correctly identifying the murders of Shia Muslims and other persecuted communities – by Dr. Taimur Rahman: Some friends ask us, why is it important for you to emphasise the religious identify of the persecuted or/and minority communities that are attacked by terrorists. For instance, why do you write 10 Shias were killed, 12 Christians were

In Appreciation of Laal: I. A. Rehman (Chairperson Human Rights Commission Pakistan): Bravo! With you in this. Fahmida Riaz Lahore, Pakistan: Piary Bhai. I am with you, tell me to do anything and I will be ready to do it. What

Laal is voice of the oppressed, not a populist movement -by Taimur Rahman: Laal has never worked merely for popularity but always to raise the concern of the oppressed classes. In this new work, which is a collaboration between Laal and El To Somoy (Bengali comrades who have made the video), we

Vo Jang: You claim that the battle is already over? – by Dr. Taimur Rahman: “You claim that the battle is already over, in which no one has even set foot.” (Faiz) Making this new music video “Vo Jang” was one of the hardest tasks that I’ve had to accomplish as a director. I

Inqalab: Laal’s new song on the bonded labour in Pakistan: Thirteen years after our Supreme Court declared bonded labour to be unconstitutional, and a decade after the National Assembly passed the Bonded Labour Liberation Act, there are still 1 million bonded workers in the brick kilns of Pakistan. Overall,

Laal against religious extremism and terrorism: LUBP is pleased to publish the following lecture (video) and the associated talk by Dr. Taimur Rahman which presents Laal’s brave, principled stance on religious extremism and terrorism in Pakistan and the wider region: (pt1) (pt2) (pt3)

Channels refuse to play Laal’s “too anti-army” song: Editor’s note: Laal is amongst very few honest and bold voices in Pakistan who are equally critical of Pakistan’s almighty military establishment and their jihad enterprise (Taliban, LeT, SSP etc). We express our full support to Laal’s contribution to

jhoot ka uncha sar dekha hai – by Laal: Here is Laal’s much awaited new video “Jhoot Ka Uncha Sar Dekha Hai”. In this song, Laal has combined the Brechtian idea of defamiliarization with the wonderfully satirical poem by Habib Jalib called “Jhoot Ka Uncha Sar Daikha Hai”

Fareeda, turya turya ja: In support of internal diversity of Islam: I am writing this brief post in defiance of all those Shias, Sunnis, Salafis, Doebandis, Barelvis, Ismaelis, Hanafis, Jafaris, Malikis, Shafeis, Hambalis etc who consider their beliefs and practices as the only true representation of Islam considering followers of

March of the landless peasants towards Lahore: As i write these lines, members of the band Laal and the Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party (CMKP) are currently in Khanewal mobilizing one of the largest movement of the landless peasants for a march towards Lahore and presenting their

List of Taliban’s atrocities and crimes in Afghanistan: Those who insist on distinction between the TTP and Afghan Taliban should (be forced to) read this: LUBP Editor’s note: Lately, apologists of the Takfiri Deobandi Taliban (i.e., members and supporters of PTI, Jamaat-e-Islami, PML-N, Sipah-e-Sahaba (ASWJ-LeJ), JUI-F, JUI-S,

“Laal” March against the Rawalpindi attack: To members of LaaL Dear All, “The only thing required for the rise of evil is for good men to do nothing”. We shall be marching in solidarity with those who have lost their lives in the attack on