Jang Group Jang & The News & Geo Archive

Sindhi Topi Day: People’s response to hate speech by Geo TV: In response to ethnic hate speech against Sindhi culture by the anti-democracy mafia of Geo TV (Shaheen Sehbai, Shahid Masood, Saaleh Zafir, Tariq Butt, Ansar Abbasi), people of Sindh have decided to observe the “Sindhi Topi Day” to pay

Halal Media or Free Media – Guest post by Ahmad Nadeem Gehla: Over the last weeks, television screens have broadcasted the growing and angry media sentiment against government over ban on a talk show of a private TV channel by Dubai authorities. Freedom of expression denotes not only freedom of verbal

Geo TV, reality show and the death of a young Pakistani man: Saad Khan, a young Pakistani man took part in a reality show sponsored by a multinational company earlier this summer; he was flown to Thailand for filming what he must have thought would be the opportunity of a lifetime.

Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman: Do some soul searching please!: As to the media group [Jang Group / Geo TV] in question, they too need to do some soul searching to establish whether their practices of recent days are in conformity with best practice in journalism. Personalised vitriol may

Democrats, beware! – by Nadeem Paracha: In the following article, Nadeem Paracha offers a critical analysis of certain (pro-establishment, pro-Taliban and anti-democracy)elements in Pakistani media (e.g. Dr Shahid Masood, Shaheen Sehbai, Geo TV, and The News) who are dismantling the institution of democracy in Pakistan

The desperation of Dr Shahid Masood to reveal his own evil designs: Frustrated by the fact that as a failed journalist and as a man of dubious integrity, he is abhorred and mistrusted by masses, journalists, politicians and establishment alike, Dr Shahid Masood has written a column titled “The desperation of

Shoaib Bhutta: Geo TV bribes judiciary to suppress the voice of an independent journalist: By Abdul Nishapuri Shoaib Bhutta is the name of a courageous journalist who tried to expose the evil designs of Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman and his commerical empire known as Geo TV / Jang Group. He was the one who revealed

Sultani Gawah: Have a heart, you are a ‘crown witness’, Mr Sehbai.: By Abdul Nishapuri ‘Sultani Gawah’ is an Urdu word meaning ‘crown witness of the prosecution’. Those who understand the nature of power politics in Pakistan know where exactly crown (power) lies in Pakistan. Not very long ago, in 2002,

Pakistani People’s Action against Geo TV and Jang Group: ’اسٹیبلشمنٹ نہیں کچھ اداکار حکومت ہٹانا چاہتے ہیں ‘ کراچی میں پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کے تینتالیسواں یومِ تاسیس کے جلسہ عام سے ایوان صدر اسلام آباد سے بذریعہ سیٹلائیٹ خطاب کرتے ہوئے صدر

NRO and the media hype: What is the real issue? An analysis by Amir Ahmed Khan: Here is an article by BBC Urdu’s Amir Ahmed Khan highlighting that NRO has nothing to do with the real life issues of the majority of Pakistanis, nor are they interested in it. In a nutshell, NRO is a

Geo: journalism without conscience: Pakistan’s conspiracy theories stifle debate Ahmed Rashid Switch on any of the dozens of satellite news channels now available in Pakistan.You will be bombarded with talk show hosts who are mostly obsessed with demonising the elected government, trying to

Please lift the ban (if any) on Meray Mutabiq – guest post by Qais Anwar: زرداری صاحب میرے مطابق کو چلنے دیں مسلمان حکمرانوں (براہ کرم اسے اسلامی کے ساتھ نہ ملاءیں)کے عروج کا ایک مظہر چکلہ تھا۔ شہروں سے باہر خاص و عام کے لیے قابل رساءی یہ جگہ یہ وہ تھی جہاں
![The nation welcomes the [alleged] ban on Dr Shahid Masood’s hate speech show "Meray Mutabiq". OR Is it a publicity stunt by the Mullah Media Alliance?](https://lubpak.com/wp-content/themes/glamour.disable/images/nothumb.png)
The nation welcomes the [alleged] ban on Dr Shahid Masood’s hate speech show "Meray Mutabiq". OR Is it a publicity stunt by the Mullah Media Alliance?: By Abdul Nishapuri The Pakistani nation, political class, democracy lovers and those opposed to the Taliban and hate speech have overwhelming welcomed the [alleged] UAE government’s decision to ban the hate speech TV talk show presented by Dr Shahid

Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman: The most reliable tool of Pakistani establishment: Pakistan’s second richest man: Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman The notorious blackmailer, anarchist and the owner of the Jang/Geo Group of Pakistan تو جو مخلص اگر ہے تو یہ کام کر کارخانے کو مزدور کے نام کر Geo TV involved in running

An appeal to the Chief Justice of Pakistan: By Sarah Khan An appeal to the Chief Justice of Pakistan Apply Article 6 of the Constitution on Dr Shahid Masood, Shaheen Sehbai, Ansar Abbasi, their other accomplices, and owners of Geo TV/ Jang Group. According to the constitution

Tragedy of the talk shows in Pakistan: Tragedy of the talk shows —Elf Habib The shows obsessively promote the political circus splashing the spicier rhetoric and sensation. Their anchors, contrary to the common norms of calmness, insouciance and neutrality are often quite agitated, flippant and biased

In Defense of LUBP: Protect Freedom of Expression of Pakistani Bloggers – by Shaheryar Ali: Shaheryar Ali Source: Sherryx’s weblog It’s a very sorry state of affairs. For more than 2 years now I have been writing about the dangers of “intellectual hegemony”, “selective radicalism” and “double discourse on Rights” being prevalent in

GEO TV: Selective Freedom of Expression – by Aamir Mughal: Guest Blog by Aamir Mughal Source: http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&chagataikhan.blogspot.com Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression, and there shall be freedom of the press, subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the interest

Hamid Mir criticizes LUBP in Geo TV’s Capital Talk: In his popular talk show ‘Capital Talk’ (Geo TV) on 5 November 2009, Hamid Mir dedicated almost entire program to criticize the ‘Let us build Pakistan’ (LUBP) blog as well as the group ‘Critical Supporters of Pakistan Peoples Party’.

Shame on you, Hamid Mir, for fanning anti-Ahmadi sectarianism!: Qadianis should be allowed to preach: Altaf LAHORE: Qadianis (Ahmadis) should be allowed to preach their ideology in Pakistan, Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain told a private TV channel on Tuesday. During an interview, he said

Taliban killed Musa Khankhel. Will Sufi Muhammad provide Shar’i justice to Musa Khankhel’s family?: Omens against peace in Swat… As if in response to the Tehreek-e Nifaz-e Shariat-e Muhammadi (TNSM) leader Sufi Muhammad’s “peace march” from Mingora to Matta in Swat, a gang of Taliban kidnapped journalist Musa Khankhel on Wednesday and then

Why did The News & Jang choose to publish story against Chief Justice Dogar but censored story against Cheif Justice Chaudhry? Right wing blackmail?: For, updated report, click here: Ansar Abbasi with his venom against Chief Justice Abdul Hamid Dogar…. It is interesting to note that in November 2008, conscience of the Editorial Board of the Jang Group made them to publish a

Geo and ARY news blocked in Karachi and other urban parts of Sindh. Time for MQM as well as hostile media acnhors to pause and reflect…: Geo and ARY news blocked in Karachi and other urban parts of Sindh. Time for MQM as well as hostile media acnhors to pause and reflect… Let us listen to Khusnood Ali Khan as well as Salman Taseer: PM