Internet Crime Archive

Is The Internet Stealing your Life? – AZ: In the midst of our hectic lives these days, all of us need to seek and cultivate calm. Several years ago I realised what a nuisance television has become in our lives and how keeping TV on in

‘Penetrator’: the man who hacked Asif Zardari’s website – by Amir Mir: Salafi (wahhabi) cyber jihadi of the ISI arrested in Rawalpindi Pakistani authorities have arrested a bearded man from the garrison town of Rawalpindi for hacking president Asif Ali Zardari’s official website, The accused had morphed the president’s face

Hate on the Internet – by Huma Imtiaz: KARACHI: Pakistan is no stranger to state-sanctioned censorship. Since the 1950s, successive governments, both military and civilian, have taken pains to ensure that the media has been scrutinised, censored and harassed. Even as the twenty-first century has dawned upon

Internet Crime Alert: The IP trail of Dr Shahid Qureshi (aka Earthman International Professor) of The London Post: Update: Watch this man: Part 1 of this post Dr Shahid Qureshi aka International Professor is a dangerous man. He is a secret member of the Hizbut-Tahrir (writers’ cell of the Al-Qaeda), an affiliate of the Sipah-e-Sahaba and Taliban,

Al Qaeda / Taliban using sophisticated web-sites and sleeper cells. Some presence noticed on Pakistan related web site and blogs…: Al Qaeda was using sophisticated Web sites and sleeper cells across the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia to enlist young fighters who are less patient or inclined to plan and carry out far-reaching global attacks and who

Internet Crime Unit Alert: Abidullah Jan and The so called Dictatorship Watch hate website ( is run by two dubious characters: the front man is a yellow journalist, a sympathizer and promoter of the Taliban and Al Qaeda; his name is Abidullah Jan who is based

Internet Crime Alert – Al Qaeda’s cyber terrorist: Earthman, International Professor: Earthman International Professor is a pen-name used by a dangerous Deobandi Wahhabi cyber terrorists spreading hate speech against Sunni Sufi Muslims (Barlevis), Shias, Ahmadis, Christians, Hindus, Jews and other non-Wahhabi and non-Deobandi groups. His hate articles have been published