Ideology of Pakistan Archive

بنگلہ دیش کے ممبر پارلیمنٹ معین الدین بادل نے کراچی پریس کلب میں جماعتی اور طالبان نواز صحافیوں کو خاموش کرا دیا: قریب ایک سال پہلے بنگلہ دیش کے ممبر پارلیمنٹ معین الدین بادل کا کراچی آنا ہوا تو کراچی پریس کلب کے جماعتی اور طالبان پسند صحافیوں نے ان کو نرغے میں لے لیا اور ان پر آبر توڑ سوالات

Consequences of giving the Education Ministry to Jamaat-e-Islami in KP—by Shiraz Paracha: The decision by the PTI ‘s provincial government to give education ministry to Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) will have monumental negative effects on education and future generations.The Jamaat-e-Islamai is a non-electable party, yet it controls Pakistan. In fact, today’s Pakistan is

The ideology of Pakistan is nothing else than Jinnah’s 11 Aug address – by Ayaz Amir: This could be such an exciting country Some architecture becomes beautiful by adding things to it domes and minarets, and quadrangles and outer walls. Some architecture looks good when unnecessary clutter around it is cleared. Some daughters of Venus

Bringing Home the Desert -by Suleman Akhtar: I’m all for endorsing their policies, but what is the vindication they have of myriads of dead bodies of my country-fellows? I’m ready to relinquish Khusrow, Ghalib, Bhittai, Bhulla, Rahman Baba and Gul Khan, but can they introduce

Deewar par likhna mana hai – by Danial Lakhnavi: اردو میں بالعموم ایک اصطلاح نوشتہ دیوار بکثرت استعمال ہوتی ہے. عموما ایک جماعت کے سیاستدان دوسری جماعت کو اپنی پسند کے اور ان کی طبعیت کے برخلاف حقائق سے آگہی دلانے کے لئے نوشتہ دیوار پڑھنے کا مشورہ

Excerpts from an Interview of Ghaus Bakhsh Bizenjo Part 1 – by Dr Feroze Ahmed: غوث بخش بزنجو کے انٹرویو کے اقتباسات – ڈاکٹر فیروز احمد قومی جمہوریت کا نظام – موجودہ نو آبادیاتی نظام جو انگریز چھوڑ گئے تھے لیکن جو اب تک ہم پر مسلّط ہے، اس میں ایک آزاد ملک کےاقتصادی،

Whose ideology is it anyway? – by Nadeem F. Paracha: The following is what Sindhi nationalist leader and scholar, G.M. Syed, said about Pakistan’s future – and mind you, he said this way back in the summer of 1953: “In the years to come, Pakistan will not only become

“Pakistan’s problems are in Pakistan’s DNA”: An interview with MJ Akbar – by Rahul Pandita: Veteran journalist MJ Akbar’s latest book is Tinderbox: The Past and Future of Pakistan, a title rendered even more relevant by the recent assassination of Salman Taseer, governor of the province of Punjab in Pakistan. The man, Akbar tells Open, would

Pakistan was made in the name of Quaid’s Islam or Mullah’s Islam? – by Khalid Wasti: ” پاکستان اسلام کے نام پر بنا تھا” قائد اعظم کا اسلام یا مُلا کا اسلام ؟ مذہب کے نام پر سیاست اور مذہب کو سیاسی اغراض و مقاصد کے لیئے استعمال کرنے والا ٹولہ وقتا فوقتا اس بات

Cable Net Works spreading Indian Culture (Tariq Azeem) : By Khalid Wasti: طارق عظیم کا بیان کسی منجھے ہوئے سیاستدان کے ذرخیز ذہن کی اختراع ہے جس کے مختلف النوع پہلوؤں کا احاطہ کرنا ممکن نہیں – پہلی بات تو یہ ہے کہ موصوف کچھ پلے ہی نہیں پڑنے دیتے کہ

Why Pakistan is not a nation and how could it become one – by Pervez Hoodbhoy: Illustrations by Saira Wasim Source: Himal South Asian, June 2010 Pakistan has been a state since 1947, but is still not a nation. More precisely, Pakistan is the name of a land and a people inside a certain geographical

Pakistan vs Pakistan – by Shiraz Paracha: LUBP Exclusive Pakistan is a country of contradictions and conflicting identities. It is a country that is at war with itself. A vast majority of Pakistanis are confused and most of them have no clear sense of their place

The fundamentalist dimension in the Pakistan movement – by Ishtiaq Ahmed: Ishtiaq Ahmed is a Visiting Research Professor at the Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS) and the South Asian Studies Programme at the National University of Singapore and Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Stockholm University. He is currently

News & Views : By Khalid Wasti خبریں اور تبصرے: بحوالہ روزنامہ “جنگ ” ××× سپریم کورٹ نے اسلام آباد کے پارک میں نظریہءپاکستان کونسل کی عمارت کو غیر آئینی قرار دے دیا – آئین کو غیر آئینی قرار دینے کے انتظامات بھی مکمل ہو چکے ہیں – ×××

Pakistan, terrorism and our combined failure – by Ardeshir Cowasjee: Our combined failure A common reaction to the almost universal conclusion that one of Pakistan’s main exports is terrorism — bolstered by the latest would-be hero of Times Square who fortunately failed — is that the larger majority of

Ideology of Pakistan – this is what we are teaching our kids.: Photo Comments from Ali K Chishti FB Profile Some selected Comments on this by Pakistani and Indian friends Vj Shiraz ; damn wth is ths :s Ideology is set of ideas not a science of ideas :s Rakshi Rath

Nzaria-e-Pakistan (The Ideology of Pakistan) and the Mullah-Military alliance in Pakistan… Nazir Naji: In this op-ed in Jang, Nazir Naji explain how the so-called ideology of Pakistan (Nazaria-e-Pakistan) was manufactured by the unholy nexus of Mullahs (Jamaat-e-Islami, Dr. Israr Ahmed, Dr. Safdar Mehmood) and Military (General Sher Ali, General Yahaya Khan, other