ghairat brigade Archive

‘Ghairatmand Brigade’ in a dying situation -by Imam Bakhsh: غیرتمند بریگیڈ کیفیت مرگ میں! تحریر: امام بخش ایک انتہائی بااعتماد ذرائع نے ”غیرتمند بریگیڈ” کی ایک حالیہ محفل کا آنکھوں دیکھا ”منطقی” حال بیان کیا ہے۔ جو کچھ یوں ہے۔ محفل میں صف ماتم بچھی ہوئی ہے اور

How to join the Ghairat Brigade – by Zalaan: غیرت بریگیڈ میں شامل ہونے کا آسان طریقہ نیچے دیے ہوئے الفاظ کو چھوٹی پرچی پر لکھ کر ایک ڈبے میں ڈالیں اور خوب ہلائیں – پھر آنکھیں بند کر کے ایک ایک کر کے ساری پرچیاں نکالیں اور

Aalu Anday – by Beygairat Brigade: One of the most well-informed Pakistani music videos: Aalu Anday – by Beygairat Brigade Great song, very smart lyrics and video, most probably inspired by veteran columnist Kamran Shafi’s critical articles on the Ghairat Brigade, e.g., The Ghairat Brigades

Change of focus: Shunning the security paradigm for development – by Ali Wahab: Source: The Express Tribune Published: June 6, 2011 The last few weeks have been disappointing as well as hysteric for a majority of Pakistanis. Disappointing because a high value target was found and killed in Pakistan and hysteric

Sovereignty moot: Meri behn ka dupatta dey dey Oye!: سلطان راہی مرحوم اور مصطفی قریشی کی لاجواب جوڑی نے بہت سے فلمی شاہکار تخلیق کئے ہیں سب سے زیادہ فلموں کے حوالے سے گینز بک آف ورلڈ ریکارڈ میں نام لکھوانے والے سلطان راہی مرحوم اپنے فلمی کرداروں

Politics of Drones -by Rab Nawaz: National pride or ghairat has traditionally been punch line of establishment’s version of Pakistani nationalism. It makes a lot of sense to Pakhtuns who have also been a favorite proxy for army. But the way it has been invoked

Question to Jang/Geo: It is fair to say that the most innocent in Pakistan are the media and their masters who treat them as puppets. We have the likes of Syed Talat Hussain, Javed Chaudhry, Hamid Mir, Ansar Abbasi, Kamran Khan, Mushtaq

Ridiculing Imran Khan’s revolutionary? The joke is on you, mates! – by Maula Bux Thadani: Related articles: Let’s have a revolution in Pakistan: Yeh, Yeh, Yeh! A conversation with Raid Shamat and Sasha Sham-me – by Razzak Memon The Civil Society Bulletin – by Abbas Baloch One of Pakistan’s renowned social commentators, Nadeem Paracha

The mystery of Raymond Davis’ release – by Abbas Ather: Related articles: Piddi ka shorba LUBP Archive on Raymond Davis

The ‘honour’ generation – by Nadeem F. Paracha: Sixty-three years old and suffering from grave identity crisis. Sixty-three years old and still requiring hoards of people to continue knee-jerking their way across a number of hyperbolic patriotic clichés and chants. This is Pakistan. Ours is a country

Piddi ka shorba: Opportunists of the PPP – by Abbas Ather: Abbas Ather’s take on Shah Mahmood Qureshi and the Raymond Davis case. Mr Ather also offers a detailed history of the PPP, its ideals, struggles and internal divisions as a context of recent developments. (Source: Express, 21 Feb –

The Ghairat Brigades and the truth – by Kamran Shafi: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Raymond Davis THE Ghairat Brigades are in overdrive over the Davis issue. Raucous ‘news’ items are appearing in Ghairatmand newspapers and TV channels over how even the police are convinced that the man is

Ik aur December – Be-Sharam Brigade Ke Naam! by Shahid Mahmood: A poet’s love for our Be-Sharam Brigade comprising of Shahid Masood, Ansar Abbasi, Roedad Khan, Saaleh Zafir and all those who “suffered” one more year! Usey kehna ik aur December ja raha hai December ke guzartay hi baras jhooti pesheen

Blast from the past: Unnecessary Criticism of the Kerry Lugar Bill – 8th October 2009: It’s been more than a year that all the hoo-haa started on the Kerry-Lugar Bill. I had written a post then about the Unnecessary Criticism of the aid package. It becomes all the more ironic now that the same

From the Kerry-Lugar-Berman bill to the current US Aid to Pakistan military: Silence of the (bay) ghairat brigade: While the majority of Pakistan’s pro-military establishment journalists and TV anchors (e.g., Kamran Khan, Ansar Abbasi, Syed Talat Hussain, Hamid Mir, Dr Shahid Masood, Javed Chaudhry, Orya Maqbool Jan, Irfan Siddiqi etc) kept barking against the the Kerry-Lugar-Berman bill,

Up to our necks – By Kamran Shafi: Source: Dawn (October 12, 2010) BUT do you think the fire-breathing, attitude striking, ghairat brigade (brigades actually, for many more have sprouted in the week that the Torkham border remained closed to Nato/ISAF supplies) will ever acknowledge, even

The Verdict of Dr Afia and Our Reaction -by Raza Habib Raja: Right now the media is voicing its vociferous opposition to the sentence handed to Dr. Afia Siddiqui. The entire case, even before the verdict was announced, had become an overly emotional episode for the Pakistanis. The media has been