General Zia-ul-Haq Archive

The most damaging aspect of the jihadi infrastructure has been at the domestic level, as we have been transformed into a violence-prone society…: In our own interest — Talat Masood Strategies and policies have to change in accordance with current realities. It may have been expedient to pursue foreign and defence policy through the use of proxies in the 1980s and 1990s,

Genesis of jihadis – By Dr Manzur Ejaz: On the one hand, religious outfits preach jihad, and on the other they provide education, health and other social services, which are supposed to be responsibilities of the state. If the state had fulfilled its responsibilities, there would be

The UN General Assembly confers the prestigious UN Human Rights Award on the late Benazir Bhutto: Our heroes and heroines ON Wednesday, the UN General Assembly conferred the prestigious UN Human Rights Award on the late Benazir Bhutto. Her son, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, received the award from the UN Assembly chief Miguel D’Escoto Brockman. Benazir

Death of intellect in Pakistan: Dr Khalid Masud and other members of the CII are being pilloried today by extremists /Ziaists…: In a recent article, a scholar has advised the intellectual in the Pashtun region of Pakistan to take the lead in the country’s search for solutions to Talibanisation. Earlier, Pakistan’s martyred leader Benazir Bhutto in her book Reconciliation: Islam,

Can Imran Khan be Pakistan’s Obama? Haroon-ur-Rashid, the ex-lover of General Zia, Akhtar Abdul Rehman & Hamid Gul found his lost love in Imran Khan: Imran Khan be a hero for the right-wing parties. He is indeed the most popular leader in Pakistani Taliban, after Baitullah Mehsud. But do the people of Pakistan like him? No, A big no. A number of times, Imran

Reinstatement of 6000 officials sacked by Nawaz Sharif in 1996: THE federal cabinet’s decision to reinstate 6,000 officials (with full benefits) sacked in 1996, ostensibly on political grounds, will be welcomed. It comes as a reminder of how ‘the steel frame’ of the Raj in South Asia that Pakistan

September 11, A Tragedy of Our Times – By Bahadar Ali Khan: Can we dig Zia out and let him see what he had done to Pakistan, a beautiful country? It has been seven years since the sad day that dawned upon the skies of the New York City. It was

The missing persons in Pakistan and the supporters of Taliban in Pakistani media and politics…: SOME COMMENTS Is there no possibility that the majority of missing might have joined the cause of the taliban and fighting for them and are not allowed to returm. Some of them might have been killed. Some could have

Haroon-ur-Rashid, a follower of General Zia-ul-Haq and a promoter of Imran Khan: koilon ki dallali main munh kala In this op-ed piece, Haroon-ur-Rashid is trying to present General Zia-ul-Haq, the worst of all dictators in Pakistan’s history, as the real hero of Islam and Pakistan, and the real hero of the

We never learn from history. Hamid Gul, Aslam Beg and other corrupt Generals of the ISI – by Ardeshir Cowasjee: Hamid Gul, Aslam Beg, Roedad Khan, Akhtar Abdur Rehman, Zia-ul-Haq, Rafiq Tarar, the long list of criminals of ISI … By Ardeshir Cowasjee We never learn from history By Ardeshir Cowasjee The indefatigable old warrior of our skies is

Admiral (Retd) Fasih Bokhari’s pro-Taliban article, General Zia-ul-Haq’s Sharia, and making peace with terrorism?: Making peace with terrorism? The National Assembly Speaker, Dr Fehmida Mirza, noticed on Friday that members of parliament were generally not showing up to attend the in-camera briefings on the war on terror as required. Of the 440 legislators

Time to arrest General (R) Hamid Gul, Brigadier (R) Ijaz Shah and other rogue elements in Pakistan’s intelligence agencies – Fresh FIR for Karsaz: Who killed Benazir Bhutto? Foot-soldiers of Al-Qaeda/Taliban/Sipah-e-Sahaba. Who were the masterminds? General Hamid Gul, Brigadier Ijaz Shah, other rogue elements in Pakistan’s ISI and other intelligence agencies. Who are their mouth-pieces in the Pakistani media? Irfan Siddiqi, Ansar Abbasi,

Irfan Siddiqi, a low-grade servant and speech writer for Mullah President Rafiq Tarar rememebrs 12 October 1999 but not 4 July 1977.: Irfan Siddiqi, the notorious Taliban supporter, and a low-grade servant and speech writer for the Mullah President Rafiq Tarar remembers 12 October 1999 but not 4 July 1977. Abbas Ather identifies this dichotomy in the attitudes and behaviors of

Imran Khan’s double-tongue in Australia: Terrorists will never attack cricketers because public will just turn against them!: In his recent interview with an Australian News Agency, Imran Khan claimed that cricketers would never be under any threat from terrorists…Terrorists rely on support from the masses because that’s where they get their recruits, and cricket is a

Book Review: The True Face of Jehadis – By Amir Mir: The True Face of Jehadis; Inside Pakistan’s Network of Terror Amir Mir Roli Books Private Ltd Pages xvii+ 308, Rs. 395 Review by: Kalim Bahadur Amir Mir’s volume The True Face of Jehadis is a very comprehensive and a

The true (ugly) face of Jehadis and the Mullah-Military alliance in Pakistan – by Amir Mir: The true (ugly) face of Jehadis in Pakistan: Amir Mir, an eminent journalist, son of legendary Professor Waris Mir, brother of journalist Hamid Mir, provides a personal account of how he became a target of Jehadis cum intelligence agencies

Bhuttoism – By Dr. Farid A. Malik: By DR FARID A. MALIK September 12, 2008 Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (ZAB) emerged on the political horizon as a member of the Iskander Mirza cabinet. Since then there was no looking back. He was young and charismatic. After the

ZA Bhutto vs General Zia: Who lived and who died? – by Abbas Ather: A beautiful column by Abbas Ather (Express, 13 Sep 2008) in memory of shaheed Zlufiqar Ali Bhutto.

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto slaps General Zia and Ziaists from his grave – by Hasan Nisar: …. Tariq Ali’s interview on General Zia and Bhutto (BBC Urdu) Part 1: Part 2: Source: Tariq Ali is speaking about his play, The Leopard and the Fox commissioned initially by the BBC. The play dealt with the