Friends of Pakistan Archive

پاک ایران تعلقات اور نواز حکومت – از انور عباس: پاکستان کے انتخابی نتائج کو ہمارے ہمسایہ ممالک میں بڑی باریک بینی سے دیکھا جا رہا ہے۔خاص طور پر برادر اسلامی ملک ایران میں بڑی تشویش کا اظہار کیا جا رہا ہے۔ایران کی قیادت پاک ایران گیس پائپ لائن

ایڈ نہیں ٹریڈ – بینظیر حکومت کا بینظیر ویژن – by Ahsan Abbas Shah: ایڈ نہیں ٹریڈ — بینظیر حکومت کا بینظیر ویژن یورپی یونین نے پاکستان کو بد ترین سیلاب کے اثرات سے نکالنے اور سیاسی استحکام کے لئے پُر کشش تجارتی مراعات دینے،پاکستانی مصنوعات کی یورپی منڈیوں تک رسائی کو

President Zardari’s visit to France, timely and fruitful: President Asif Ali Zardari’s recent visit to France remained very useful and effective in projecting Pakistan’s point of view in the war against terror and to muster international support. Observers and Diplomats terming the visit “very timely and useful” said

The collusion of commercialism and the right wing in the Pakistani media: The hypocrisy of the Pakistani Taliban Union of Journalists (PTUJ) The media is a commercial entity and therefore can always be expected to cater, first and foremost, to its profit-making needs. In Pakistan the private TV media revolution was

"The Friends of Democratic Pakistan" disappoint "the democracy haters in Pakistan": ‘Stable Pakistan’ and the world Co-chairing, with the US President Barack Obama, the Friends of Democratic Pakistan (FoDP) meeting on Thursday, President Asif Ali Zardari stated that “a stable and prosperous Pakistan is the world’s greatest hope against the

US Senate votes to triple aid to Pakistan, India protests: Published by: Noor KhanPublished: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 at 13:09 IST Lalit K Jha and Betwa Sharma Washington/New York, Sep 25 (PTI) The US Senate today voted unanimously to triple non-military aid to Pakistan to USD 1.5 billion dollars

Extremist Salafis and Deobandis versus Extremist Hindus: The new face of terrorism in India? The simmering in Bombay – By Aakar Patel: A few men with guns Saturday, November 29, 2008 (The News)By Aakar Patel The writer is a former newspaper editor who lives in Bombay. Among the papers he has edited is Mid-day, an afternoon paper that is published from

Zardari’s contingent to Saudi Arabia and the USA – Aftab Iqbal: Zardari haters must read this column.

Friends of Democratic Pakistan – Well done, Zardari.: MAKE no mistake about it — this is Pakistan’s hour of economic reckoning. We need every friend we have ever had and every dollar we can possibly get. It seems then that the Friends of Pakistan forum, which will

Friends rally around Pakistan (Buck up Zardari): A permanent forum known as Friends of Pakistan was launched in New York on Friday with the mission to help Pakistan out of its economic crisis. It has been estimated that Pakistan would need around $15 billion to prevent