energy politics Archive

Loadshedding riots in Faisalabad: Shahbaz Sharif doesn’t like the taste of his own medicine – by Mahpara Qalandar: Editor’s note: The Media-Judiciary-PML N-Fake Civil Society nexus has played a horrible role in misinforming the public about the crippling power crisis facing Pakistan. In the short-lived PPP government lead by Benazir Bhutto from 1993-96, a number of power

LUBP supports PTI in its quest for energy generation – by Mahpara Qalandar: The newly-installed PTI government has announced that it might start deliberations on building a dam in the KP to deal with the power crisis which has engulfed not only the KP, but the entire country. We at LUBP commend

WAPDA refrendum 2013: the turning point – by H.A.Khan: 29th May, 2013 the labourers of the wapda will once again caste their vote to select their Union. For the last 04 years they had been choosing Hydro as their soul voice to work for their better rights in

Postponement of Putin visit, a tragedy for Pakistan – by Shiraz Paracha: The postponement of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Pakistan is a tragedy and conspiracy against President Asif Ali Zardari and the PPP government. This conspiracy is similar to the one that was hatched in 1951 when the then