Daily Times Archive

Daily Times’ editorial on Shia killings in Quetta: Four unidentified gunmen on motorcycles opened fire on people standing in line outside a passport office in Quetta. Two civilians, believed to be Hazara Shias, and a police constable were killed during the attack and eyewitnesses say that

Daily Times editorial: Deobandi takfiri threat to prison security in Pakistan: The discovery on Monday of an underground tunnel being dug by terrorists to break prisoners out of Karachi Central Prison gives further cause for alarm as well as some for optimism. Sindh Rangers say that acting on an intelligence tip-off

#ShiaGenocide: Daily Times editorials on Hazara Town blast: The Shia genocide Daily Times, February 19, 2013 After the horrendous bomb attack in Quetta on Shia Hazaras on Saturday, there is little doubt left in the hearts and minds of all Pakistanis that we are now facing genocide

Pakistan army-sponsored Haqqani Taliban killed them because they were Shia – Daily Times Editorial: ‘Because they were Shia’ 14 Shia passengers killed in a roadside bomb attack in Orakzai Agency point to a new pattern of sectarian killings across the tribal Agencies, which is cause for serious concern. The Parachinar Shia tribes of

A response to Dr Syed Mansoor Hussain’s Daily Times op-ed – by Mureed Bizenjo: I was indeed shocked to read opinion of Syed Mansoor Hussain regarding Baloch in his piece, “All good things must come to an end” published 25th June 2012 in Daily Times. In it he says he never wasted ink on

Daily Times, the latest pen-killer of Shia Hazaras of Quetta – by Ali Muntaziri: Update/Editor’s note: Op-ed editor of Daily Times has now apologized and assured to be extra careful in the future. We appreciate this gesture and hope the mainstream media will publish factual and sympathetic articles on Shia Hazaras, one of

Let’s wipe out the PPP: On Daily Times’ editorial on Shahbaz Taseer’s kidnapping: Related post: PSF activists support Mumtaz Qadri? Poor reporting by the Daily Times: A plea to Shaheed Taseer’s family – by Shahid Khakwani There are a number of key problems in Daily Times’ Editorial on Shahbaz Taseer’s kidnapping: 1.

PSF activists support Mumtaz Qadri? Poor reporting by the Daily Times: A plea to Shaheed Taseer’s family – by Shahid Khakwani: It was shocking to read about Peoples Student Federation (PSF), the student wing of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) presenting flowers to Mumtaz Qadri, the assassin of Shaheed Salmaan Taseer in Daily Times owned by Shaheed Governor (now being run

Bramdagh Bugti says Ali K. Chishti fabricated his “bogus interview” in Daily Times: Cross-posted from The Baloch Hal Quetta: A spokesman for Baloch nationalist leader and the head of the Baloch Republican Party (BRP) Nawabzada Bramdagh Bugti has termed two recent interviews published in a Lahore-based English daily as fake, fabricated and

Schizophrenia on women’s rights – by Mahmood Adeel: Two diametrically opposed articles on the status of women’s rights in this country appear in today’s news. They should both be read together, hopefully resulting in an open and honest discussion of one of the great . For all

An open letter to Hamid Mir from a common citizen – by Marvi Sirmed: Islamabad May 17, 2010 Dear Mr. Hamid Mir, Much has been said and written about your audio tape since last two days. I have also read your rebuttal, below email and another one that got “leaked” – as is

Hamid Mir Saga: Follow the sequence – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: In the last four days, Pakistan has mainly been in the news over the internet censorship of facebook, youtube and other websites where sacrilegious content is being broadcast against the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon Him). However, LUBP has

Hamid Mir backtracked – by Farhad Jarral: Earlier, Hamid Mir had decided to send some legal notices for his alleged defamation: the first notice to a leading newspaper of Pakistan, Daily Times, which is owned by Salman Taseer, and the second notice a leading political blog

Hamid Mir threatens ‘Let Us Build Pakistan’: This image is taken from Hamid Mir’s official fan page of Capital Talk. Once again Hamid Mir has targeted the LUBP along with other media publications including Daily Times and Dunya TV. Today, this is what Mir wrote on

The Rightist Judicio-Politico Mafia – by Anas Muhammad: Saturday February 13 – The Chief Justice of Pakistan defied Presidential orders through a suo moto action against the Presidential notification for appointment of certain judges. Chief Justice, in a rare nightly emergency session, formed a three members