Is Tarek Fatah really a friend of Jews? – Pakistan Blogzine: Picture source: There is enough evidence to suggest that the former Saudi-resident Tarek Fatah was deeply anti-Israel and anti-Semitic until 2006 after which he acclimatized to his new country, Canada and changed his antisemitism to phobia of Shias,
How to Criticize Israel Without Being Anti-Semitic: If you’ve spent any time discussing or reading about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I guarantee you’ve heard some variation of this statement: OMG, Jews think any criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic! In the interests of this post, I’m going to
Anti-Semitism: what it is and is not – by Alan Hart: “An anti-Semite used to be a person who disliked Jews. Now it is a person who Jews dislike “ Those are the words of my dear Jewish friend, Nazi (Auschwitz) holocaust survivor Dr Hajo Myer. They are taken