Abid Ullah Jan Archive

Internet Crime Alert: Watch Dr. Shahid Qureshi of The London Post: Update: Part 2 of this post: IP trail of Dr Shahid Qureshi “Dr. Shahid Qureshi” is probably another alias of the notorious cyberspace terrorist who calls himself “Earthman, International Professor”. Syed Adeeb and Moin Ansari are two of of
Internet Crime Unit Alert: Abidullah Jan and Dictatorshipwatch.com: The so called Dictatorship Watch hate website (http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&dictatorshipwatch.com) is run by two dubious characters: the front man is a yellow journalist, a sympathizer and promoter of the Taliban and Al Qaeda; his name is Abidullah Jan who is based
Internet Crime Alert – Al Qaeda’s cyber terrorist: Earthman, International Professor: Earthman International Professor is a pen-name used by a dangerous Deobandi Wahhabi cyber terrorists spreading hate speech against Sunni Sufi Muslims (Barlevis), Shias, Ahmadis, Christians, Hindus, Jews and other non-Wahhabi and non-Deobandi groups. His hate articles have been published