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Banning LUBP and killing its contributors – by Dr Abbas Zaidi: It is not for the first time that someone has insulted Imam Ali. For centuries, the descendants of Muawiyah bin Sufian and their affiliates and acolytes have been insulting him on every forum. Thus, when Ilmana Fasiah insulted Imam
Noam Chomsky: General Zia ul Haq and Saudi Arabia destroyed Pakistan’s public education – by Dr. Abbas Zaidi:   Pakistan’s right wing journalists and educated classes proudly claim that it was because of General Zia ul Haq that Pakistan’s top educational institutions like the Lahore Grammar School and Beacon House came into existence. The argument they give
Majid Nizami: The Satanic Verses of the dark Prophet of Pakistani journalism – by Dr. Abbas Zaidi: The octogenarian Majid Nizami has died of old age. Newspapers are brimming with laudatory, almost sycophantic, obituaries. Even liberal journalists have cast him into the image of a hero. From “a true Muslim” to “a man of peace” to