Let us build Pakistan (LUBP): Pakistan’s alternative media

Welcome to our critical reflections on Pakistan’s politics, society, media and arts. Founded by Abdul Nishapuri on 21 May 2008, this blog has been created in support of a progressive, inclusive and democratic Pakistan. In the main, the blog offers original articles as well as a selection of editorials and op-eds from the Pakistani and international press.

Contact: editor@lubpak.com

LUBP is Pakistan’s leading political website, one of the largest in terms of traffic and original articles. It represents alternative media in Pakistan reflecting citizen journalism and advocacy. LUBP is independent, critical, progressive and inclusive. It supports progressive and pluralistic political parties in Pakistan and beyond.

Important Disclaimer
The views, in the articles and comments, expressed by the authors on this website do not necessarily reflect the views of this website and those who link to this website in any manner. We do not represent, warrant, undertake or guarantee that the information in the articles and comments on this website is correct, accurate, complete or non-misleading. This website in no way condones, endorses or takes responsibility for such content that someone may find offensive.

Also, many of the opinions expressed in the blog are from various contributors via email or direct logins as well as social media. They are mostly published unedited in the interest of free speech and do not reflect the opinions of the editorial team or the website.

Editorial Board (in alphabetical order):
Ali Taj (editor in chief) since 5 February 2013
Khurram Zaki (assisinated by Takfri Deobandis on May 7th 2015)
Dr Uzma

LUBP Forum
Ahmer Asif (Forum Coordinator)
Javed Sheikh (Forum Coordinator)

Advisory Board:
Shiraz Paracha
Omar Khattab
Naveed Ali Khan

Ahsan Abbas Shah (Urdu Section)
Ahsan Abbas Shah (of Birmingham)
Ale Natiq
Ali Abbas Taj
Amjad Cheema
Amir Hussaini
Anas Abbas (Counter-terrorism)
Anas Muhammad
Ai Sher Mussali
D. Asghar
Farhad Jarral (from 2008 to January 2013)
Dr. Khawaja Muhammad Awais Khalil
Farhan Qaiser
Ikhtiar Hussain
Khalid Wasti (Urdu Section)
Khawer Khan (Independent Journalist)
Maleeha Manzoor
Mian Hakeemuddin
Naveed Ali Khan
Mohammed bin Abi Bakar
Pejamistri (Constitution Analyst)
Qais Anwar (Urdu Section)
Rusty Walker (Independent Political Analyst)
Saad Mansoor (Media Watch)
S. Batool
Sindhyar Talpur

Syed Tasawar Naqvi
Taimoor Kashmiri (English section)
Usama Kabbir Bhutto
Zulfiqar Ali

Other contributors include:
Agha Haider Raza
Ali Raja
Faizi Mughal
Fawad Manzoor
H.A. Khan
Irfan Urfi
Kashif Naseer
Muhammad Amjad Rashid
Nadeem Khan
Nadir Ali Dirojay Pukhtunyar
Naseer Ahmed
Qurdrat Ullah
Saria Benazir
Shahid Mahmood
Shoaib Mir
Sikandar Mehdi

and many others.

LUBP’s Agenda

An overview of the LUBP agenda and policies can be read at the following link: https://lubpak.com/archives/31493

To read more about LUBP and its history, visit: https://lubpak.com/archives/tag/lubp

For further details or to be a part of this endeavour, contact: editor@lubpak.com

If things do not change, there will be nothing left to change. Either power must pass to the people or everything will perish – Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto


We welcome your contributions to this blog whether in the shape of a letter, article or column. Please send your piece to:


Note: while we welcome your contributions as comments on this page, please consider at least sending a copy to the above-mentioned email address. Even better, send it as an word document so that we can preserve your desired formatting.

Your comments and views on LUBP will be warmly welcome.

Please note that we will accept and publish a well-written and well-argued piece even if you do not agree with the opinion or the aim of this blog.

If you wish to hide your identity as an author, you may wish to use a pseudonym, anything other than ‘anonymous’.

Saving a copy of your article on your computer may save you the trouble of re-writing if there is an error in mail or publication.


Sherryx’s Weblog

Let US Build Pakistan is remarkable blog in many respects. It has shown remarkable strength on issues on which many of us shy away

1) This blog took a early and bold stand against Talibanization and sectarianism

2) This blog took a conscientious stand on rights of Pakistani Miniorities

3) This blog showed a remarkable strength of conviction and conscience when it supported the restoration of judiciary against wishes of many in the Party whom they support. [I for example who is writing this article to support Let Us Build Pakistan was and is critical of lawyers movement and judiciary but this never came in way of either me or Let Us Build Pakistan]

4) This blog is pioneer in “Media Criticism” and has frequently demonstrated the “ideological biases” of Pakistani media hence upheld the fundamental right of people of Pakistan to un biased and/or alternative news and opinions

5) This blog has taken a democratic stand in support of marginalized groups and nationalities of Pakistan

6) This blog has covered the silent anti-Shia genocide taking place in Pakistan which finds no coverage any where,

I want to tell that I am proud of Abdul Nishapuri and the team of Let Us Build Pakistan, for being brave and for writing what they believe in. I also congratulate them for openly declaring them to be supporters of Pakistan Peoples Party unlike their detractors the Hamid Mirs, Shahid Masoods and Ansar Abasais who don’t have the moral courage to openly declare their political allegiance and wear the masks of being “independent” analysts and doing overtly political propaganda. – Shaheryar Ali


Pakistan Media Watch

…there is some excellent media fact checking available on the blog Let Us Build Pakistan. This is a blog that is openly supportive of PPP, so that must be considered, but their media fact-checking is quite excellent and provides and important alternative to the commercial media commentary that still dominates public dialogue.


Pak Tea House

This [post] was originally published in DAWN’s blog section and then subsequently also included in the much recommended critical PPP/Let us Build Pakistan site….The critical PPP site is quite refreshing and has taken on both the naysayers as well as been critical of its own party. Even their news reports are more reliable at times than the mainstream media. – Ali Abbas


Grand Trunk Road

Abdul Nishapuri and his co-editors at Let Us Build Pakistan have moved their blog to a new website for their group Critical Supporters of Pakistan People’s Party. Be sure to update your bookmarks. If you aren’t already reading their blog, you should. Think of it this way – any blog that has Hamid Mir and Ansar Abbasi gnashing their teeth on air is a must-read. – Rabia Shakoor


Views on Pakistani News

At last media has attacked the websites with all their so called “fair journalism” weapons, last night in capital talk that is hosted by Mr. Hamid Mir on “Geo News” with his 3 guests including Ansar Abbasi a “The News” journalist and Mr. Javaid Hashmi of PML(N) and Sumsam Ali Bukhari of PPP, Hamid Mir has exclusively shown the blog Let Us Build Pakistan maintained by my fellow bloggers Abdul Nishapuri and his team, Mr. Hamid Mir and Mr. Ansar Abbasi criticized the blog through out the program with all their white journalism’s words, Mr. Hamid Mir highlight the program with the tag of “PPP members criticized army and media” and Mr. Ansar Abbasi added the statement that Let Us Build Pakistan is operated from the presidency…This is not the first time that media is raising fingers on bloggers and webmasters, but the bloggers are ready to face the situation and will not sit quite at this time it will be dealt accordingly. (By Umair Wasi)



انٹرنیٹ پر
Let Us Build Pakistan
کے علاوہ زیادہ تر جگہوں پر سلسلہ مودودیہ ضیاالحقیہ اور اس کے زیلی سلسلوں عمرانیہ ، نوازیہ وغیرہ کی بھرمار ہے . آپ لوگوں کی مسلسل آمد اس سلسلے کے لیے رنج اور ھم جیسوں کے لیے شادمانی کا با عث ہے

Source: pkpolitics

Chaudhary Ahmed Khan

Unfortunately, most of our urban middle class intelligentsia is damningly silent on the atrocities committed by the Taliban. LUBP has probably been the only blog that has consistently highlighted the repeated massacres of the Shias, the pogroms against the Christians, Ahmedis and Sikhs as well as the militant actions against Baloch Nationalists.

Today, the likes of ….. want to dictate that progressive blogs like LUBP stop supporting the correct initiatives of the government and instead join the establishment band wagon of the selective lynching of PPP. They want the LUBP to become just another civil society blog that bases their stance on the reactionary and establishment-fed gossip and innuendo spewed in the drawing room parlours of the elite.

Our feedback as those who stand by the LUBP is as follows:…. we will not abandon our progressive ideals and what we feel is the promise and potential of the PPP as currently the only political force that respects and represents the plural traditions of Pakistan.

We support our party, warts and all and will continue to anchor ourselves with progressive movements that are free from those who practice the facist politics of religion and ethnicity.

You can continue to vent your confused ramblings on the scores of other blogs and TV channels. Your class can continue to celebrate privately and shed crocodile tears publically every time a charismatic leader like ZAB or BB is executed by the establishment.

You can continue to find solace in your mythical depiction of Jinnah and Iqbal; we on the other hand will continue to strive for progressive and secular ideals that are anchored in realpolitik.

Source: LUBP

Disclaimer: The LUBP is a decentralized blogzine comprising voluntary bloggers (authors and contributors). Views expressed by the authors and contributors and the readers’ comments do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the LUBP.