USIP-JI Report Archive

JI-USIP Report: Pakistan Elite’s Mindless Quest for Lebensraum – by Abbas Zaidi: Abandon hope all ye who enter here (Dante Alighieri) These past few weeks Pakistan’s print and electronic media has been awash with articles and talk shows vociferously supporting “Pakistan, the United States and the End Game in Afghanistan: Perceptions

Pakistan’s future: Of misleading reports and false prophets (Part II) – by Rusty Walker: My illustration is merely a depiction of the absurdity of the Pakistan military inserting itself into Afghan affairs at this crucial point of NATO draw-down of forces. I mean no disrespect to General Ashfaq Kayani. In fact, our own

Of False Prophets and their recipe for Disaster (Part I) – by Rusty Walker: Even a basic understanding of the Jinnah Institute (JI) report and the related testimony to Congress by Moeed Yusuf of the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) should make certain things very obvious to Pakistanis, Americans and the global

The three (anti-ISI) musketeers and their D’Artagnan – by Mahvish Afridi: One must commend Omar Waraich on his alleged sense of humour when he wrote: “When Pakistani Journalists Take On the ISI“ in The Time in order to present his friends and collegues as being under pressure from the ISI

‘Aj you were’! – Kamran Shafi’s rebuttal to JI-USIP report on Pakistan’s Afghan policy: Looking at the unfolding situation vis-a-vis the Afghanistan-Pakistanimbroglio; watching with trepidation bordering on fear, the ‘perceptions’ of the ‘foreign policy elite’ and therefore of the Establishment of this luckless country (not, God forbid, to be confused with the elected government);

Sophistry of our policy elites: Unicode version افغانستان اور پالیسی ساز اشرافیہ کے تصوّرات تحریر؛ علی ارقم پاکستان میں سول اور عسکری ہیئت مقتدرہ کے غالب کردار اور سرد جنگ کے دور کے زیر اثر چلے آرہنے والے قومی سلامتی کے تصوّرات اور

Debate on USIP-JI report on Afghanistan and Moeed Yusuf’s testimony to US Congress – by Marvi Sirmed: There has been a discussion on Pakistan Press google group on the recent report about a mythical ‘endgame’ in Afghanistan, produced by Jinnah Institute and USIP. While one has many questions on the report’s contents, the discussion was suddenly

Jinnah Institute and USIP’s research —by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Amazing that while the Pakistani security establishment and its mouthpieces make a lot of fuss about the Indian consulate in Kandahar helping the Baloch resistance movement, the ‘elite’ chose to completely disregard the Baloch stance “The information you get

A critical view on Sherry Rehman’s elitist report on Afghanistan – by Khanzada Achackzai: Editor’s Note: In the aftermath of the Quetta bombings that took place this morning and which have claimed over 25 lives, we are deeply disturbed that our foreign policy elite continue to have an explicit sympathy for Mullah Omar’s Quetta Shura.

Pursuing Pakistan’s interests in Afghanistan? A rebuttal to Sherry Rehman’s Jinnah Institute’s report: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Related post: Liberal face of religious bigotry: A response to Jinnah Institute – by Farhat Taj According to a recent report by the Sherry Rehman-led Jinnah Institute in Pakistan, Pakistan foreign policy elite propose giving Taliban

Liberal face of religious bigotry: A response to Jinnah Institute – by Farhat Taj: Related post: Pursuing Pakistan’s interests in Afghanistan? A rebuttal to Sherry Rehman’s Jinnah Institute’s report The report is aimed at justifying the establishment’s long-standing Afghan policy, the strategic depth policy that has brought nothing but destruction to the Pakhtun