Pursuing Pakistan’s interests in Afghanistan? A rebuttal to Sherry Rehman’s Jinnah Institute’s report

Jinnah Institute's report on Afghanistan has been criticized by several anti-military establishment scholars.
Source: Pakistan Blogzine
Related post: Liberal face of religious bigotry: A response to Jinnah Institute – by Farhat Taj
According to a recent report by the Sherry Rehman-led Jinnah Institute in Pakistan, Pakistan foreign policy elite propose giving Taliban control of Pashtuns and Afghanistan.
Title of the report: Pakistan, the United States and the End Game in Afghanistan
Sub-title: Perceptions of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy Elite. wow. ‘elites’!
It is commonly known that Pakistan’s urban elites are an extension of the almighty Military Establishment, just like their right wing jihadi colleagues.
Sherry Rehman’s Foreign Policy Elites include some patent friends of ISI: Gen Asad Durrani, Ejaz Haider, Nasim Zehra, Hamid Mir, Cyril Almeida, AVM Shahzad Chaudhry, Brig Shaukat Qadir, Brig Mohammad Shah, Ahmer Bilal Soofi, Ayaz Wazir, Tariq Fatemi, Brig Mohsin Haider, Tanvir A. Khan, Gen Khalid Maqbool, Rustam Shah Mohmand, Brig Saad.
Further interviews: Gen Athar Abbas, Prof Khurshid Ahmed, Ahsan Iqbal, Gen Jahangir Karamat, Khurshid Kasuri, Wasim Sajjad, Najam Sethi, Mullah Ataur Rehman (JUI-F)
All the kings men and all kings horses advising Jinnah Institute on how to best pursue Pakistan’s foreign policy?
Perhaps Sherry Rehman could also ask these ISI-men/women about their views on the PPP, ZAB, BB and Asif Zardari?
For a change, why doesn’t Sherry R’s Jinnah Institute pay some attention to the on going Baloch and Shia genocide by the army/ISI and their jihadi/sectarian proxies?
According to Farhat Taj:
The overwhelming majority of the elite who participated in discussions and interviews for the report, includes people who are linked with the military establishment of Pakistan and have a track record of producing and promoting outright lies or distorted information about the Pakhtun in the media and research in line with the military establishment’s strategic depth policy in Afghanistan. As a mark of tokenism, the Jinnah Institute included a tribal journalist in the elite without paying any attention to the fact whether or not a tribal journalist could freely express himself with a group of people so closely linked with the same establishment that has imposed death and destruction on his tribal homeland — all those tribal journalists who have dared to expose the state terror in FATA have been killed. A representative of the Pakhtun nationalist ANP has been interviewed, but it seems his views have been thoroughly censored: there is nothing in the report that concurs with the ANP stance about the future set up in Afghanistan, especially in terms of the terror sanctuaries implanted in FATA by the military establishment and their role in the future Afghan set up.
In her commentary on the report published in Daily Beast, Sherry Rehman proudly writes:
The recent Jinnah Institute–United States Institute of Peace report, Pakistan, the United States and the End Game in Afghanistan, aims at seeking clarity and motive in Pakistan’s current outlook toward Afghanistan, its strategic interests, and the implications of how it pursues them. Given Pakistan’s centrality to peace in the region, in the context of an unstable strategic relationship between the U.S. and Pakistan, the articulation of a cogent policy view that includes civil society and state representation in Pakistan bears value for anyone looking to secure a successful transition in Afghanistan.
Intellectual capital on foreign policy is not hard to generate in Pakistan. The challenge lies in connecting the dots and obtaining big-tent representation. The report’s findings are based on several discussions with a wide spectrum of Pakistan’s foreign-policy elite—retired civilian and military officials, analysts, journalists, and civil-society practitioners—with established expertise on Afghanistan and knowledge of the modalities of policymaking in the U.S. It also takes on board the views of senior politicians from all frontline parties as well as the military’s official spokesperson.
The idea was also to find how Pakistan can best pursue its interests in the changing Afghanistan endgame calculus, and what policies the U.S., India, and other regional actors would have to pursue for Pakistani objectives to be met. Pakistan’s goals matter because whichever way one looks at it, either as builder or spoiler, Pakistan is key to durable stability in Afghanistan.
Key themes of @SherryRehman’s Jinnah Institute’s report on Afghanistan:
- Mullah Omar and Mullah Jalluddin Haqqani represent Pashtuns. According to the report: “main Afghan Taliban factions—Mullah Omar’s group and Haqqani network” must be a part of Afghan govt! (Farhat Taj notes that the report presents the Pakhtun and the Taliban as a synonym and argues for the accommodation in the future Afghan government set up of those fringe elements of the wider Pakhtun society, the Haqqani Taliban and Mullah Omar’s Quetta Shura, all of which are hardly anything more than proxies of the military establishment of Pakistan.)
- Hazara, Tajik, other ethnic minorities are not worthy of much attention. They are Iranian agents.
- Foreign policy is an exclusive territory of military establishment & their liberal elite friends.
- Shia genocide in Af-Pak by Taliban/Haqqanis is not worthy of any attention. No future for Shias in Afghanistan. Mazar-e-Sharif and Bamiyan massacres never took place. (Why is Sherry Rehman uncritically supporting same Haqqni Taliban who have massacred hundreds of Toori Shias and other Pashtuns in the last several years?)
- There is an increasing rift between Pakistan army & ‘people’ (?) because of US operation in Afghanistan.
- Pashtun nationalist voices (e.g. ANP, other secular parties) are not to be trusted in Afghan policy
- According to Sherry Rehman’s report, U.S. military operations in Afghanistan is deepening the state-society rift within Pakistan. (Viva ISI proxies, do the military establishment, their urban liberal and right wing proxies represent Pakistani society?)
- According to Sherry R’s ISI-inspired report, “govt in Kabul should not be antagonistic to Pakistan nor allow its territory against Pak interests.” (Farhat Taj notes that the elite is using the notion of the ‘not antagonistic to Pakistan’ government in Afghanistan to camouflage the notion of strategic depth in Afghanistan.)
- Hamid Karzai is an Indian and CIA agent.
- Liberal face of military establishment: According to Farhat Taj, the saddest part of the report is that Sherry Rehman, the liberal face of Pakistan, has undertaken an exercise that provided a ‘liberal mask’ to the essentially anti-people totalitarian policy of strategic depth rooted in religious bigotry and state terrorism. (However, this was not entirely unexpected of her given her recent activities and collaboration with Nasim Zehra and other lackeys of the military establishment in the so called Citizens for Democracy (CFD) network. )
- In the entire report, there is no mention of Shia genocide by the Taliban (including the Haqqani network) of Hazara Shias in Afghansitan and Pakistan and Toori Shias in Kurram agency.
- In the entire report, there is only one mention of Afghanistan’s Hazara ethnic Shias and Tajiks, which is: “Iranian support for Hazaras and Tajiks is limiting Pakistan’s ability to reach out to non-Pashtun groups.” (p.37). This part was so obviously written by Ejaz Haider (‘the Hazaras of Quetta are Iranian agents’ fame) and other notorious lackeys of the ISI.
- The report serves to reinforce and justify Pakistan’s already flawed policy on Afghanistan. It is clearly aimed at justifying the military establishment’s long-standing (short-sighted) strategic depth policy on Afghanistan that has brought nothing but destruction to the Pakhtun and other communities in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and has created religious bigotry in both countries.
The Jinnah Institute report is clearly a waste of time and money (including Rs.50 million grant by PM Gilani). A junior section officer in Foreign Office or Aabpara could provide a similar dossier in less than two-week salary.
Sherry Rahman Sahiba Her Liberal Dil Ki Awaaz Hain.
Right from Omar Waraich to Ayesha Tammy Haq,
from Mosharraf Zaidi to Ansar Abbasi
from Adil Najam to Yasser Hamdani
Who’s seen Sherry’s JI’s report?Foreign Policy Elites?Really?We do know where Pakistan’s FP is carefully crafted!’ Wow
Iamthedrifter Ayesha Siddiqa
it’s not for nothing sherry got carores fro Gillani 2 Stryker her institute
mo2005 Mona
Jinnah institue @sherryrehman madam kindly stop treating Afghanistan as fifth province #take care of your four provinces which is a big mess
mazdaki Mohammed Taqi
Read Jinnah Institute’s report and decide 4 urself.Ejaz Haider and Asad Durrani as fact checkers ? Might as well appoint Mullah Omar
Pls remember liquor,smoking and shades do not equal liberal/progressive otherwise Pak Army would be very liberal
The slanted truth j.mp/pdD6cl My DT column from 06/2010 on Sherry Rehman’s pro-GHQ stand against #Afghanistan #Pashtuns
@Razarumi Expose Sherry Rehmans and Ejaz Haiders -contemporary facade of GHQ.World can see thru LeT but tricked by ‘liberal’ front
mazdaki Mohammad Taqi
well-meaning people don’t publish reports on Afghans about whom they know diddly squat.JI report is malicious
Mark my words . You’ll see more poison coming out of Jinnah Institute. It’s a front for GHQ
@sherryrehman @beenasarwar Sherry is now toeing ISI line on Afghanistan. What a shame
Oversimplification (conscious or unconscious) is Pakistan’s intellectual-staple. So Sherry is principled. The policy of synonymising Pashtuns wid Taliban wil work. It is already working in Balochistan
Sherry aik ba asool siasatdan hain. Zarari or Rehman Nai ki Tarah Chore Naheen.
Isn that picture above doctored? Just asking
Ek Liberal Ne Dusre Liberal Se Kaha
jin pe takiya tha wohi patte hawa dene lege
Sarah so it was doctored by the Daily Times and you’re linking to it.
It’s still a doctored picture.
Anyhow, I thought since I have your attention I’ld twist your tail a bit by quoting Ayesha Siddiqa on the need for coming up with new narratives or replenishing them, and to stop sticking to old ideas and tactics.
In fact, the post-Salmaan Taseer reaction proved that a number of PPP jiyalas did not sympathise with what Taseer stood for and the party was absolutely clueless about mustering support for Taseer, leave alone Aasia bibi.
This is what the Jinnah Institute is good for. Actually thinking.
Please return to your regularly scheduled fatwaing of liberals.
Praise the Lord & LUBP’s Webmasters!
My comments got through 😀
Hmm….did not see the comments by Mazdaki & IAmtheDrifter’s comments….well…the PPP does continue to be a disorganised reactive (less by Pakistani standards) party, without any policy crafting muscle beyond sloganeering.
As you were.
I second this comment.
The point remains she is giving state view and telling every one it is state view
@Mussalman, “Sherry aik ba asool siasatdan hain”. Of course she is. So are Aitzaz Ahsan, Naheed Khan, Enver Baig etc.
I don’t understand TLW’s remarks. The article is a critique of Sherry Rehman’s dishonest analysis. Isn’t Sherry Rehman the same opportunist who has betrayed her own party; her collaboration with PTI-ISI “journalist” Nasim Zehra being a case in point. Does TLW have anything intelligent to offer on this critique or is he simply making meaningless comments for the sake of it?
via a fellow LUBP editor:
Gilani announced a grant of Rs 50 million for the Jinnah Institute.
Daily Times, September 24, 2010
Khalid bhai, if you think Khalid Zehra is an ISI asset, then you inhabit a very paranoid world.
My standard for an ISI “asset” is Ahmed Quraishi or Zaid Hamid. If Nasim Zehra is your standard for ISI, then anybody who criticises your worldview is automatically ISI.
If you also think this “critique” Sarah has posted is “intelligent”, in contrast to my “un-intelligence”, then you have a very low standard of critique.
I mean just point’s #2 & #9 are weird pronouncements by Sarah Khan which have no basis in the report even.
#2 is Hazara, Tajik, other ethnic minorities are not worthy of much attention.
Alright, that’s a fair assessment, the opinions of Hazara’s & Tajiks aren’t mentioned in the report. Let’s continue the “critique”:
They are Iranian agents.
Where the hell did that come from? This is called putting words in someone else’s mouth.
And “Key Theme” #9 is:
Hamid Karzai is an Indian and CIA agent
What. The. Hell? Where did this come from?
Look, I know that you people hate Sherry Rehman, but I kind of have a problem when you attack someone who has open death threats from extremists on her life.
Farhat Taj is a nihilist who can shoot her missives from
afar. She reminds me of the old Kabul Communist elite who begged the Soviet Union to intervene, because they couldn’t come to admit to themselves that the people they are from hold some personally bigotted and narrowminded views.
Sherry Rehman is living in the war zone, and considering how suddenly assassination can strike in Karachi or Pakistan, this is a person on the ideological & physical frontline.
You are not helping by attacking one of your own.
If she is physically harmed I can wave these comments and these blog articles in your face, and you can cry deep state all you like but you will have abandoned a member of the PPP to the wolves.
Criticise the deep state for pushing these views. Ms Rehman’s just doing the job of a reporter: reporting them.
Good night.
@TLW, do you hav any credible evidence that LUBP is threatening Sherry Rehman with violence? Please share it with all of the readers.
I hope you are not saying that any critique of Sherry Rehman = support for the religious extremists. I have gone over the entire page and found LUBP to be one of the most vocal sites in condemning religious extremists and their supportors.
If you have no such evidences, then are you black mailing them when you say:
“If she is physically harmed I can wave these comments and these blog articles in your face, and you can cry deep state all you like but you will have abandoned a member of the PPP to the wolves.”
Sherry has distanced herself from the PPP since quite some time. Unless you are being deliberately obtuse, you should know that.
Who is Khalid Zehra??
tlw bhai, yeh LET US DESTROY PAKISTAN wali site par kyoon time zaya kar rahey ho!
They have no readership and nobody cares what they write. Like other sensible Pakistani Sherry Rehman is all set to join the most popular leader in Pakistan, Imran Khan PTI. Don’t waste your time here. I would recommend PTI sites such as the official website or the unofficial PTI website, The Teeth Blog (Teeth Maestro) managed by Awab Alvi, son of PTI Secretary, Arif Alvi. You will fit in there. Don’t waste your time with this anti-Taliban, anti-ISI site.
How dare this LUDPoos have the cheek to critisize the JI paper!! Shame.
TLW, You must refrain from defaming Ahmed Quraishi and Zaid Hamid. Both of these are amongst very few honest intellectuals, true sons of Pakistan. They are not ISI agents. The only ISI agents I can think of are the actual employees of ISI who work in Aabpara office.
God forbid, if something bad happened to Zaid Hamid or Ahmed Quraishi, we will hold “These Long Wars” responsible. And we have means to know who and where you are!
Oei Magnum Pi, stop going after true patriots like These Long Wars. We need to encourage such clear voices and Jamaat-e-Islami and Tehreek Insaaf would love to have him. If anything happens to such great intellectuals like Hamid Mir, Ansar Abbasi and Ejaz Haider, I will blame these LUDPoos! Their writings against a true Islamic channel like GEO is simply not acceptable. Thanks TLW for showing the way to get these jiyalas to shut up about Hamid Mir.
I’m looking for some freaking leadership.
Your party isn’t giving it.
Instead this country is being given spoonfed fake leadership like the PTI.
While Sarah Khan publishes other people’s attacks by this anti-Zardari thing called Laibaah, where the ISI get’s blamed for Lashkar-e-Jhangvi’s actions and Sherry Rehman for reporting what ISI’s people are thinking, the real source of my anger is this:
The secular leadership has been missing in action. The secular leaders have abdicated all foreign and security policy-related matters pertaining to the establishment but WikiLeaks suggest that privately they keep venting their spleen to the US diplomats about it. I have written many times that the intelligentsia can only do so much to counter the venom spewed by the neo-jihadists. It is ultimately the secular political leadership that has to do the heavy lifting. The Pakistani security establishment has no intention to correct its course and perhaps the politicians cannot sway it either. But they could at least be on record to have warned the Pakistani people that the jihadist objective is not Mehran or Manawan — they are going for the Pakistani state.
Also again:
In fact, the post-Salmaan Taseer reaction proved that a number of PPP jiyalas did not sympathise with what Taseer stood for and the party was absolutely clueless about mustering support for Taseer, leave alone Aasia bibi.
Source: Fighting a Losing Battle
Your (and my) national leadership is sporadically MIA & it refuses to even whisper the fact that it lives in a society where sectarian mindsets are molded at a family or neighbourhood level.
Instead a bomb doesn’t go off without an ISI major rubbing his hands in glee or a general being happy about it, and we do not live in a society where bigotry begins from people’s houses, is not checked once it leaves their four walls and provides willing fodder to a dangerous deep state.
I have confronted Laibaah with these facts before. All she had was silence and obfuscation. This agent provocateur is good for setting off fights. She slanders a million people and yet has articles by them on her website.
This dumb woman runs into the same brick wall you and I do, but refuses to admit it:
1) We live in a society where religious intolerance and bigotry are easy to come by, but nobody admits it, rather pawning it off on the deep state always.
2) Our national leadership never brings up these facts or confronts the public or even tries to converse with it on these.
And here’s a third thesis; take it as you will; that many authors and editors of LUBP know and understand that the national leadership doesn’t do this because they are weak.
But they cannot directly address this weakness. Instead we are confronted with Sarah Khan publishing screeds by her defamatory children.
So what do we do about this bigotted society? Do I join the PTI and try to talk them down from being neo-Jihadis?
Because those people can’t give any intellectual answers but I think you all can.
I think I’ll leave now.
I seriously differ with the author. Shia genocide by Army and ISI? What is the point? Where it is happening. Army comprises all sects, how could this amazing accusation be made. Well one needs to be rational in thoughts and expressions. Whom would you serve by accusing ISI of Shia genocide? I fail to understand the motive of this terrible baseless accusation
baloch genocide??? I am a frequent visitor to Balochistan. The connotation used by the writer is extremely misleading.It seems the writer doesnot understand what is he writing. I advise him to quit this sphere and do some less harmful activity. Please have some mercy on your readers.
You need to understand what genocide is before talking about it. Baseless accusations will spoil your reputition nithing else.
Baloch genocide?? What is this guy talking about?? compare Balochistan with Kashmir and Palestine. You will see what genocide is. And base your article on logic, not on slogans and perceptions
Who is the writer of this maverick article? Inaccurate and full of hatred
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