Two nation theory Archive

Chal Parha – Shehzad Roy is going to secularize the education system of Pakistan – by Khurshid Khan: Editor’s note: Opinion is not in line with LUBP editorial board. However we respect the right to free speech and respect dissent. Few years back, when I was a school student and a good listener of music, I was a

Two-nation theory 2.0: It is Sunni vs Shia this time around – by Kunwar Khuldune Shahid (Pakistan Today): The writer is a financial journalist and a cultural critic. Twitter: @khuldune, Email: [email protected] Source: Pakistan Today, 22 Feb 2013 It is Sunni vs Shia this time around. Even though the original two-nation theory drowned in the Bay of

What is two nation theory and why it is important – by Khurshid Khan: Editor’s note : The following post is a Guest post and does not reflect the views of the Editorial Board. It has been published to highlight that LUBP welcomes different points of view. In the main, LUBP stand for

Courage to Differ: 10 Historical Facts that our Textbooks forgot to mention – by Abdul Majeed Abid: Editor’s Note: We are pleased to cross post this well-researched debunking of narratives, which in our opinion, have been disastrous for the country. More power to Abdul Majeed and his blog for writing this and we look forward to more of

Main kaun hoon? – by Dur-e-aden: “Pakistan ka matlab kiya, la ila ha illallah”, this is one slogan that is always heard in any milli nagma, drama, movie or a documentary made for 14 August. Growing up all of us learnt that Pakistan was created

Military Mullah Nexus – by Shahid Mahmood: Related articles on LUBP: General Ahmad Shuja Pasha’s letter to Mullah Baradar – by Hakim Hazik Taliban Apologist Court bars extradition of Mullah Baradar It is not a self-created tragedy that almost one million people gave up their lives

Another Martial Law? – by Omar Ali: Pakistan is in the grip of one of its periodic eruptions of speculation about impending martial law, or at least, it looks like that on TV. For weeks, the largest news channel in the country has been shamelessly promoting

Jinnah’s Pakistan- by Dr Mubarak Ali: It has become a ritual to celebrate Independence Day every year without considering whether we have achieved it or not. The question is how far independence has accomplished its objective by creating historical consciousness among people: whether it has