Supremacy of Parliament Archive

Baladast kon? Awam ya koi aur?: ہمارے میڈیا میں موجود دوست، شیخ رشید، اعجاز الحق، عمران خان اور جنرل( ر) حمید گل جیسے صفر نمائندگی رکھنے والے لوگوں کو بلا کر تواتر سے جمہوریت مخالف ٹاک شوز کرنے کی توجیہ یہ بیان کرتے ہیں کہ

Adil Gilani of Transparency International Pakistan condemns new contempt of court law: Editor’s Note: LUBP has previously published quite a few posts highlighting the dubious role of Adil Gillani and his fraudulent Transparency International, which is always there to promote agendas and discourse of the Military Establishment. Gilani’s current stance on

People have a right to know about the judges’ assets: Francis Bacon said: “knowledge is power”. Right now, a lot of Pakistan’s governance problems stem directly from the fact that after the long military dictatorship, an another un-elected institution has gotten an upper hand in state affairs. We have

Turkish prime minister’s lecture on democracy: ترکی کے وزیراعظم رجب طیب اردگان کو پاکستانی پارلیمنٹ سے دو مرتبہ خطاب کا اعزاز حاصل ہوا ہے، پارلیمنٹ کے مشترکہ اجلاس سے خطاب میں انہوں نے کہا ہے کہ عوام کی ترجمان پارلیمنٹ سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے خوشی

Parliament reposes complete confidence in Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani: RESOLUTION ON CONFIDENCE IN PRIME MINISTER, SYED YUSUF RAZA GILANI This House reposes complete confidence in Prime Minister, Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani, as the constitutionally and democratically elected Prime Minister and unanimously elected Chief Executive of this country. This

Azaad adliya ka virsa: آزاد عدلیہ کا ورثہ پاکستان کی تاریخ کے سب سے بڑے عدالتی بحران کا آغاز اس وقت ہوا تھاجب سابق چیف آف آرمی سٹاف جنرل پرویز مشرف نے وردی میں چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان کو اپنے کیمپ آفس میں

Our parliament: ہماری پارلیمنٹ ہمارے معاشرے میں ریاست اور سیاست سے بیگانگی اور لا تعلقی کا کلچر بڑی تیزی سے پھیلا ہے۔ جس کا سب سے بڑا مظہر شہری ذمہ داریوں سے گریز کا رحجان ہے ہم اپنے اداروں اور حکمرانوں

Stand Up for the Prime Minister – by Amna Piracha: Contempt of Parliamentary Democracy Caught in their petty zeal for authority and their messiah complex, the custodians of law and justice have chosen to humiliate a duly elected Prime Minister. “Great Day for Pakistan” claim the pseudo intellectuals of

Ali Ahmed Kurd’s opinion on judiciary vs parliament: ملکوںاور تہذیبوں کی تاریخ انسانوں کی تاریخ ہوتی ہے۔ مگر پاکستان کی تاریخ قائداعظم سے لے کر اب جمہوری بحرانوں کی تاریخ ہے۔ جنرل ایوب خان سے جنرل یحیی سے جنرل ضیا الحق اورجنرل مشرف تک، بحرانوں کی بڑی

Legislatively, this National Assembly has been one of the most proactive and efficient – by Khurram Wattoo: The 35-year-old legislator speaks about Pakistan’s Mexican standoff, and Parliament’s unsung feats. Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani was served a contempt of court notice by the Supreme Court on Jan. 16. And, rejecting the government’s position, the Army considers

General Kayani and CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry agree on Judicial Coup in January 2012: There are some clear signs that Pakistan’s military establishment and its allies (commonly known as Teen Jeem (3 Js), i.e., “Jenerals” and their loyalist judges and journalists) have decided to derail the fragile democratic set up in Pakistan. According

Parliamentary sovereignty: PCNC refuses to attend GHQ briefing: The Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS)refused to get briefing on the current law and order and state of Pakistan-US relations and post withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan situation from the top strategic institution at GHQ. It’s a

Are security and intelligence state institutions above the law and beyond accountability? -by Arshad Mahmood: Originally published in ‘Daily Aajkal’

President Zardari’s historical address to parliament’s joint session: President Asif Ali Zardari’s annual address to a joint sitting of parliament addressed the accomplishments of the current government, and called for defeating the mindset of “intolerance and hatred”. The President congratulated the parliament for passing 18th and 19th

Supreme Court should respect the separation of powers enshrined in the constitution, International Crises Group: Belgium based ‘International Crisis Group’ asks for the repeal of all religiously discriminatory laws in Pakistan and recommends Western governments to bind this issue with Pakistan’s military aid. Report also recommends SC to take suo moto notice only on

Christmas in jail for Asia Bibi, as Khawaja Sharif bars govt from amending blasphemy law: Related Articles: Nawaz Sharif’s sectarian poodle in Lahore High Court stays Aasia bibi’s release LHC overstepped in barring Zardari from pardoning blasphemy-accused Christian: HRW Chief Justice Justice Khwaja Sharif of the Lahore High Court barred the government from introducing

Economy will be put on track by boosting trade: PM: * Gilani says govt wants to get rid of aid * Urges foreign-based Pak journalists to improve country’s image abroad LAHORE: Pakistan is consistently seeking access to American and European markets for trade, which means the country wants to

Unconstitutional demand: British newspaper guardian reports: Pakistan’s army chief, General Ashfaq Kayani, has handed a list of corrupt or allegedly incompetent ministers to President Asif Ali Zardari, demanding their removal, according to western and Pakistani officials. The tension between Pakistan’s civilian and

Nawaz Sharif stands by the Parliament, supports Jatoi’s statement, rejects military intervention: Related article: Mian de nare wajan ge ’اداروں میں سب سے بڑا ادارہ پارلیمنٹ‘ میاں نواز شریف کے مطابق پاکستان کی عوام کی خواہشات کی عکاس پارلیمنٹ ہے اس لیے پارلیمنٹ کی حاکمیت کو بھی نقصان نہیں پہنچانا چاہیے

Democracy at the brink? Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi: Democracy at the brink? Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi Daily Times 26th September, 2010 Democracy is a joint exercise of different state institutions and the political class with an emphasis on constitutionalism, the rule of law and respect for democratic principles.

Judicial Spot Fixing?: This business of the Supreme Court taking it upon themselves to overrule the people’s elected representatives in parliament is really getting ridiculous. Now, having failed to fix the match, the Supreme Court appears to be trying a little spot-fixing

News & Views (Daily “Jang”) :By Khalid Wasti: (بحوالہ روزنامہ ” جنگ”) = وزیر اعظم نے اعلی بیوروکریسی کی ترقی کے لیئے مسودہ تیار کرالیا – (ایک خبر) سپریم کورٹ نے اسے مسترد کرنے کے لیئے بڑا بینچ تشکیل دے دیا – = قوم نفاذ قانون میں