Sugar Crisis Archive

Sugar Crisis coming forth!: LAHORE: The government will have no other option but to further raise sugar prices at Utility Stores in order to narrow the gap with the open market, to cope with the impending sugar crisis. Industry sources believe that the

The judicial coup and authoritarianism – by H.A. Khan: In one of his recent TV appearances Dr. Lal Khan, a longtime Marxist, explained that in a capitalist state the judiciary will always favour and to protect the vested interests of the ruling class. The current judicial crisis makes it

Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif and the Sugar Crisis in Pakistan: More than 50 percent sugar mills in Pak owned by politicians August 23rd, 2009 – 6:22 pm ICT by ANI Islamabad, Aug.23 (ANI): More than 50 percent of sugar mills in Pakistan are owned by political leaders, and despite

Malakand Commissioner AKA "Commissioner Taliban" has been transfered !: فضل کریم خٹک نئے مالاکنڈ کمشنر مقرر عبدالحئی کاکڑ صوبہ سرحد کی حکومت نے طالبان کے مبینہ حامی ہونے کے الزامات کی زد میں رہنے والے مالاکنڈ ڈویژن کے کمشنر سید محمد جاوید کے تبادلے کا باقاعدہ نوٹیفیکیشن جاری