Sadanand Dhume Archive

Doctrine of armed jihad or doctrine of Saudi Wahhabi caliphate?: Related posts: Woolwich: Muslim reaction, Saudi connection and inept state -by Ale Natiq Woolwich Beheading: Educating the West about the Wahhabi brand of terror – by Rusty Walker While the world is being wrecked by terrorist acts of Wahhabi-Deobandi

Describing Sunni Jihadists as Wahhabi-Deobandi militants is lopsided generalization – by Sadanand Dhume: Source of data:

Ahmad Noorani and Sadanand Dhume’s bold stance on #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan – by Samina Faruqi: Jang Group’s journalist Mr. Ahmad Noorani has clearly condemned Shia Muslim genocide and killings of Sunni Muslims by Takfiri militants of banned Deobandi outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan aka Lashkare-e-Jhangvi (currently operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ). On Twitter, in